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Il vivaio condiviso | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Youth participation and empowerment

Il vivaio condiviso

Creation of an inclusive place with training and work opportunities for local citizens and disadvantaged people and / or people with disabilities.


Who is behind this?

Società cooperativa consortile sociale Il cerchio Il cerchio

Il vivaio condiviso


Who is joining forces?

ACLI provinciali di Latina



Idea pitch

We would like to redevelop the nursery by transforming it into an experimental, cultural-educational pole of new models of cohesion, civic activism and protected job placement. Our objectives: to generate social inclusion; create protected work contexts; educate to care for the environment and knowledge of the local historical arts and crafts. Each product can be exhibited and purchased in the Florist shop, which is also home to training courses which are open to everybody.

Where will your project idea take place?

Regione Lazio. Tre croci, Vetralla (provincia di Viterbo)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The change we want to achieve is to guarantee, by social inclusion and by defending the rights of disadvantaged and / or disabled young people, a protected job placement that gives them the opportunity to redeem themselves, feel useful and, at the same time, render citizens services that promote and encourage their willingness to train and cooperate. The project is therefore a bridge between employment needs and the promotion of civic activism focused on environmental care and the rediscovery of one's own territory.

Who are you doing it for?

• Local community of Vetralla that can take advantage of the new services and learn about the historical arts and crafts of their territory;
• disadvantaged and / or disabled young people;
• The Monte Fogliano nursery to encourage protected job placements and social inclusion
Who else, besides the key target group(s), will you work with or involve in your project?*

How do you plan to get there?

1. To reclaim the unused green area inside the nursery of Monte Fogliano, Vetralla (VT) with the help of all those involved;
2. To prepare the ground;
3. To buy seeds and plants;
4. To cultivate in greenhouses (and in the surrounding green areas) with the commitment of all those involved;
5. To manage an exhibition and sales area for the public;
6. To promote the opening through an inaugural event, open to all citizens;
7. To train interested young people and citizens through workshops conducted by the project partner in collaboration with local artisans and farmers;
8. To share our story to promote civil activism and social inclusion in other rural areas
9. To monitor and to evaluate our project proposal;

What are the expected results?

We want to make the difference: not only to recover a place, but also to make it as an inclusive result of close collaboration between disadvantaged young people and citizens. The shared nursery is a project where everyone can feel active protagonists, train themselves, take care of the plants. A place where you can be amazed by particular plants and flowers, discover small artisans and independent realities, take a course, listen to a presentation and browse among carefully chosen objects. We will therefore create: a natural composter for the recycling of organic material; a nursery for cultivation; a small shop for the sale of cultivated plants and flowers and for training courses.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Vetralla is a small town in the Tuscia in the province of Viterbo, where, despite the presence of various infrastructures, there is a lack of projects aimed at promoting civil activism or intergenerational exchanges. The older citizens live perched in the historical part of the town and they are little included in activities, which stimulate their interest. Furthermore, living in the town and listening to the requests of the territory (in particular of families with disadvantaged and / or disabled people) often emerged a lack of integration and inclusion. Through the project, the elderly and disadvantaged young people will be able to get back into the game and rediscover the power to take care of each other and of the environment itself and they will rediscover the love for their territory

Why is this idea important to you?

We are a consortium of social cooperatives born in 2002, made up of 8 subsidiaries including associations and cooperatives. We believe in the importance of networks to improve the living conditions of people, users and working members. Our motto is a Henry Ford's phrase: “being together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success”. Over the years we have created a valid network of relationships with citizens, social groups and institutions in order to promote human promotion and social integration. Our team is formed by: educators specialized in rehabilitation and educational assistance; agronomists and expert trainers in social agriculture; planners specializing in educational projects; coordinators specialized in the management of inclusion projects.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 33000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Majior expenses
- Land reclamation - 1000 €
- creation of the nursery by recovering the disused greenhouse - 2000 €
- Irrigation, greenhouse, pipes, fences - 3000 €
- Seeds, raised beds, equipment - 2000 €
- Tutoring, training, insurance, protected employment on all teams - € 20,000
- Water / electricity costs - 2000 € per year
- Coordination and office expenses - 3000
- Communication - 2000 €
- our contribution - around 2000 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Have you ever proposed a similar initiative? What do you think of the possibility of recovering a green area, currently used only as a day center for disadvantaged people and / with disabilities, to encourage their inclusion thanks to the opening of the structure to citizenship?

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