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Empowering the young | Civic Europe
Community development

Empowering the young

Empowering young people and encouraging their active participation in the life of municipalities and regions and in the decision-making process.


Who is behind this?

Niya Petrova

ProBudnik association


Who is joining forces?

Lovech Municipality


Troyan Municipality


Teteven Municipality



Idea pitch

Young people in small rural areas find it difficult to take part in the decision-making process. Their participation in local self-government is important for them and the community. Access of information about rights, opportunities and practical skills will make them confident and active citizens. The project will include 78 young people from 3 small towns in Bulgaria, who will undergo training, and the activities will end with a master class face to face meetings with the local autorities.

Where will your project idea take place?

Lovech, Troyan and Teteven, Lovech District, North-West Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

There is a significant difference in the degree of youth activity, access to information, and inclusion in the public life of young people from the region of Northwestern Bulgaria, in particular the Lovech region. According to data for the last 10 years, the number of young people has decreased 3 times - from about 45,000 young people (15-29) there are just over 16,000 left. Lovech region is the area with the fastest depopulation rate. There are no working centers for youth services. Local authorities haven't taken action in including the youth in decision-making.

Who are you doing it for?

The project activities will include 78 young people aged 15 to 29, 12 representatives of local governments (mayors, experts), 9 representatives of local institutions and organizations in the field of education, culture, sports and social activities, as well as the large local community as a whole.
Many young people in the region have economic and geographical constraints and will be given priority in activities to enable them to develop skills to overcome challenges and to participate actively in the life of local communities. Very often these young people remain out of the public eye and our goal is to make them visible and give them the opportunity to express their potential.

How do you plan to get there?

The goals and activities of the project and will proceed to a procedure for the selection of participants in the activities.
The second phase is conducting training activities to empower young people using interactive methods and techniques of non-formal education.
Then we will move on to the real political meetings between young people and local administrations, building partnerships and their joint activities to participate in the decision-making process.
Interactive outdoor activities will also be conducted to attract the public and youth initiatives will be implemented, developed, and implemented by the stakeholders participating in the project.

What are the expected results?

At the end of the project we will have:
• Increased awareness of young people about their opportunities to participate in the decision-making process at the local level
• Acquired knowledge and skills for youth activity and development of specific competencies for working with youth communities and partnership with local authorities
• Established network of active young people for interaction at the local level
• Engage local authorities and promote youth dialogue
• Active participation in the decision-making process and in the life of municipalities and regions
• Promoted democratic values and encouraged civic activity

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Building youth teams that have the motivation to shape communities and participate in democratic processes will create conditions for the establishment of a sustainable partnership with local authorities.
In this partnership, young people with ideas and visions will be heard and both sides will cooperate in the making of new policies.
This will encourage the development and implementation of policies not "for young people", but policies that are made together with young people and with their active participation.
In result democracy will be nourished and the local young active citizens will come together, empowered and encouraged to make the world a better place.

Why is this idea important to you?

The project is entirely inline with the goals of the Probudnik association. Our team is made up of youth workers and trainers with a lot of experience in youth policy and structured dialogue. We have members who have been involved in public youth policy and know the youth sector in depth. The projects and initiatives of the organization implemented so far and the achieved results motivate us to continue to support, encourage and develop the young people of Bulgaria, especially in small settlements, as active citizens and real participants in the democratic processes in the country and Europe.
We know the needs of young people in the Lovech region and we have the tools to meet their needs and interests.

€ 33725,-

Total budget

€ 33725,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Office expenses - 1080
Staff costs - 2970
Transport costs - 1760
Accommodation and food - 11440
Working materials - 816
Development of training tools - 3600
Outdoor activities - 1050
Public relations and information and advertising materials - 3200
Salaries for trainers - 3360
Micro projects in the three cities - 4650

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

The team of the Probudnik Association is open to ideas and proposals for improving the initiatives for impact and work with young people from small settlements and building a sustainable partnership with decision-makers at local, national and European level.




Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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