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Urban regeneration: key for social partnerships | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment

Urban regeneration: key for social partnerships

Urban regeneration of abandoned public buildings embracing co-planning with public administrators, aiming at civic cohesion of a defined target of young people, to address growing civic disaffection.


Who is behind this?

Simone Petrucci

Laboratorio del cittadino APS


Who is joining forces?

Municipality of Castiglione del Lago


Faro Trasimeno APS


Provincia di Perigia


Coop. Lagodarte, Social Enterprises Italia Nostra Onlus, Natinal NGO Social Cooperative "SIRIANA 2000" Social Cooperative "POLIS" CESVOL Umbria, network of social NGO Ass. Tempo scelto, youth NGO


Idea pitch

The project aims to contribute in activation of a "start-up phase" of young people social development who face school dropout and uncertainty, through urban regeneration projects in co-operation with local authorities and stakeholders. It also concerns developing practices of active citizenship in problematic neighborhoods which offer fewer opportunities for a healthy and balanced growth of young people, with new participatory and involvement tools for achieving their autonomy and independence.

Where will your project idea take place?

Castiglione del Lago, Umbria Region ITALY

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Following the analysis of the situation in the area, looking at the strengths and weaknesses linked to the dynamics of social aggregation, proposals are made for activities aimed to support the young locals in coping with the inability of society to respond to their social needs.
The ideas that emerged are the followings:
-increase the opportunities for reunion and civic cohesion
-open a social centre that provides the possibility to meet, dispute, exchange ideas and visions
-multicultural activities
-initiatives to support families in need and link them up with necessary institutions based in the area
-activities to support the social leadership of young people
-permanent social, psychological and pedagogical initiatives and co-operation with local public and private entities.

Who are you doing it for?

-Teenagers at the age of 12-16 years old. Goal is an innovative local involvement culture (in forms, methods and contents) in order to make the area more attractive for the new generations.
-Young people at the age of 17-25 years old. Goal is to strengthen the existing connections and social participation and to trigger new forms of active citizenship among young residents.
-Adults at the age of 25-30 years old. Goal is to enhance their creative and pro-active skills disconnected from "commitment experiences". Activation of programs with particular attention to those who are most exposed to the risk of social marginality, including citizens with foreign back ground.

How do you plan to get there?

Participatory Action Research(PAR) is the methodology that will be used for the mile stones of a territorial network focused on the needs of young people:
1. Activate a workgroup. Define the issues / problems relating to youth needs.
2. Define the activity area of the network and the “key” organizations. Draft the list of organizations that should be involved with clear and transparent selection criteria. Create a “sociogram” of the social participants.
3. Topic commitment. High involvement produces high motivation. Protect the weakest but most valuable forms of dedication.
4. Commit to the network. Recognize the reasons for the choice: valuable, professional, cultural, economic, existential, socially evident, pragmatic.
5. Find the grounds of agreement. Initiate the start-up of the network as an ensemble of groups and foundations/establishment of the network as a temporary organization.
6. Consider the flow of resources. Useful resources for the work of a network can be money, people, information, contacts, materials, agreements, tools, structures.
7. Build coordination structure. The “coordination structure” indicates the ways in which the organizations involved relate to each other.
8. Identify the goals. The work goals for a network should be few, clear and achievable.
9. Plan the work. Share a long-term joint action plan.

What are the expected results?

This type of workshops attracts younger generations due to the absence of hierarchy. It is not a question of providing vertical knowledge, but of promulgating bottom-up methods of transmission and education, it is about learning, doing and learning by doing.
We aim at encouragement of "co-working" spaces for the participation of young people in the social, civil and political life, bring them closer to public and private institutions through targeted activities. We believe that urban regeneration of abandoned buildings through transforming them into places of social and involvement spaces would help the younger generations to operate independently, sharing a series of values, spreading their ideas by others that would eventually lead to enhancing the local cultural and natural heritage.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project has an ambition to create "life projects" with the establishment of a community that permits the right to act as well as to make mistakes by the younger generations. Everyone becomes the producer of an involvement culture that promotes transparency and free trade, including participants from the very beginning in the production process (activities, methods, games). The improvement of the local quality of life will indicate the need (and the opportunity) to invest in these types of projects, not only to facilitate the individual growth of the young ones but also to promote the development of the entire community. New professional practices should also get the priority in use of innovative technologies in order to be able to demonstrate the success of the performed activities.

Why is this idea important to you?

Behind this idea there is our association “Laboratorio del Cittadino”, an NGO involved in social, cultural and environmental issues since 1997 that operates on regional and European level.
The project would be undertaken together with different partners, targeting at a possible and achievable future. The identification of the challenges, with which the project intends to deal, will took place through a strategic co-planning process of outlining actions for the social involvement of young people. We want to "become a part" of a European network for different reasons: the interest in getting involved in the problematic, the opportunity to have contacts with other organizations, the possibility of accessing financing and the opportunity to share best practices all around Europe.

€ 40000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Administration and office expenses 2000 €
Coordination and monitoring personnel and material 5000 €
Travel and accomodation costs 6000 €
Costs for experts on implementation of Youth participatory actions 7000 €
Cost for implementation co-planning activities 7000 €
Costs for dissemination activities: design and printing + website 5000 €
Material for workshops: stationery items 6000 €
Reimbursements for volunteers of associations involved in the project activities: 2000 €

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive comments on, innovative kinds of activities and workshop to be developed.
Supoprt and sharing of best practices on implementation of participatory and co-planning processes.



Masha Waagmeester



Idea created on April 12, 2021
Last edit on April 22, 2021

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