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“Garden for hope” | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

“Garden for hope”

"Garden for Hope" is a space for community mutual assistance, inclusion and retraining, as key measures in dealing with the economical crisis.


Who is behind this?

Mihaela Taneva-Andreeva

Povey Foundation


Who is joining forces?

Municipality of Gorna Malina


„Honey for Friends” initiative



Idea pitch

Our great desire is to give people space and opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge in the field of organic farming and beekeeping, which will enable them to organize their own small farms. This is an example of the sustainable development of people who have lost their jobs due to the economic changes that have taken place in the last year.
The project is aimed at people of all ages and at any educational level.

Where will your project idea take place?

Osoitsa village, Gorna Malina municipality, Sofia district

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Our foundation worked on the "Garden for Hope" project last year. The place has already been chosen, but the main difficulties we expect to face are the provision of sufficient working space and good infrastructure.
However, our main challenge will be to inform people about the opportunities we give them and the very work with them. Their expectations and hopes to be justified, their needs to be met.

Who are you doing it for?

The application of our project is for all ages, but our main target groups are people before retirement age who are not competitive in the labor market. Women who want to support their family without stopping to take care of their children all day - work in the garden can be successfully combined with the care and education of children.
Young people who have not yet turned to any field of education and work.
Our program is for every person who has lost his job and is looking for another field of development.

How do you plan to get there?

Our intentions are to buy the land next to the already started Garden or to negotiate municipal land nearby so that the occupied area can cover the needs of the number of people who will join. Our next actions are related to the promotion of our retraining platform, which includes information campaigns on the web pages of the Municipality and all partner organizations.
We will provide a small brochure describing our three main programs - beekeeping, biodynamic agriculture and permaculture design. We will leave these brochures in the Social Assistance Department.
Our next steps are the creation of basic infrastructure - power supply from solar panels and water supply for irrigation, delineation of vegetable beds, orchards and, above all, space for training.
Given the circumstances, we envisage the trainings to be held outdoors and in small groups. Theory and practice will combine. Depending on the number of people wishing to participate in the program, several groups will be formed, which will work on a schedule according to the capabilities of the participants.
We give people the opportunity to continue working together in the garden until they manage to organize their own farm, until they gain experience and feel confident and while they themselves want to stay with us.

What are the expected results?

The least we expect is to change the lives of a few dozen people, to help them start their own family farms, where the care of nature, bees and man come first. This seemingly small-scale activity can become the beginning of a huge social change not only within our small municipality, but also outside it. Small farms can cooperate with consumers from the city. Thus, we will bring health and delicious fresh food to the homes of many people, we will have the resources to produce food for children deprived of parental care.
We can start a community of producers with a mission to deliver fresh food to schools and kindergartens ... Our opportunities are many.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our program provides a solution to several important problems. Unemployment, environmental pollution, agriculture that destroys the soil, not preserves it. The people who will participate in our trainings will have the opportunity to see the long-term benefits of our programs and will be able to influence the people around them, the space in which they live, their villages through concrete actions.
By giving them stability, forming a supportive community, we restore people's self-confidence, their positive attitude towards life and give them the opportunity to eat clean food, which contributes to their good health. These are enough factors for a lasting change in the lives of people, and even the whole community.

Why is this idea important to you?

We have been developing this idea for more than a year, starting with a level of four acres in the middle of the field. Our team consists of a few people, I, Mihaela Taneva, have been living in a village in the municipality for two years, and for so long I have been conducting donation campaigns for the local Roma communities and for families in financial difficulties. I organize the "Alter Agro" festival and I am developing an already existing small garden "Arhai Mihail"
The project manager is Nikolay Kolev, who is the administrator of all our web pages and creates their content. Theo Nasar is a lecturer in biodynamic agriculture, he has spent the last few years at the ASHA Centre in England, where he studied and practiced.

€ 34500,-

Total budget

€ 34500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Provision of water from drilling - 1785 eur
Solar electricity system - 3061 eur
Road embankment and fences - 3572 eur
Barracks for tools and instruments - 1786 eur
Domed structures for lectures and greenhouse, nets and polyethylene coating - 7653 eur
Purchase of land - 3571 eur
Advertising campaign and production of brochures - 2143 eur
Fees: manager, accountant, lecturers - 7653 eur
Taxes and maintenance - 2296 eur
Office and garden supplies - 1020 eur

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

I would like to know if the idea I want to develop seems useful and interesting to the other participants. I would like them to give me guidelines and suggestions for its development. I will be happy if I find people with similar interests and worldview and I have the opportunity to partner with the


Foundation Poveyi

Idea created on April 20, 2021

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