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Improving the quality of life | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development

Improving the quality of life

Improving the quality of life of consumers by improving their access to innovative comprehensive hourly social services.


Who is behind this?

Veselina Vargova



Who is joining forces?

Southwest University "Neophyt Rilski"



Idea pitch

- Expanding the scope of information and providing comprehensive services for people with multiple sclerosis in Blagoevgrad district, Sandanski district, Gotse Delchev district and Petrich .
- To create an electronic platform for on-line consulting of the users of the services from small settlements or hard-to-reach areas.
- Improving the quality of life of consumers by improving their access to innovative comprehensive hourly social services.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will emplemented in Bulgaria( Blagoevgrad, Petrich, Sandanski and Gotse Delchev

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The scope of the project covering 4 regional cities in southeastern Bulgaria. There are about 4,000 diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in this region. Many of them are locked in their homes and isolated both physically and mentally.
The aim of the project is to cover this group and to provide an opportunity for physical contact and information, and for the difficult to move and paralyzed psychiatrists and rehabilitation support from a professional neurologist and physiotherapist, through an online platform. The challenge is to get these people out of their homes, to create communication between them during and after the seminars. To help them overcome mental barriers and integrate into society.

Who are you doing it for?

The main target group that falls within the scope of the project is socially vulnerable people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. These people often find themselves in everyday situations in which they are forced to isolate themselves. After repeated discriminatory elements that have been applied against this group of people, for them isolation and exclusion from public life is the only sure escape. But in this case, they risk deteriorating their physical and emotional state. Therefore, the goal is to steal them from their homes and restore their daily lives.

How do you plan to get there?

The stages in the project:
Three seminars in the regional towns of Sandanski, Petrich and Gotse Delchev.
Starting rehabilitations in the homes of immobile and disabled people
Development of software for self-rehabilitation
Development of an electronic online platform for psychological, legal and rehabilitation assistance
Closing conference in Blagovegrad

What are the expected results?

The change that is expected during and after the implementation of the project is for the target group to have an accessible and informed environment. To overcome major psychological obstacles, some of the people who do not have motor problems to return to the labor market. Let them be a good example to the rest of this vulnerable group and follow them. To be integrated in the society and to be part of the economic unit of the country and to be a small factor in the formation of the gross domestic product.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

One of the main goals of the project is to create an informed community that can make a network of diagnosed. Different treatment practices, but also the rights of these patients, will be discussed during the seminars in different cities. Many people who are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis have an idea of ​​their civil rights and are often discriminated against by society, the state, employers and others. With regard to psychological assistance, it will be developed in two aspects: mental and psychological counseling and legal counseling.

Why is this idea important to you?

Long-term care is on the border between medical and social care and is usually provided to people in the home environment. The method is innovative and is a transition from the traditional for Bulgaria institutional care to services offered in the community and family environment - it is realized mainly by expanding the range of home services.
Lasting impact on the risk group - people with MS and MG, by creating a good model of care for disadvantaged people, providing access to quality social services in the community so that those in need do not leave their own home and community, which will reduce public spending on medical care, hospitalizations, procedures, etc.

€ 51000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Conference - 3000
Seminars - 9000
Staff - 26700
Software and online platform - 10000
Scanner, printer, multimedia and consumables - 2300

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would be happy to upgrade our idea and share good practices.



Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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