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Who is behind this?


Mentor Human Capital Promotion Association (A.P.C.U.MENTORUL)



Idea pitch

The project discusses the issue of domestic violence in rural areas.
The proposed activities are: round tables in which one person will tell his story, and the others will find ways to approach the problem; individual meetings for those who do not want to expose themselves; debates;

Where will your project idea take place?

Olt County, southern Romania-Danube meadow

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The southern part of the county is an area where domestic violence is a problem quite often, still, encountered, especially in disadvantaged socio-economic communities. Acceptance of this issue by women in disadvantaged communities is still considered normal. This is the cruel reality of rural communities.

Who are you doing it for?

The categories of beneficiaries targeted by the project are: women and children, a total of 75 people of which: women-60 of which: women aged 15-35 years-35; married women-15; women in a relationship with children-25; women in a relationship, without children-10; femeiocupate-10; housewives-40; abused children-15

How do you plan to get there?

The management activities will be provided by the management team.Organizing the information and promotion campaign of the project. 3. Focus groups that will seek to identify the causes of the problems specific to each category of beneficiaries involved in the project. A study will be carried out that will reveal the type of preponderant violence (so far), no. cases of violence and how many people are affected in the commune and also particularities specific to the commune. There will be organized 5 events / seminars / trainings in which 30 beneficiaries and representatives of the local community will participate. 9 public consultation sessions will be initiated.

What are the expected results?

Understanding and acquiring the minimum knowledge necessary for the use of the right to information by citizens without training and with limited possibilities of existence. Creating skills for project participants to get involved in civic activities. Collaboration with local authorities in order to involve them in such activities promoted through this type of projects.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The need addressed by the project is to make the people of the target group (TG) aware that domestic violence is a harmful, physical or emotional act that takes place between members of a family. violence is used, when violence occurs, who uses violence, what are the main characteristics of violence, to whom are the forms of violence directed and finally what to do in case of abuse. The project provides useful information GT to use in the interest for the prevention of violence. Organizing round tables, individual meetings, focus groups in which each topic proposed in the project will be debated, seminars with specialists (psychologists, doctors, social workers, community policeman, etc.), case studies, role-playing games.

Why is this idea important to you?

I have worked for over 20 years in the Employment Agency and I know very well the area and the problems that people from this disadvantaged area of Romania face. I am vice-president of the association and I have implemented European-funded projects for disadvantaged people, including Roma people.

€ 49900,-

Total budget

€ 49900,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

costs with staff assigned to the project-43.200 euro; transportation costs and subsistence expenses for project staff-3600 euro; consumable costs-1200 euro; other costs imposed by the requirements of the contract (bank fees, taxes, etc.)-600 euro; indirect expences-1300 euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Ways to approach certain types of violence. Examples



Idea created on May 9, 2020
Last edit on May 11, 2020

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