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Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Environment and sustainability

Erratic-a laboratory of art and rural environment

Fostering a collective diverse perspective while inhabiting rural depopulated territories with participatory artistic practices


Idea pitch

In the ancient village, the town above, it seems that there are only two possible futures: the complete abandonment or the transformation into a tourist attraction; our idea fosters different and diverse perspective and maybe new hope. Together with the temporary residency of artists, who are called to work participatively with inhabitants and the environment, a group of newcomers will propose a collective cultural agenda.

Where will your project idea take place?

Capaccio Capoluogo, south Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Reusing empty places of the old village wants to be a response to the abandonment that leave behind decay and degradation.Moreover the policy of the municipality approaches this problem with new buildings and areas for tourist purpose. With the project we aim to give another possible idea of reuse of spaces, focused on the local population and the environment , perhaps to inspire future policies. Younger generations continue to emigrate, but there are also people, who have moved or who have decided to return and invest there, but they are few and isolated (there is no network or mutual support).Our project would like to put all these parts in communication: new comers, inhabitants, artists and facilitate the relationship and perhaps the creation of a positive network.

Who are you doing it for?

Group of artists, both locals and not,who are working in participative processes with the human and no-human environment. One key figure is the founder of Fòcare, an artistic residency in the interior territory, who is working to link traditional to contemporary rituality through art research. Newcomers: the few people who came back and moved after life and work experiences in the North. They have in common the will to make their territory better, the motivation and the skills to make changes happen. Key figures from this heterogeneous group of people are a permaculture farmer, an environmental guide, a farmer who mix african and italian traditional farming.The municipality of the village in the figure of the sport, cultural and touristic member. Inhabitants of the old Capaccio.

How do you plan to get there?

We plan 4 artistic residency periods, during the whole year, beside the summer months (july and august).The residency includes a widespread- in the village- hospitality of a group of between 5 and 7 artists each period, divided into national, locals and international ones. They will be invited each time to develop laboratory projects for / with the population. Some may be developing throughout the whole year, others will close during the residency period. Some examples: art lessons in the public square, street orchestra, social choreography. We need to program and invite the artists, organize the period of residency – from a week to a month each – then follow up each project of each artist. We curate moments of public presentation, conviviality and sharing in each period of residency – min one max 5 events each period. When each residency cycle is over we organize a feedback moment with the inhabitants, with the groups of artists involved and with the team. At the end of which we will redefine the team who is organizing the next period, if there is someone new who wants to join up the organization team, there is the possibility to sum up. We find it important to keep the team open to widespread participation.

What are the expected results?

Strengthen the sense of identity and belonging to the community, encourage the reinvestment of energies and responsibilities of residents in the enhancement of places with a resilience to the state of abandonment. Foster the desire to re-inhabit depopulated territories, creating an interaction between residents and non-residents involved in the project. Improve the perception of European belonging while respecting the various local and cultural peculiarities. Support the growth of the political awareness of local administrators in an european perspective of promoting permanent cultural innovation: giving different ideas of territorial development that are not only focused on the tourist profit of summer months.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Giving chance instead to be cultural users to become participants of creative processes and also to be able to take decisions for the cultural program. Share the experience how their territory can be interesting ,beautiful and full of resources. Show examples and different possibilities of life/ use and activities in abandoned places. The opportunity to give feedback and join the project team.We would like to pass on some skills, training and experience in national and international planning and networking, both for the public administration and for young people interested, cause at present time lots of European funds requested in the region are not used and go back.

Why is this idea important to you?

Team is made mostly from people originally from the area who after having had life and work in other countries, have chosen as a mission to return their skills and experiences to the local area, to encourage new developments in the economic, social and cultural fields. The three founders of Rareca and collaborators. Elena Dragonetti, dancer, performer and project management, Daniele Brenca, musician, composer, music teacher and interest in participative music projects such as street orchestra, Giovanni Croce, photographer of reportage photos and video-documentation. DISCOllettivo, dancer, dance teacher, with experience in deprivate context for participative interdisciplinary projects. Natalino Pecora as administration, employment contract advisor, budget report.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project management, artistic direction, program and organization 5.000,00
Tech management 3.000,00
Artist and singol projects development fee: 14.000,00
Travels and accomodations: 7.000,00
Supplies, tools, materials: 800,00
Documentation (video and photo), editing and post production video doc: 1.500,00
Service (audio-light): 1.500,00
Communication, promotion and social:1.200,00
Administration: 1000,00

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

How to promote project continuity beyond experimentation? Get out of temporariness


Elena Paola Dragonetti

Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 25, 2021

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