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Community development, Social inclusion




Who is behind this?

Alberto Anzalone



Who is joining forces?




Idea pitch

This civic project has the ambition to create the cultural, social and institutional conditions to reform the corporate relationship between workers and entrepreneurs, actively operating in society to demonstrate that a new fair and democratic model of corporate organizational co-management is needed (mitbestimmung ), through the election of employee representatives on the boards of directors.

Where will your project idea take place?

We will start from university students of Milan and citizens of the suburbs 6 and 9 of Milan, Lombar

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Too often workers and entrepreneurs oppose each other. The current Italian legislation does not provide a place where the different positions can be mitigated so that the strike is the only possibility for the workers to assert their reasons.
Milan is the ideal place to promote this change: great potentials and great problems are opposed: Milan is a cosmopolitan, attractive and multifaceted city that has ridden the great season of workers' rights that today we find in the memory of the most the elderly. But we are increasingly witnessing closures, wild relocations, bankruptcies, accompanied by a continuous decrease of job offer, purchasing power of wage and social rights of workers.

Who are you doing it for?

It is necessary to do this first of all for future generations, the young people of today. To develop fully, this project must have a medium-long time span, necessary to create a new way of thinking about the company in the consciousness of workers, entrepreneurs and institutions. Sustainable development is also achieved thanks to a more equitable distribution of wealth, responsibilities and thanks to collective participation.

How do you plan to get there?

• Through the creation of an open, inclusive and interactive Association that becomes the driving force of this project: U.P.L.I. (UNION FOR THE PARTICIPATION OF WORKERS IN COMPANIES).
• We will involve the students of statistics to develop a questionnaire and we will do a face to face survey to learn more about the reality on which we are going to operate.
• We will create an information, communication, word processing group that will take care of the website, the blog-newspaper and the facebook-instagram-twitter pages)
• We will organize conferences, assemblies and meetings starting from a local level by inviting experts (sociologists, trade unionists and entrepreneurs).
• We will make best practices public, (co-managed companies, worker cooperatives, "enlightened entrepreneurs")
• We will make concrete proposals to local institutions and parties to reform the governance of municipal companies so that workers can elect members to the board of directors (1 out of 3, 2 out of 5 or 3 out of 7).
• We will establish twinning and collaborations with foreign trade unions (Germany and Sweden just to give examples) where co-management already exists.
• We will propose to public politicians to join our project of change so that public institutions can reform the legislation.

What are the expected results?

• Greater information, awareness and knowledge on the part of citizens of the principles
of corporate participation and of company and market dynamics.
• Cultural and social growth of the territories.
• More equitable redistribution of income, greater company productivity.
• Better management and resolution of possible business conflicts.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We will have a place from which to get together, work and organize the initiatives to be undertaken. We will strengthen active citizenship through dialogue, listening, the involvement of local realities but above all through popular initiative, from below. We believe that it is essential for sustainable growth to deeply reform the organizational structure and corporate decision-making processes. This will strengthen social cohesion, the right to knowledge and information, because freedom is participation. We must create a new participatory civic awareness starting from the dialogue with all the actors in the field: workers, students and institutions (primarily municipal and regional) that surround us. Over time, the field of action must tend to widen, involving ever greater levels

Why is this idea important to you?

We are currently a small group of civic activists who have always believed in participation as an instrument of freedom. The project logo was made by a graphic volunteer.
This project is important to me because in Italy it would be a renewal and would represent a great change for the whole society. In the coming years, huge economic resources will be invested through the national recovery and resilience plan: we can really make an important contribution to the necessary change!
All the studies in this regard show that co-managed companies are able to better face the challenges not only of the market but also of social justice, that is, they are much more efficient and "democratic": more information, sharing of choices, more equitable redistribution of wealth and increased productivity.

€ 31000,-

Total budget

€ 29800,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

• Constitution of the association: 300 €
• Notary's fee: 1.000 €
• Creation and management of website, blog and facebook, twitter and instagram pages: 4.000 €
• Local rental expenses 2.700 €
• Purchase materials and renovation of premises (computers, printers, chairs, whitewashing) 2.000 €
• Material printing, press advertisements, 9.000 €
• Public events: conferences, assemblies, 6.000 €
• Transfers, collaborations, reimbursement expenses, 6.000 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We need assistance for the creation of the association, in particular to instruct the legal and organizational steps. We need support on the best organization of the association. Finally, for obtain foreign contacts (trade unionists, jurists or sociologists).


U.P.L.I. unione per la partecipazione dei lavoratori nelle imprese


Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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