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Festival of Light and Shadow in Slovakia | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities

Festival of Light and Shadow in Slovakia

Art for you. Public spaces become a temporary gallery for creative and artistic projects


Who is behind this?

Dagmar Rajcanova

TRAKT civic organisation


Who is joining forces?

Creative association (Asociácia kreatívcov)


City of Banska Bystrica




Our one project Festival of light and shadow is the member of Ecomove Internatonal registered in Germany.


Idea pitch

Festival is about: Exhibition in the public space of the city, Creation of new works of contemporary visual art, Education of children using interactive art technology, Public presentation and comparison of young authors and students works, Alternative form of entertainment and cultural education · Support of creative industries · Creative work within local communities · Application of site- specific research ·
Target groups are: general public, young visual artist from Slovakia and abroad.

Where will your project idea take place?

Festival will be held in Banska Bystrica, heart of Central Slovakia and in parallel in Trnava

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The region of Central Slovakia belongs to the less developed economic regions within the Slovak Republic. On the other hand, it has several universities and art high schools with a large number of students. They usually go to work in the capital or abroad after graduation. The MBU and the Academy of Arts with the Department of Digital Arts operate in Ban. Bystrica. We have been giving these students the opportunity to present their visual works during the Festival of Light and Shadow since 2015. We repeated this in Trnava - a town in western Slovakia. The goal of this festival is to bring contemporary art into public space. The festival aims to appeal to people who do not encounter traditional art. We support young artists at the beginning of their careers, their presentation, education.

Who are you doing it for?

Our intention is to bring contemporary art, linked with the modern technologies into the public and cultural institutions such as theaters in TN and BB, CNK Zahrada, Academy of arts in BB, Trnava university. The works, which we would like the festival is going to bring will open and notify visitors of current societal issues, account, and historical facts – it's all in the topic: MEMORY. It is not us about the light on the formal show, but works with deeper meaning and the artistic creative process.We have a vision that the festival will last for an entire month and culminate with a presentation of visual artworks in the public space.We will work with actors, dancers, students of art schools, visual artists.We connect professional artists with the young generation and we're learning them

How do you plan to get there?

Communication with the towns and the co-organisers of the project
Approaching the sponsors
Schedule preparation
To reach the artists , communication with them
Update an existing web site, preparation of graphic materials for print outputs
Creation of media plan
Creation of programme and project activities
The Conclusion of the final programme for the institutions and for the public space
Start of promotional campaign
Logistics and organisation of the festival
Implementation of the activity completed by the festivals in the public space of two cities

What are the expected results?

Accomplish the festival, beside the entertainment, would be a space of learning, new ideas, thought over the society, resembled a history through contemporary art and supports young artists. Get a more professional visual artists collaborating with young creatives, providing education in the field of modern forms of art. To obtain a larger number of volunteers and people with the local community and in addition to working at an organizational ensuring of activities, offer them an opportunity to participate in the creation of the programme. Receive the views of the public and use their suggestions in the programme.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The Festival is a multi-genre. Overlays of the individual artistic disciplines and forms of mixing spectator community, and we bring a new "fresh" audience to the long-term functioning of cultural organizations (such as opera spectator, and we get into an independent cultural center, and vice versa). We support local artistic, educational and cultural communities that directly involve them to the preparation of the festival and all festival activities. We work with volunteers, we encourage active citizenship in the local communities. Young people cooperate with us before the festival. We bring foreign experience (e.g. Durham festival Lumier, Sladovna Pisek in the CZ). People have the option of a free education at the accompanying workshops devoted to the visual art, photography.

Why is this idea important to you?

Interest in the festival from the public, a large attendance, the interest about the professional workshops. Obtained the award in previous years. Keeping the festival, which, inter alia, supports the increase of tourism in the BB and TN, learning about the history and architecture of the places, their less well-known corners.

€ 74000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Fees for authors, artists, lectures 22000
Fees for stage managers,Personal cost 10000
Rent of projectors 18000
Related technical services 6000
Rent of premises 1500
Accommodation and board 8000
Marketing and PR 5500
Guard service 4000

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Experience with similar projects, contacts for visual artists from home and abroad, their participation in the program of the Festival of light in Slovakia. Involvement in the challenges of obtaining subsidies.




Idea created on May 27, 2020

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