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Economic education of seniors - I use I'm safe | Civic Europe

Economic education of seniors - I use I'm safe

Personalized economic consultancy for seniors preventing social exclusion of this social group focused on electronic banking products and operating healthcare portals.


Who is behind this?

Aneta Wrońska

Open Mind


Who is joining forces?

Associations for seniors



Idea pitch

The modern market economy requires that households use various financial services, mainly banking services. In the case of the oldest Poles - nearly 45 percent persons over 65 years of age cannot use the bank account. Financial exclusion generates high costs for both the excluded people themselves (on a micro scale) and the whole economy (macro). The method of counteracting financial discrimination among seniors is to intensify educational activities directed at this social group.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will be implemented in the communes of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

West Pomeranian Voivodeship varied to the region. A large part of it is post-agricultural regions. Seniors of large cities are influential employees of former factories. Often forced to deactivate due to the collapse of post-communist formations. These people have been inactive for many years. The methods of managing their home finances have not changed with the development of the economy. Analyzes indicate that seniors do not have basic banking products and do not use them due to the lack of availability and lack of skills to use them. Seniors cover higher costs of banking services, they do not save, they use dangerous banking, they are exposed to crime. They are unable to log in to their insurer, control health care expenses and locate their savings safely.

Who are you doing it for?

The oldest Poles - nearly 45 percent persons over 65 years of age cannot use the bank account. An analysis of the behavior of seniors indicates that also within this group the level of advancement in the use of banking products and financial instruments significantly decreases with age. 16 percent use electronic banking. "Younger" seniors (aged 65-74) and only 3 percent "Older" (over 75 years). We have conducted preliminary talks with organizations of seniors which show that there is a very large interest in consultancy related to mobile services. This advice, however, must be individualized and adapted to the capabilities of seniors. That is why we would like to focus on an individual approach to each senior citizen. Each of them has different financial, technical and social possibilities

How do you plan to get there?

The project will be based on personalized consultancy tailored to individual needs. Before counseling, an interview will be conducted to determine the person's needs. What are her needs, what are her options, how much time does she need, how does she want to be contacted, what are her goals. Everyone, even the smallest goal achieved will be a success for this person. Consulting will have a practical dimension. It will concern the operation of basic devices and applications, methods of logging in, information contained in applications, service of bank accounts, service of ATM cards, information on costs and commissions, and so on. However, the main focus will be on contact with the senior, recognizing his individual needs and providing him with the advice he will need.

What are the expected results?

Our goal is to change the awareness of seniors regarding their perception of banking and internet services. Every person who starts using the services will be a success for us. We hope to motivate as many people as possible to care for their finances at an available level and according to their capabilities. Indicate that they can decide, realize their needs mobile without leaving home and control what happens, e.g. with their savings.The older people, the harder it is to make them change, however, any activity will be supported by us. Next year, we hope to raise the need for senior citizens from the region to actively participate in economic education. This is a profit on the micro and macro scale.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our idea is to strengthen the awareness of seniors about their financial impact on their future. It counteracts economic exclusion. It helps seniors plan their home budgets online, which is especially important for non-mobile people and also in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Seniors will have an insight into health care expenses and will be able to use cheaper services. Personalized advice tailored to seniors will include their households in the possibility of using available Internet services. This inhibits social exclusion. It has a positive social and economic aspect. Such activities support social integration, a sense of security and a sense of agency. The goal is to provide knowledge and skills in everyday use of basic banking and online tools.

Why is this idea important to you?

We are motivated by the desire to create a social space accessible to everyone. A space in which every person would feel a part of it. But for this to happen this person must feel that he has knowledge about him, can act on it and feel safe in it. Due to the aging of the society, it becomes crucial not to allow seniors to discriminate against them in technology and culture. The lives of these people will be longer, so their participation in society should also be as long as possible. The basis of our project is an individual approach to the recipient, which on the one hand is an expression of respect and, on the other, a method for seniors' involvement in social life as long as possible.

€ 45200,-

Total budget

€ 45200,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Accounting and service costs - 5.000,00 euro
Travel expenses - 7.500,00 euro
Leaflets and advertising - 4.200,00 euro
Telephone and internet costs - 7.500,00 euro
Office supplies - 1.000,00 euro
Individual counseling costs for seniors - 20.000,00 euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

I am open to any new ideas.


Aneta Wrońska

Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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