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Heartbeats outside the metropolis | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development, Community health primary and secondary prevention

Heartbeats outside the metropolis

Bringing the KKL programme for long-term health support for the elderly in local communities outside the metropolis


Who is behind this?

Petra Simpson Grom

Coronary club Ljubljana (KKL)


Who is joining forces?

Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana


University Medical Centre Ljubljana


Municipality of Ljubljana, MOL, local governments and neighborhood communities


Idea pitch

Elderly people are often restricted in their mobility and in their access to basic care and support. With a comprehensive and dispersed program and group networking, we will improve the psycho-physical health of participants living in remote parts with weak or no public transport and limited access to basic care, to enable easier integration into social and work environment, develop skills for a quality and independent life and quality ageing.

Where will your project idea take place?

We will offer our programme to remote rural areas in Domžale, Brezovica, Litija, Logatec, Kamnik.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

As a society of inclusion, we have to pay special attention and implement services for eldery and chronic patients and offer them as much support in local space. The project will finance long-term health support for recovering heart patients in rural areas outside metropolis where such support is not available. Cnsequently a large part of patients and elderly persons are not included in any long term health support systems. We believe that a stronger focus on promoting active ageing and community based support for services that are not supported by state services must be implemented in the micro local areas.

Who are you doing it for?

Vulnerable groups: cardiovascular patients, the elderly,
Relatives and friends of patients as a support to rehabilitation and to prevent the development of the disease.
Persons with low acces to public or community health or social services.

We will connect diferent interested stakeholders on local level for program implementation including health organizations, Community health Centres - informing patients and the elderly for lifelong rehabilitation, Faculty of Sports at the Faculty of Medicine: preliminary presentation of lifelong rehabilitation, motivation in involving students to participate in our program,
City municipality and local government for formalisation of services.

How do you plan to get there?

- Inflow of new members and formation of a new groups (app 70 members in 7 groups)
- Acquisition of space for rehabilitation exercise (2-5) (school, health center, community centers, outdoors)
- Training for trainers to lead the training and gain new staff
- Health-educational consultations (by experienced graduate nurse) twice a week
- Individual consultations once a month with cardiology doctor,
- Psychotherapy and personal consultations individually/groups
- Obtaining additional funding (tenders) and volunteering
- Networking with local authorities and relevant local players and NGOs

What are the expected results?

- 70 to 100 new members included
- Organization of 2 to 5 new local groups in remote rural parts with significant share of eldrerly persons (Škofljica, Žiri, Domžale)
- Perform 2 times a week, 1 hour of rehabilitation exercise, 12 months in all new groups
- Twice a week implementation of health education ( included 500 persons)
- Once a month individual consultations with a cardiologist for 10 months (included 40 persons)
- Individual psychotherapy sessions (included 30 persons)
- 10 healthy eating workshops (included 150 persons)
- 2 workers working on the project
- Launch of activities for own transport of endangered members for the SARS-COVID future pandemics
- Carry out training of trainers for the G-I-O method

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

-Quality and inclusive treatment of vulnerable groups
-Involvement of patients and the elderly in comprehensive lifelong rehabilitation and implementation of a regular support programmes
-Awareness raising with healthy living schools
-Members and relatives help in the implementation and management of KKL activities
-Participants are less likely to need medical attention, are more medically educated, more physically and mentally stable
-We connect the knowledge, experience and humanity of the people.
-Quality ageing and socialisation
-The elderly and infirm will have ehanced strength, enabling to better participate in the community

Why is this idea important to you?

We developed a model of comprehensive lifelong treatment, which proved to be urgently needed for cardiovascular patients and the elderly. We have been developing and implementing the model for 35 years. We would like to expand it to places where cardiovascular patients and the elderly do not have the option of quality treatment.
Our experience with vulnerable groups proves that individuals included in a comprehensive lifelong rehabilitation program progress faster, their health is more stable, they are more physically fit, they integrate more easily into the social environment, live better, have fewer health complications and are more active in society.
It is important that vulnerable groups are not excluded from quality treatment and assistance from professionals and community.

€ 49400,-

Total budget

€ 47500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Person 1: Project leader: 12 months x 1000€ = 12.000,00€
Person 2: Project coordinator: 12m x 600€= 7.200,00€
Person 3: Trainer 1: 12m x 500€ = 6000,00€
Person 4: Trainer 2: 12m x 400€ = 4,800,00€
Person 4: consultations- cardiologist 12m x 500 = 6.000,00€
Person 5: consultations- psihologist 6mx 500 = 3.000,00€
Public relation officer and PR costs: 12m x 350,00€ = 4200
Office expenses: 2.500,00€
External supervisor: 1500,00€
Travel: 2.200,00€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Get help in our international networking to expand our programme to relevant local partners.




Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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