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Feminism on Wheels | Civic Europe
Community development

Feminism on Wheels

Get on track with gender equality


Who is behind this?

Feminismos Sobre Rodas

Feminismos Sobre Rodas


Who is joining forces?

XX Element Project – Associação Cultural


Palombar – Conservação da Natureza e do Património Rural


Catarse| Movimento Social


Audiovisual recording of women's life stories: Filtro Produtora (small independent film production). Contacts with local stakeholders and NGO´s from previous work done in the region.


Idea pitch

This is a journey for gender equality, developed by human rights activists.We have a groundwork commitment to strengthen women participation.We aim to promote decentralized initiatives, deconstruct naturalized worldviews concerning gender roles, gender violence and reproductive rights. We move from our comfort zone. We put in the trunk of the van, non-formal educational tools, a collaborative approach to build up democracy in rural, forgotten and aged communities in the north of Portugal.

Where will your project idea take place?

North of Portugal-Bragança,Chaves,Miranda do Douro,Mogadouro,Vila Real and villages around

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The region of Trás-os-Montes is one of the most aged and desertified region of the country. There is a great absence of cultural and artistic activity. Men still have a higher rate of education than women, and the gap wage is very significant. Women's contribution to family responsibilities (domestic and care work) is much higher than their partners. Women have less or no time for leisure-time activities. Despite the legislative progress, domestic violence is still a very serious social issue.In this region there are very few initiatives to promote women´s engagement. Demanding for equality between women and men, it´s only possible if women have a voice through active citizenship. And this is a collective and co-creating process.

Who are you doing it for?

Our main target group are women of all ages, social and ethnic backgrounds, nationalities living in the region.The women´s participation is facilitated by previous work with local interlocutors, NGO´s and parish councils.Regarding the younger generation, boys are also considered beneficiaries, because we will run activities in secondary schools.The audience of this project is quite extensive because besides activities provided just for women, we run a number of activities free to all the population, so we can enhance women´s participation. Due to our previous experience with this type of work and local partners, we expect to involve around 500 students, 250 women through outreach work and 50 000 indirect participants by the awareness raising techniques (online and in the field).

How do you plan to get there?

Phase 1/"Getting our coordinates"(1 month) analysis of the socio-demographic reality through non-interfering methods such as statistical data, collect news from the media,meetings with local interlocutors, institutions and NGOs. Phase 2/"Plan the road map" (1 month) Brainstorming with local stakeholders and the team for strategic planning.Non formal education methods, using artistic and activism tools. Phase 3/ "On the Road"(5 months)Implementation of the intervention programme.Phase 4/"Stop for a general checkup"(2 months) first evalution report, dissemination of information on the media. Documentary production. Phase 5/"We All Come Back to the Places Where We Were Happy" back to the villages, presentation of the documentary, internal team assessment and discussion about the future.

What are the expected results?

This project is the result of a previous experience that brought together feminist activists from different parts of the country. This process, which is currently consolidating as a non-profit association for the promotion of human rights, has brought together people with more experience in the feminist movement and other people who had no previous experience and have grown a lot in the last 8 months. We hope that our intervention will lead to other initiatives to promote women's rights and that other women will take the lead in local decisions and other collective processes. This project aims to increase the interest and participation in the feminist agenda during the various moments of national demonstrations.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We propose a bottom up intervention project in which we privilege not only our accumulated experiences as human rights activists but above all the local knowledge and the shared social perceptions. We do it by creating a common ground for dialogue and action, planning all the activities according to the local needs, hearing and combining different voices. We want to contribute for raising new voices at a local and community level and in the women´s movement. We invite women to different ways of community engagement at the level of "Debating Reality and Utopia" (film sessions, theatre of the oppressed, talking circles, school sessions, parties) and at the level of "Hands-on approach" (workshops on activist tools such as street campaigns, social medias, demonstration organizing meetings).

Why is this idea important to you?

We´re 12 activists.The commitments we have to the project, to us and to democracy:"Of the most positive aspects I found was the nature of the initiative that managed to be transformative without being patronizing”,Sofia Brito."It is a project that adds an intersectional perspective on feminism especially in regards to the diversity of contexts by promoting the access to women in the country to political discussion",Mónica Carneiro. “The activities and methodologies used were pertinent, adequate and productive for knowing and perceiving the reality of women in Portugal (without judging values, without wanting to take pre-made answers, taking into account the characteristics of different women, with informal but reflective methods, which allowed a greater adherence of of people)"Ana Cordeiro

€ 45177,-

Total budget

€ 45177,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

General coordination (1 person) (800€ per month)€8 800,00
Production (1person) 500€ per month)€5 500,00
Documentary (1person) (shooting and edition)€6 500,00
Film Programming (1person)€3 000,00
Travel expenses (fuel and tolls) €2227,40
Accomadation and Food expenses (4 activists) €8,600
Vehicle (van) €7500
Vehicle Decoration €1200
Printing promotional materials €1250
Materials for activities €600

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

It would be very important for us to be able to discuss our action plan with other international organizations, because we have a prior experience with this. Also use the platform to exchange our free toolkit translated in other languages and the documentary.



Zeza Guedes

Bia Lacerda


Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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