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Forewarned is forearmed | Civic Europe
Community development

Forewarned is forearmed


Who is behind this?

Magdalena Radeva

Association Alternativa Popovo 21 vek



Idea pitch

Prevention of fraud by phone or “at the door” with elder people suffering. Fraud cases with elder people are often in Bulgaria, who do not have enough information re this type of fraud. Even more - there are already cases of fraud to pay for anti Covid-19 measures, as fraudsters claim to represent local mayors. Elder people do not have access to modern types of communication and it is necessary to take measures to spread information and train particularly vulnerable groups of people living alone

Where will your project idea take place?

Popovo and the municipality with 35 settlements, region Targovishte, Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The high percentage of elder people in the municipality is a victimological factor. More often older people, especially those who live alone, suffer from fraud by phone or “at the door”. With the increase in the number of ageing people more of them will enter the group of potential victims. Raising awareness to the problem will help fraud prevention. There’s lack of information dissemination, civic awareness and organizing community to react to this problem.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group are old people living alone in Popovo municipality. 100 people will be trained, of which 65 women and 35 men lining alone in households, aged over 70 years.
Of these, 40 women who live in the town and 25 - in villages, 20 men who live in the town and 15 - in villages.
This is the first target group as its members will distribute awareness to their contacts, which will increase the overall level of community awareness.

How do you plan to get there?

Information and promotional campaign of the project
Preparation of information materials - brochures, sheets, stickers
Personal and group meetings with members of the target group. Discussion of cases, victims’ behavior models and ‘modus operandi’ of fraudsters. Not less than 30 consultations/meetings with local police representatives.
10 training seminars with participation of specialists - psychologist, policemen, victims, social servants. Role plays.
During the seminars skills for recognition of criminological situations and simple algorithm for actions till law enforcement servants arrive will be trained.

What are the expected results?

Trained 100 people who will also perform as distributors of information to the rest of the vulnerable community members.
Established non-formal form of a dialogue between vulnerable group members and local police.
Formed solidarity inside the community, overcoming exclusion and anonymity, which enhance vulnerability.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Civic society is characterized with enhanced care to members of vulnerable groups. One of these groups is old people whose vulnerability makes them a desirable aim for different categories of fraudsters. To give skills for criminological situations recognition and algorithm for action till law enforcement services will decrease significantly the victimology of this group. Addressing neighbor anonymity will help creation of an active neighbors’ network for information and support of members, reducing isolation and vulnerability respectively.

Why is this idea important to you?

We think that the civic society has huge reserves to increase “community immunity” against criminal offences. Our friends and relatives have already been subjects of fraud trials and it is always sad to hear about new cases of fraud to old people.

€ 40300,-

Total budget

€ 40300,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs 21600 EUR
Information materials - 2500 EUR
30 informational meetings - 5000 EUR
10 one-day seminars - 5000 EUR
PR - 2000 EUR
Transport costs - 1200 EUR
Service contracts (for external trainers, experts) - 2000 EUR
Office & other expenses - 1000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would be grateful for feedback and comments by others who have initiatives supporting old people in risk and whether they have implemented similar ideas in order to share experiences.


Alternativa Popovo 21


Idea created on May 25, 2020
Last edit on May 25, 2020

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