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Generator | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities


Cultural heritage as the generator of the community´s development


Who is behind this?

Nikica Jelić

Likovna udruga Lika


Who is joining forces?

Community open college dr. Ante Starčević


Community open college The founder of the Art Organization Lika is the local community. Its services include: organising cultural activities, educational and adult education activities.


Idea pitch

Miroslav Kraljević, the artist and Nikola Tesla, the scientist were born in Gospić. Their life and work are representing modus vivendi of this project. The goal is to show through participative and inclusive interpretation, research, lectures, education, equipment provision and public discussion, that cultural heritage is not tapped as it should be. The main idea is socio-political development from the bottom up in which cultural heritage represents the generator of the community´s development.

Where will your project idea take place?

Gospić, the administrative centre of Lika-Senj County. Mostly undeveloped rural region in Croatia.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The city of Gospić and its region have very rich cultural heritage. There´s a variety of literature about the cultural heritage however most authors used traditional methods with unidirectional approach to communication. A constructive approach to interpretation of cultural heritage is nearly endemic. Model of cultural heritage management is still characterised by an old-fashioned models of state governance and understanding the culture as the burden of local budget, not a generator of development.

Who are you doing it for?

Through a panel discussion where experts, the representatives of the local community and the civic society organizations focus on cultural heritage, socially excluded groups are being more integrated into society. The main conclusions from the panels would become real through local cultural institution throughout establishment of the Generator council consisting of the local management, associations as well as experts. Including young people into the process of organising cultural events gives an opportunity for the young ones to become aware of the fact how important and valuable cultural heritage is and to encourage critical thinking. Regional support for the inclusive education of gifted children create the preconditions for holistic personality development and equal chances for success

How do you plan to get there?

Trough establishing the model of public-civil managing as an idea of institutionalization of collective activity - that is seen as the guarantee of long-term sustainability and formally divided responsibility when it comes to managing between public and civic sector. We also plan to research and organize public panels in an open democratic process in order to establish a model of interpretation and managing the cultural heritage. Through inclusion of young people into creating the cultural events, our goal is to encourage their critical way of thinking. By creating educational and informative content - picture books from student workshops, project website and other publications we will provide visibility and trace as a basis for further development of the idea.

What are the expected results?

There are three expected results:
1. The established model of public-civic managing as the idea of institutialization of collective activities that is seen as the guarantee of long-term sustainability and formally divided responsibility when it comes to managing between public and civic sector.
2. Encouraging inclusive children fostering in order to establish better relationship between society and schools which leads to decrease of segregation.
3. Including young people into the process of creating cultural contents; in that way the young ones become the main creators of knowledge and part of positive social changes.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Collaborative management provides citizens' entrance into the process of making desicions through their empowerment when it comes to usage of democratic instruments in order to transform institutions and to 'upgrade the quality of democracy' (Wampler and McNulty, 2011:3). This type of collaborative management, besides including citizenship into the process of creating culture, also gives an opportunity for people to share control and power with others, which represents guarantee for them to be completely included into the process of making desicions. The model is also applicable in other similar surroundings.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our mission is to become one of the key actors in creating cultural politics that leads to the vision that citizens actively live and work in the city which has a brand based on cultural heritage. The city should be a representative place with specific and significant elements. These are the elements that push the community forward, attract people, companies, events, visitors and institutions that every place should have in order to have sustainable development.

€ 40200,-

Total budget

€ 40200,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personel cost,: 21,000
Equipment: 4,500
Travel: 300
Supplies and Materials: 700
Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Costs: 2,500
Education & capacity building: 2,200
Other: 9,000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

It will make a great joy to us, if we will be able to hear more interesting suggestions and comments and to exchange our experiences and perspectives through active discussion.


Lika Art


Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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