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GOLDEN FISH: Fortune Lab for Youth | Civic Europe
Community development

GOLDEN FISH: Fortune Lab for Youth

YOUTH DREAMS COME TRUE model for Empowered Citizens and Strengthen Democracy in Svishtov, Bulgaria and Europe


Who is behind this?

Angela Antonova



Who is joining forces?

Association “Centre for regional integration and development - Svishtov”/CRID


Municipality of Svishtov




The leadership of Association “Centre for regional integration and development - Svishtov” participates actively in WYNGs and agreed to legally host GOLDEN FISH project for the Civic Europe Challenge.


Idea pitch

Currently in Bulgaria and Countries in Transition to Democracy there are no services for youth to realize their dreams in their birthplaces. The small settlements have unique cultural heritage, which remains not utilized for alternative tourism and there are no opportunities for emigrants, to contribute to the economic development of their birthplaces. WYNGs unites the key concerned in Participatory Action Research to co-create the GOLDEN FISH solution for Svishtov, Bulgaria and Europe.

Where will your project idea take place?

Svishtov, Veliko Tarnovo Region – Central North of Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In the last 10 years Svishtov remains the most rapidly depopulating aria in Bulgaria, nevertheless, that in order to guarantee the sustainable development of Svishtov as a cultural and education center and to enhance the quality of life, the leadership of Municipality invests considerable efforts in involving young people in local self-government. From Municipality with above 35 000 citizens, today it has less than 15 000 inhabitants and in local elections 2019, only 46% of all citizens with the right to vote had voted. The commitment to youth problems has become an immutable priority of the municipal authorities and they wholeheartedly support WYNGs and GOLDEN FISH know-how as an original, non-standard long term solution for the growing depopulation, poverty and social exclusion.

Who are you doing it for?

Young people (14 -35) constitute above 40 % of the population in CTD, but are not the key players in their Country’s future. Above 70% are skeptical voters and keep choosing to emigrate. High levels of unemployment; low living standard; outdated systems for Public Services; and corruption in Politics have contributed to steady youth emigration from CTD. In political elections candidates motivate voters with promises for everyday democracy and lucrative opportunities for Youth. Lack of practical model how these political promises to become tangible reality, hinders re-migration and drives more youth to emigrate or join anti-Democratic movements. One possible solution is – the GOLDEN FISH know-how for Youth to improve their own and their birthplaces ‘prosperity and further democratization.

How do you plan to get there?

WYNGs will support key concerned in Municipality of Svishtov, to implement GOLDEN FISH know-how for improved direct participation of Youth in local decision-making and economic development; and will promote lessons learned by:
1. Engaging Youth, Civil Servants and all the concerned Citizens from municipality of Svishtov in sustained dialogue for “Youth Dreams Come True”, and building the relevant capacity to do so.
2. “Youth Dreams Come True” Network and Local Government in Municipality of Svishtov, engage in sustained consultations on challenges that face Youth to fulfil their Dreams within their birthplaces and agree on concrete measures to be implemented.
3. The “Youth Dreams Come True” model - evaluated by the key concerned, and promoted on National, EU and CTD levels.

What are the expected results?

A year from now, in Bulgaria, Europe and CTD, GOLDEN FISH know-how will be promoted as an original service for young people to realize their dreams in their birth places. The small settlements in CTD will have a model how to utilize their unique cultural heritage, for alternative tourism and there will be a solution how emigrants from CTD, to contribute to the economic development of the places where they were born. Municipality of Svishtov will be promoted as unique destination for alternative tourism. Local business in Veliko Tarnovo Region will promote youth related goods and services. 30 Youth Dreams will be fullfield in Svishtov. Unique local system for "Youth Dreams Come True" will be launched.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Above 70% of Youth in Countries in Transition to Democracy – herein after referred as CTD, remain skeptical voters and keep choosing to emigrate. The GOLDEN FISH project aims to demonstrate an original model to strengthen democratic participation of young women and man, within their birthplaces, by building capacities and improving competences of the youth; concerned citizens; and local governments. Democratic participation is promoted via GOLDEN FISH know-how developed by WYNGs in Municipality of Svishtov. The model is adaptable and replicable in all CTD. An International Fair will facilitate exchange of best practices with civil society activists, practitioners and policy makers working to advance young people’s rights and democratic participation through partnership projects.

Why is this idea important to you?

All people involved in WYNGs are born, or have been working in small settlements, like Svishtov and know from their personal experience the importance of support structure and wise helpers to sustain our youth dreams coming true. All wise professionals at WYNGs studied and worked abroad and wholeheartedly desire to give back to young people in their birth communities the knowledge and skills acquired. Antonova is born in Svishtov. In 2001, while studying anthropology at Amsterdam University, she was supported to plan “Young Bulgarians’ Journey Home” applied research and WYNGs. The GOLDEN FISH partners unite around WYNGs mission – “Your achievements – our wings”.

€ 39650,-

Total budget

€ 34450,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Staff/Personnel Costs – Amount - 6 500 €
Supplies – Amount - 500 €
Equipment – Amount - 950 €
Travel – Amount - 5 000 €
Contractual services/consultants – Amount - 10 000 €
Direct activity costs – Amount - 2 500 €
PR – Amount – 2 500 €
Youth Dreams Come True sub-grants – Amount – 5 000 €
Office rent and office related costs – Amount - 5 200 – provided by the ANGELA WYNGs Ltd partner - Governmental Professional Trade School “Dimitar Hadjivasilev”
Accountant – Amount - 1 500 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

It would be great to hear from other organizations working on similar topics in other countries, to connect with them and learn what they think about our idea and if they are interested in building strategic partnerships with us for exchange of best practices.




Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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