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Empowered and Resilient Roma Communities | Civic Europe

Empowered and Resilient Roma Communities

Working together (stakeholders) for building resilient Roma communities during and after coronavirus crises, including strengthening vulnerable communities in times of change and uncertainty


Who is behind this?

Florin Nasture

Roma Center O Del Amenca



Idea pitch

During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, elderly and health professionals are most at risk but vulnerable Roma are in particular danger as well — and yet, they've been mostly overlooked. We are aiming at supporting the development of greater resilience of 3 vulnerable Roma communities (120 families). The main activities will be: training for Roma leaders in community organizing; Forming CAGs and implementing advocacy and civic actions; developing participatory local strategies

Where will your project idea take place?

Ludesti, Barcea and Fetesti. These are rural localities in South-East of Romania

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

According to European Regional Competitiveness Index, the S-E region of Romania, where we intervene, is the second poorest of EU. We intervene in rural communities where authorities have a paternalistic approach towards Roma communities and see them only as mass for electoral campaigns. Among the members of the community there is no civic spirit or solidarity and they do not have the knowledge to keep authorities accountable. The community, which suffers racism and discrimination at the best of times, is now being treated with even more stigmatization. On top of general measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, authorities have introduced, in the 3 communities, additional restrictions to put Roma communities under quarantine, sometimes resorting to the use of police and military force.

Who are you doing it for?

The communities where we intervene are vulnerable and the beneficiaries of the project activities are from these communities. The selection will be made based on the principle, explicitly but not exclusively Roma. We will take into account disadvantaged women and young people (at least 35% women and at least 30% young people -14-35 years old) in all project activities. In addition, we will select 18 specialists who work locally with vulnerable people and who will benefit from training courses in order to provide quality and inclusive services. 106 vulnerable people will benefit from training courses but also from LAG meetings and meetings with LA. We will build a network of 12 leaders from South-Eastern Romania. 500 people will be involved in civic actions, 250 in advocacy actions, from wh

How do you plan to get there?

In building resilience communities during and after Coronavirus crises, we need to involve all the stakeholders from local level: public authorities and institutions to prepare, respond and recover; local leaders and groups to uplift and share creative, visionary, and locally-rooted solutions -- and to make the systems and institutions they depend on more responsive; community members organized for civic and advocacy actions. As activities and methods we will organized a training for 18 local experts in combating domestic violence and facilitate access to health services ; train 12 Roma leaders; form 3 LAGs and initiate 6 advocacy or civic actions; Elaborate local strategy in a participatory manner; creating a network of 12 Roma leaders ( 12 communities); combat discrimination and stigma

What are the expected results?

We will create strong and resilient communities during and after coronavirus crises ready to overcome disadvantage and solve complex social problems. There will 12 community members with civic conscious capacitated to become more self-reliant and empowered to address local issues. Local authorities more responsive and accountable, applying the good governance principles. 18 Local experts capacitated to provide inclusive better services, respecting human dignity; innovate service delivery and work together to better respond to changing community need. 500 people involved in 6 civic or advocacy actions
Also, we envisage building and deepening relationships and developing creative solutions to strengthen communities in times of change and uncertainty.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

During the coronavirus crises the situation of Roma, the most discriminated and vulnerable population in Europe, is desperate. By putting in practice this idea we will combat discrimination during coronavirus crises, restoring human dignity, values which are in line with European democracy. Also, by empowering community members for participating in the process of planning and decision making, we promote active citizenship which is one of the core value of European democracy. Also, we will make sure that 35 percent of the beneficiaries are women ensuring gender equality. Elements of best practices will be included in a project that we are preparing in partnership with organizations from Bulgaria, Hungary and Germany

Why is this idea important to you?

The mission of our organization is to empower vulnerable people (Roma explicitly but not exclusively) for participating in the development their communities as active citizen. Implementing this idea is important for us because would fit our mission.
Although projects have been implemented and resources have been invested for Roma inclusion, the situation of the localities where Roma communities also live is even worse (FRA Study). We believe that there is a need for an approach based on community organization through which those "without a voice" will become active in their relationship with those in a decision-making position. Without this project, the coronavirus crises will bring catastrophic effects (the right to health and life) for these communities

€ 36150,-

Total budget

€ 36150,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs – 21100 Euro
Public relation – 2400 Euro
Office expenses – 2200 Euro
Travel and accommodation – 6300 Euro
Equipment – 2500 Euro
Protocol – 850 Euro
Facebook ads – 800 Euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive some advice from organization who dealt with vulnerable communities during and after the coronavirus crises. Also, we are interested on suggestions on how to combat discrimination and stigma against those who are vulnerable



Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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