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CivicKit:Empowering disengaged citizens to ACTion! | Civic Europe
Community development, Vocational coaching

CivicKit:Empowering disengaged citizens to ACTion!

Using civic education to address local challenges by enabling acts and solutions that work globally.


Who is behind this?

Alexandra Irina Pînzariu

The FutureKit



Idea pitch

We would like to design and implement a Civicmobil (such as a civic education and vocational coaching caravan) for rural areas of Romania. Creating a community of Romanian future change makers by enabling the citizens of today to become the responsible citizens that society needs, tomorrow. How? Via collaborative hands-on civic tools needed to turn stringent problems into sustainable solutions. We aim to support local civic initiatives by connecting youth with skilled professional volunteers.

Where will your project idea take place?

6 Southern & North-Eastern poorest and poorly structured rural civic deserts such as Necșeși, TR.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

There are many specific societal challenges but we chose to focus on the lack of primary civic education notions and resources, which also refers to lack of democratic rights and information.

Who are you doing it for?

For young people at the beginning of their career (gymnasium 14 -15 years old & high school 17 - 18 years old) as well as for their teachers and parents by creating local strategic partnerships with authorities and other structures.

How do you plan to get there?

Towards our goal(s) for helping the future civic-makers to arise, we aim to organise virtual and offline roundtables discussions as well as workshops for accumulating civic knowledge, for acquiring practical civic skills and to connect young people with "education" notions for how to become socially responsible through civic participation in the areas they have an interest for but do not have the courage or the right tools to address. We would like to create a platform (application or at least a concept) which allows citizens who have become engaged from a disengaged state, to hold public gatherings which connect them with their communities. By workshops which help schools review the vocational needs of our target group and coach them to choose careers with causes, wittingly.

What are the expected results?

We believe that we can make a meaningful change and activate the rural communities in creating some development improvements on economical, social, educational, cultural and health levels, depending on the area they want to take actions in.
Ensuring the development of small civic makers communities in all the local and regional places we will be able to reach. The project will reduce the vulnerability of communities and will increase their capacity to apply good civic (education) practices, whose results will nurture social changes, will improve social development and will empower the vulnerable groups, which in to some extent might help a bit to reduce poverty and inequality. We'd also like to set up at least 1 digitalization workshop in all reached regions through collaborative actions.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We aim to help:
- Increase of confidence in themselves and in the power of the community
- Setting up a national example as a vocal and involved community.
- Service & experiential learning about civic engagement
- Shift of mentality - do not change your ethics and vote based on campaign influences
- Share civic - activism stories - leading by example through experienced practitioners in various movements who will share the theory behind social change
- Growth and development of practical abilities for non-formal learning and reducing the school abandonment -> enabling vocational coaching which will stimulate youth to find careers with causes
- Creating awareness and helping civic ideas to become reality
- Developing a community of practice formed by rural and urban activists

Why is this idea important to you?

Of course, we will probably only be scratching the surface in the ways that ordinary people can create extraordinary change. But with more initiatives in this area such as those similar to ours, we can in time, dig deeper and find more tools for activation and engagement of citizens to influence and contribute to their communities. We are not alone in wanting to create effective and sustainable change. All around Europe people are rising up like the water, as in this dear song: & taking a stand for civic education & involvement, democracy, human and climate justice etc. We will share a few of our stories, going beyond what you read in the news, and delving into the tactics, tools and personal motivation of those involved.

€ 25000,-

Total budget

€ 20000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

- Logistics expenses (preparation / admin for implementation) - 4 000 EUR
- Human Resources -5 000 EUR
- Website and application for covering online presence - 3 000 EUR
- Public Relations & Marketing (Communications) - 1 500 EUR
- Travel and Accommodation - 4 000 EUR for reaching at least 5 areas
- Personnel costs (vocational coaches, psychologists, guest speakers - activists) - 3 000 EUR
- Civic Education Kits - 2 500 EUR
- Unexpected costs - 2 000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any advice, comment and constructive feedback is greatly appreciated and welcome!
We would love to be offered some mentoring or new perspectives so that we can see this project up and running. Access to useful information, (re)sources and quality networking would be great. Thank you & luck to all!🚀





Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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