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Give A Hand to The Homeless | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

Give A Hand to The Homeless

Active citizens to improve streets for better quality of life.


Who is behind this?


Dare Association-Dare 2 Care Animals



Idea pitch

Stray cats are rapidly increasing and affecting the life of the citizens too. Because there is no governmental program, shelter, policy or activities to reduce their numbers. Educating, involving, and activating the citizens is the only solution to improve the quality of the life. Also, a nationwide online campaign and a public petition for a governmental program will be a big plus. Thus, citizens will improve their streets actively, take a role in policymaking and build a better society.

Where will your project idea take place?

Our target is to reach Bulgarian cities and villages.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Stray cats are a problem in all Bulgarian cities and villages for a long time. Their numbers are increasing and provoking a lot of complaints from citizens. It is also causing conflicts between citizens and reducing the quality of life and communication level. There is no national program to support citizens to solve the problem. The solution is left into their own hands. We will informal and activate citizens to work together and contribute to improving the streets.
We will create a Facebook group “Give a Hand” as a social cohesion hub for people. In this common networking space, they can discuss details and interact in order to achieve the common goal. We will also organize an online petition about a governmental program, where everyone can sign and give their opinion and voice.

Who are you doing it for?

-People aged 25 to 45 join the campaign actively, especially in rural areas and villages (Participation in activities).
-By using local, regional, national media, and strong social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Webpage), we would like to reach a wider audience in the country and draw their attention to the problem. Especially governmental entities, municipalities, politicians, policymakers and journalists.
-Citizens (+18) to sign an online petition to send to the government,
-Other NGOs, organizations, public and political entities and municipalities,
-Citizens who want to solve the problem, allergic, bothered by it or afraid of them,
-Next generations,
-For the benefit of all Bulgarian citizens, the environment and the country.

How do you plan to get there?

We will organize a public campaign about citizens improving the local environment with active citizenship, cohesion, networking and helping each other to reduce their population
The project has 3 stages
STAGE 1–Food&Water
Motivating and activating people to send us photos/videos of people giving cat food and water to stray cats. 3 random people from participants will receive an award for this kindness- 10 kg cat food.
STAGE 2–Anti-Parasite
Activating people to send us photos/videos of applying anti-parasitic medication on stray cats. 3 random people from participants will receive an award – anti-parasitic medication for 3 cats.
STAGE 3-Neutering
Encouraging people to send us photos/videos and proof of neutered stray cats. 3 people from participants will receive an award – financing of 2 cat neuterings.
FINAL- Sending detailed action report to governmental authorities (especially local municipalities) as proof of the problem and offering an experimented long term solution. Also, sending a signed online citizens petition to authorities on the topic.
EACH STAGE WILL: be 1-2 month; involve photos regularly published on social media for motivation; online/offline educational activities; strong online campaign on social media platforms and news; give examples and useful information and initiate discussions in the common networking group Give a Hand.

What are the expected results?

Activated and motivated people, who want to and DO something about the problem.
Collected valuable experience, knowledge, civil cooperation and network.
Drawing the attention of others (journalists, municipalities, politicians, government), who are not aware of the problem or ignore the problem. Successful online petition with signatures of many people addressing the problem of the project–passing the voice of people to authorities.
Improvement of society and animal welfare.
Citizens approaching local municipalities for solving local environmental problems.
Reduced number of cats on the streets-better environment for locals.
Giving good examples for making positive changes and policy developments in the region.
Better understanding between the different-minded people.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

All the stages of the project are targeted and based on citizens acting (online motivation, interaction, discussion,networking in an online social group and real action) in every step. The actions of the citizens will build positive influence and a good example on the community. Also, we will be raising awareness on animal welfare and drawing the attention of the policymakers about the problem. There is no national program or support for stray cats. Our project will be a trigger to activate the people with the right motivation, information and knowledge. During the project, we will be publishing detailed information on why and how can we solve humainly the stray cats' problem. The Voice of the citizens will be noticed by the government by an online petition and real actions.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our organization works in the cat rescue field for 6 years. Every year, we do TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return), rescue, adoption and consulting people on how to neuter cats on the streets. We also organize small-scale educational activities about better care of cats and make publications on social platforms about it.
In our work, we met many people who want to do something about the stray cat problem and we believe this kind of willingness and motivation can be turned into action in a bigger scale and connect citizens for a better environment. We want active citizens and better policies for a bigger change.
Our team involves rescuers, cat expert, vet, and active volunteers. Also, public and community relations manager, social media expert, designer, photographer, jurist for our campaigns.

€ 33292,-

Total budget

€ 33292,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project Management & Coordination-12613 EUR
Printing Materials (brochures, posters)-1000 EUR
Online Advertising-3071 EUR
Webpage maintenance-1531 EUR
Equipment for the Rewards-1000 EUR
Design-2560 EUR
Social Media Platforms maintenance and Public Relations-11517 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are welcoming any feedback to improve our idea. Especially, if you are from the relevant fields of the project. Every comment is important! We are trying to make a small but efficient first step solution to one of the main problems of Bulgaria. Anyone and everyone WELCOME!


Dare Association


Idea created on April 1, 2021
Last edit on April 7, 2021

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