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European values - the viEUpoint of YOUth | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Youth participation and empowerment

European values - the viEUpoint of YOUth

Fostering active citizenship and sense of European identity by encouraging wider civic participation and social inclusion of young people (incl. disadvantaged) from remote underdeveloped settlements.


Who is behind this?

Zhivko Kosturov

Bulgarian Memory Foundation (BGMF)


Who is joining forces?




Idea pitch

Challenges:The need of:
Discussions on youth’s connection to the EU,its values&democratic foundation
Empowering disadvantaged youth to become active members of society&to unveil their creative potential in dialogue with local authorities
Youth to have their say on the future of Europe,incl.Covid-19 pandemic recovery
Objective: Encouraging young people to participate in the democratic process and in society by organizing 5local"youth civic hackathons"
Target group:disadvantaged youth(15-24)

Where will your project idea take place?

Villages in the municipalities:Yakoruda,Satovcha,Dospat,Garmen,Gotse Delchev,Sarnitsa,Hadzhidimovo

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The specific societal challenge of the above presented region is the risk of marginalization, poverty and falling into the so called “inactive” group (NEETs), which deprives the young community members of opportunities for personal& professional growth. Furthermore geographical remoteness of the region limits their access to civic infrastructure and direct dialogue with policy makers.
By addressing this challenge, the project will create the following opportunities:
-young people to speak up& share their ideas about the future of Europe;
-develop personal-growth skills - creativity, critical thinking, decision making& leadership;
-encouraging young people to believe in themselves, to unveil their full potential, and to be self-confident, in order to implement their creative ideas.

Who are you doing it for?

Young people (15-24), living in remote settlements in Southwestern Bulgaria (located in the valley of Mesta River in the Rhodope mountains)characterized with limited opportunities for development,geographical obstacles,low social status&different ethno-religious composition. The idea will help them become more self-confident,believe in themselves&develop their ability,knowledge&willingness to cooperate with each other in order to prosper,grow&learn as a community in a fast changing world.
The project will cover 200 young people in transition b/w secondary and tertiary education in 5local events of 40people each.They will be conducted in the municipalities of Yakoruda,Satovcha,Dospat (with participants from Sarnitsa as well),GotseDelchev with participants from Garmen as well),Hadzhidimovo.

How do you plan to get there?

The project will cover the following activities, specific steps, methods and approach:
-5stage action plan of activities:
1.Preliminary preparation
2.Realization through:5 local"youth civic hackathons"with local policy makers in the municipalities of Yakoruda,Satovcha,Dospat(with participants from Sarnitsa as well),GotseDelchev with participants from Garmen as well),Hadzhidimovo.
3.Popularization of the project results through a Dissemination Strategy&Plan
4.Analysis of the achieved results and the possibilities for their sustainability beyond the project lifetime;
5.Preparation&submission of the final report.
-Specific steps:
*Definition of management structure for implementing the project;
*Establishment of work methodology;
*Respect of the work plan (timetable/deliverables);
*Organization of internal documentation on the implementation;
*Supervision on the development,coherence&implementation of the requirements of the project proposal;
*Accounting activities for each stage of the project;
*Elimination of established delays&irregularities;
*Monitoring based on the feedbacks.
-The methodology will be based on a clear vision,experience,team work,ethical code&will include:
*Implementing through non-formal education methods for youth empowerment&skills development as well as specific approach to disadvantaged youth

What are the expected results?

At the end of the project,the implemented activities will result in a long-term impact on disadvantaged youth from remote settlements,by being empowered for value-based civic participation,social inclusion&by changing the region for the better.
Thus,the project results will be kept beyond its cycle through the positive example of young participants.They will inspire their communities&share with their peers the newly acquired knowledge on the EU,key skills&competences.They will become bearers of positive change&motivate others to actively participate in democratic life.
The results will be to:
*empower&motivate youth to be positioned at the center of local decision-making process
*encourage youth to share ideas,concerns&needs
*stimulate strategic&critical thinking&communication skills

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project will help community members,especially local youth, in dialogue with policy makers,to get actively involved in overcoming the challenges related to the risks of social exclusion,marginalization&radicalization caused by the underdeveloped,mixed ethno-religious profile of the region,and to confront alarming trends of intolerance,radical ideas&interpretation of Islam.
On the one hand,the project will build European values,knowledge about local,national&EU institutions&key skills among youth.On the other hand,it will show youth that they are important society members,their opinion matters&they could inspire positive changes at local level.In this way,the project will contribute to utilizing their creative potential,thus improving the quality of life in their region&EU identity.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team of the BGMF Chairman, headed by Dr. Milen Vrabevski, awarded with the Citizen’s Prize of the European Parliament for 2013, is composed of creative young people with great experience in the above mentioned fields. Ms Mariana Delkova -Deputy Chairperson&Jurist,Mr Zhivko Kosturov-Coordinator, Ms Hatidzhe Dzhurina-Local Representative for the Southwesterm Region of Bulgaria,Ms Borislava Lalova - EU Programmes&Projects Expert, Ms Rositsa Dimitrova - Accountant; and a PR Unit, form a highly qualified, balanced and motivated team. In the last 13 years, BGMF has developed managerial, administrative and technical capacity, which has the following logic and management structure, based entirely on positive thinking: action plan-responsible person-deadline-follow-up-analysis-feedback.

€ 32625,-

Total budget

€ 32625,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Costs (in EUR) for a 12 months project, 5 local events:
- Project management-3000
- Office expenses-1000
- Travel costs-12000
- Accommodation staff/trainers-625
- Meal, coffee breaks-3375
- Conference venues - 1000
- Technical equipment (multimedia, microphones)-500
- Printed materials (folders, programs, badges, information materials)-1625
- Media coverage-2000
- Press conferences-1000
-Digital platform - 4000
-Final print document (500 copies):"The viEUpoint of YOUth"-2500

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are open to receive 2 types of feedback:
*suggestions about exercises on civic education for youth, successfully implemented in other countries which could complement our experience
*requests about our results, methods & materials for sharing them on other European/National educational platform


Bulgarian Memory Foundation

Idea created on March 29, 2021
Last edit on March 30, 2021

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