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Botanicula - community garden | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability

Botanicula - community garden

Botanicula II is to support the development of community life and the construction of a space with environmental enlightenment, by creating an open unfenced community garden.


Who is behind this?

Nela Křivanová

Nadační fond Agora 7

Czech Republic


Idea pitch

The condition is the involvement of all representatives of interest groups at the local level. At the same time, the project aims to understand the interconnectedness and interrelationship of economic, social and environmental aspects and perceives sustainable development as an approach that leads to an economically prosperous society and respects social and environmental contexts and limits.

Where will your project idea take place?


What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Support of community life
Regular programs and overall the entire garden space will support community life. At the same time, the Port 7 Center is preparing programs that purposefully try to connect the local community, seniors, children, neighbors and the general public. We aim to build a community garden with an educational character for awareness and active participation in environmental issues and the development of the city.
Support for greenery in the City District
The community garden will enable the citizens of Prague to grow flowers and crops and thus support the development of urban greenery. At the same time, we try to lead by example and inspire the community to create more "green" spaces in our city. Regular excursions for children, seniors and adults will be used for this.

Who are you doing it for?

Our main target group are the citizens of Prague who live around the community garden.
The narrower target group includes seniors 55+ who live in the capital. m. Prahy and which are two activities of Port 7 determine and will take care of the garden within the environmental and horticultural courses.
Another target group are children of school and preschool age, for whom a play area with a pedagogical character and elements of a playful forest will be created within the garden. Our organization actively cooperates with several primary and kindergartens that create intergenerational programs

How do you plan to get there?

1. work associated with the architectural plan and detailed project preparation.
2. community planting. The planting itself is affected by suitable climatic conditions. 3. The installation of educational elements and furniture in the seating area will take place depending on the planting.
4. opening of the garden and environmental intergenerational classroom.
According to the organization's experience, the garden will be used the most from March, when seedlings take place, until November, when the last crops are harvested. Educational elements can be used all year round

What are the expected results?

The output of the project is the construction of unfenced community natural gardens with educational characteristics focused on environmental education with elements of the border forest. The garden will be accessible to passers-by and neighbors not only for relaxation, but also for participation in maintenance and related educational and social activities. The project envisages high sustainability in the years to come, if there is no other open community garden in the area that would offer the opportunity to grow a sustainable way of crops and at the same time visitors educational in environmental issues.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

There is no other open community garden in the area where you can meet, connect, get to know and spend your free time. We want to show the community how to build places to spend time together and motivate them. At the same time, a new volunteer center is being set up within our organization, which can actively use the garden.

Why is this idea important to you?

The Educational and Cultural Center for the Elderly Přístav 7 has been a joint project of the Agora 7 Endowment Fund and Elpida o.p.s. The Agora 7 Endowment Fund finances the project. Know-how and many years of experience in the education of seniors implementing Elpida ops, which organizes educational and leisure activities for seniors in Prague since 2002. In the center of Port 7, we offer one unique and comprehensive approach to support and active active involvement of seniors and full-fledged life of seniors, both in terms of physical and personal development or in the position of seniors in society. We also support the determination of independence and self-sufficiency of seniors into old age. During the two-year operation of the educational and cultural center for seniors, Port 7, alm

€ 31000,-

Total budget

€ 20000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

office expenses 1000 EUR
public relations 1000 EUR
Material costs of the project 13 000 EUR
Personal expenses 5000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Do your community gardens succeed and transcend?


Nela Krivanova

Idea created on April 14, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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