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#Halfofpopulation | Civic Europe


Women's rights are human rights.


Who is behind this?

Ivana Klimentova

Slovak Centre for Communication and Development (SCCD)



Idea pitch

Return to the Middle Ages? In Slovak conditions, only populist and demagogic attention is paid to women's rights. Education with gender-sensitive approach will ensure the de-tabooing of the topic. We plan to train primary and secondary school teachers in poorest and least developed region where the situation is the worst. Changing the educational process will change views on women's rights among students, families and community.

Where will your project idea take place?

Slovak Republic- Central Slovakia - Banská Bystrica Region - Districts Krupina and Rimavská Sobota

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Both districts represent a civic desert in activism, as the fascist party (LSNS) won the elections here for the second term. Communities are very polarized even hateful on the topic of human and women's rights. The region is facing rising unemployment, rioting and the absence of civic networks and participative societies. Strong gender stereotypes regarding the work and employment of women and girls which are also promoted by the social mood caused unemployment and poverty. By sensitizing and equipping teachers with competence skills we provide them with different perspectives on the upbringing education of young girls and boys without stereotypical patterns.

Who are you doing it for?

We identify secondary schools in the Rimavska Sobota (highest rate of unemployment 15,61 percent in Slovakia, 80 percent of Roma population), and Krupina districts with complementary primary schools, offer teachers sensational training which they can include in their personal development plan. Education will take place in several modules: Sensitization; Education; Competences. The teachers have different opinions and information on women’s rights and via their training and discussions we believe to change their approaches, their education models, and as such to include gender sensitivity in schools. By doing so, supported by local information campaign the awareness of women's rights in families and communities will be raised.

How do you plan to get there?

We will address regional administration with cooperation and towns and villages in the region. Additionally we approach individual schools and teachers. Education is divided into three modules:
MODULE 1 – Sensitization; focusing on defining the terms gender equality, equal opportunities, gender stereotypes and career opportunities
MODULE 2 - Training of specific skills and abilities for the application of women's rights
MODULE 3: Advocacy skills; case management and case study adapted to the given region and districts.
Training will take place through participatory seminars and workshops. At the end we plan a seminar where the results of education will be presented among teachers, school, local administration representatives and interested public.

What are the expected results?

We expect a change in attitudes of trained teachers; a comprehensive understanding of connection between women's rights and human rights. Their new approach will resume in their teaching process and setting of lessons. The topics discussed will be opened, opinions will be cleansed of populism and the democracy of the educational process will be ensured. We are planning to train at least 30 teachers; educational process will transform young people's views on women's rights in selected schools and will be reflected in families. New attitudes with support of information campaign will influence social environment; give empowerment and greater choice in decision-making for women. This is a long process but we need to start; nothing was done in those districts so far.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

There is no NGO in the region to defend women's rights. There are only socially saturated facilities focused on the family. Teaching and learning is the best first way to change local mindset. We will offer space for education to all possible teachers across the spectrum of opinions without discriminatory approach. Trained teachers, equipped with competencies will engage their work environment - students, pupils as well as the social environment - families and communities.

Why is this idea important to you?

In 2019 it was 100th anniversary of the right to vote for women in our country. With current geopolitical trends, it will take at least 125 years to achieve full gender equality in society in all areas. Today's efforts by political leaders are to extend this period even further and even more cut down women's rights and gender equality from social discourse. We perceive this as our civic and social duty to defend, and to build what has been won for women at a high cost.

€ 54080,-

Total budget

€ 48080,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project management and technical assistance – 8880 Euro
Information campaign - 3 500 Euro
Personnel costs (experts, teachers, trainers, other) – 22 400 Euro
Training (including travel and accommodation) 6 000 Euro
Project office expenses – 9 500 euro
Final seminar – 4200 Euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

What is the situation with promotion of women's rights in the individual countries? What appropriate strategies could be chosen for communicating and enforcing women's rights without unnecessary polarization and radicalization? How to defend human rights in remote communities?


Zuzana Jezerska

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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