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FOR-U-Lab : from inclusion to participation | Civic Europe
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FOR-U-Lab : from inclusion to participation

Participation for inclusive leadership and concious citizenship. A U-Lab - space for generating sustainable solutions for social well being and integration.


Who is behind this?

Mario D'Agostino

A.S.D. Kamaleonte


Who is joining forces?

Pro-Loco - B.go Grappa


The Church and the elementary school of B.go Grappa will make their structures available as partners. Farmers will also support the project financially


Idea pitch

The project will be implemented in an area in the center of Italy where diverse communities of locals and migrants are living and working. Drawing inspiration from Scharmer’s “Theory-U” and “Transforming Capitalism”, the intention is to create a U-Lab Hub, a space for social change, where to promote, through an eco-systemic and bottom-up approach, inclusive and participatory processes aiming at co-creating solutions to face the social, cultural and economical challenges.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project wil take place in a rural areas located between the municipalities ofLatina and Sabaudia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Every year there is an increasing number of people migrating from India and north Africa to the Province of Latina. They have moved to the rural areas to work in the fields. Day labourers often are marginalized and exploited. They are illigally recruited and socially excluded, due to the lack of dedicated support and services. The project is aiming at creating a participative space where local citizens and migrants can co-generate actions that bring to social change and to a resolution of the community’s challenges. We believe that in order to create the conditions for an active participation and for promoting an eco-systemic sense of belonging, we need to foster the knowledge and appreciation of each other’s cultures and to create moments of non formal sharing,

Who are you doing it for?

The project is addressing two main target groups. Migrants (the Singh Sabha Sikh Association, the Egyptian and Tunisian retailers) who will be supported by empowering and literacy actions and agricultural enterpreneurs and leaders of the local community (the agricultural enterpreneurs of the organic and biodynamic companies the local parish, the principal of the school in Borgo Grappa and the executive board of the Pro loco of Borgo Grappa), who will be sensitized for bringing forward an ecosystemic and inclusive leadership approach. All the stakeholders involved will be invited to develop an authentic and inclusive leadership approach, listening competences, intercultural communication, knowledge and respect of the human rights and of the Agenda 2030 objectives.

How do you plan to get there?

The one year project will unfold in 4 main steps: 1)Informing and sharing with the stakeholders the pro-ject idea 2)Getting to know each other through multicultural events and workshops promoted by the sta-keholders involved 3)training and coaching events aiming at promoting literacy, orientation and personal and professional development 4)co-creation of the U-Lab hub. We’ll use non formal and experiential me-thods based on the approach of challenge by choice, reflection and sharing. Scharmer’s Theory U and so-cial presencing theatre will be the methods for bringing forward a sustainable change. Sources of inspira-tion are: Presencing institute’s U-Lab, Kamaleonte’s manual on Authentic and Incluvie Leadership, COE’s Human Rights Education Manual and Coaching Guide on Youth Participation.

What are the expected results?

We expect: 1)an increased awareness among citizens in regards to the social, environmental and econo-mical situation 2)prejudices to be deconstructed in favour of individual and collective well-being and of a constructive and generative dialogue among the different cultural groups. The U-Lab will have its head-quarters in the seat of the Pro Loco of Borgo Grappa. It is meant to be a participative space that is co-managed by people coming from the different cultural backgrounds. It’s a unique space for meeting, sha-ring and participating located in the Province of Latina. In this context the people belonging to the diffe-rent local communities can freely express their creative and generative potential for the common good and the environment.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Throughout raising awareness on the diverse cultures and promoting training courses in line with the objectives of the Agenda 2030, the project intends to foster the integration of the diverse communities, to activate the co-participation of the local citizens by creating a sense of belonging to the territory and to a wider global community. The project is an opportunity for the different stakeholders of the area to co-create a local hub that is connected to other hubs in the world. The aim is to meet with other stakeholders or similar realities for generating, through an eco-systemic approach, participated and inclusive solutions. The actions are intended to promote the interaction among the different communities, the social cohesion and the reinforcement of the democratic processes.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our mission as well as that of the project is to promote an inclusive and participated practice in a social context that is currently disrupted and conflictual, in order for it to become a best practice that can be re-plicated in other contexts. The idea is to bring to life a successful local experience that can create concrete inclusive and participative processes that can be expanded way beyond to a European and global level. The international networks to which Kamaleonte and the partnering organizatons belong are the strong point of the project, the missio of which is to create the conditions for people to grow and develop, the environment to be safeguarded and valued in and inclusive and sustainable way and above all respectful of the human rights and of the Agenda 2030 objectives

€ 63100,-

Total budget

€ 45000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

organizational and secretarial expenses 3.600 EUR
Transportation 1.200 EUR
staff (1 coordinator, 2 facilitators, 3 teachers-Arabic, pungiabi, Italian)30.000 EUR
organization and realization of 5 events (financed by farmer) 14.000 EUR
public relations and communication costs 5.000 EUR
material and equipment costs 2.800 EUR
dissemination 5.000 EUR
Other costs 1.500 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We’d like to receive a feedback in regards to the clarity and thoroughness of the project. We’d also like to know whether it’s innovative and if it’s addressing the European priorities and if it’s in line with the values and principleas of the Civic Europe community.




Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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