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EVERY 5th CHILD | Civic Europe
Human rights, Youth participation and empowerment


The project EVERY 5th CHILD is a victim of sexual abuse, is a media and institutional campaign aimed at raising awareness about child sexual abuse and at educating about preventing the abuse.


Who is behind this?

Maja Furlan



Who is joining forces?

Youth Center Jarše (Mladinski Dom Jarše)


The Moste Youth Station (Mladinska Postaja Moste)


Združenje Za Moč (Assoiacion for Power)


Our plan is to connect all of the associations in Slovenia that work with children and give them the tools to educate children about sexual abuse.


Idea pitch

The purpose of our campaign is to raise awareness of the public in the broadest sense about the unacceptable and irresponsible conduct of the society, when faced with sexual exploitation and abuse of children and to educate the children so that they know what is wrong and what is wright and what to do, when or if it happens to them.


Where will your project idea take place?

Ljubljana, Slovenia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

With the campaign we address the values of our society, that still allows sexual abuse to fall under statute of limitation, which prevents victims from rehabilitation and equal integration into society. A malfunctioning system for reporting and dealing with the abuse.
The gaps in the current system would be changed by the legal introduction of a mandatory prevention program on the subject of what is sexual abuse and how to protect oneself, for all children from the age of 3. Adoption of the "Mary's Law" (a law on child abuse prevention that has been practiced in Serbia since 2013) which would be translated and adapted for Slovenia and Systemic changes in the police and judicial system.

Who are you doing it for?

The target group for our educational plan is all children from the age of 3, including children with special needs (deaf, blind and partially sighted) and consequently other special needs. All campaign materials will be synchronized for the deaf and blind and translated for the blind and visually impaired. In a broader sense, with our media campaign, we aim to target the whole society.

How do you plan to get there?

The focal point of the institutional part is focused on raising awareness and education of children from the age of 3. Educational animated video clips, that were produced in the Barbara Sinatra Children's Center in USA will be translated for the purpose of our campaign to Slovene and adjusted for the blind and deaf. The animated videos guide the viewer through six most important stages that represent the basic protection of children from violence and sexual abuse: "Safe Touch, Unsafe Touch", "Shout, Run, Tell", "Tell a Grownup", "Stranger Safety", "Doesn't Matter Who It Is" and "Hitting is Wrong". We aim to use them as a mandatory educational preventive program on the subject of what child sexual abuse is and how to protect yourself from it, for children from the age of 3 (CAP program-ISA Institute).
Promotional (awareness) material of the campaign will be present in the media (newspapers, magazines, social media, advertising space) as well as printed in different formats (like stickers, brochures, posters, cards ...). It will also be presented in form of short video ads.

What are the expected results?

With the campaign we aim to achieve the following:
1. A legal/statutory introduction of a mandatory preventive program on the subject of what child sexual abuse is and how to protect yourself from it for children of three years old and up (CAP program-ISA Institute).
2. The introduction of "Mary's Law" (a law on child abuse prevention that has been practiced in Serbia since 2013) with proper adjustments for Slovenian milieu.
3. Changes in police procedures and judicial system

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We plan to get our community members actively involved in the problem of sexual abuse, with the promotion of frequency of sexual abuse that is not spoken of. We plan to break the silence of the problem and the typical reaction to it, that is - to look away.
We plan to give guidelines to the victims of what to do, when the abuse is happening and informations to children how to prevent the abuse if they encounter it. We are planning to make our website an interactive portal where all the necessary sources and informations will be accessible. We plan to create an ongoing community of supporters of the cause (starting with influential figures), where common people will have the opportunity to upload their photo and publicly state that they do not support sexual abuse.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our initiative started when in 2015 our team leader wanted to report a sexual abuse of a child that he knew was going on. Nothing happened. Our legal procedures and judicial system is so inappropriate that a lot of abuses do not get reported or if they do, it is quickly found that there are not enough evidence to do anything about it.
So he asked some of his friends if we were up for a challenge. We discovered that our community lacks the necessary information directly for the children, so that they know what is wrong and what is wright and that they know what to do, when something like that happens. We decided we will do everything in our power to provide the children the information that they need. We are individuals with the same drive to make changes.

€ 31900,-

Total budget

€ 31900,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Photographer: 1500eur
Designer: 1500eur
Web designer: 1500eur
Video production: 3000eur
Production costs: 2000eur

Media campaign: 9000 euros
(printing of brochures, leaflets, poster A3, poster B1, printing, fees and installation of TAM TAM posters, BUS posters, video ads, web ads)

Translation of 13 animations into Slovenian: 13,400 euros
(recording of vocals 1200 eur, studio and production 5200 eur, music production: 2,000 euros, graphic processing: 5,000 euros)

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive statements of support for our cause. We would gladly accept any feedback on the examples of good practice in police procedures and judicial system on sexual abuse of children and adolescent and also any feedback on the lack of it in their local community.



Idea created on April 19, 2021
Last edit on April 20, 2021

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