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Dream a Future | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development

Dream a Future

Weaving a community network for a fruitfull and resilient dream catcher.


Who is behind this?

Sonja Katana

Eco-Region Kostrena/Transition Initiative Rijeka


Who is joining forces?

Transition Initiative Rijeka



Idea pitch

Bringing together in conversation and networking citizens of all 3 regions of our county in innovative and inclusive way to discuss common problems and find solutions for balanced development of all and envision future sustainable and resilient local communities based on solidarity and capable to face adversities and insecurities of today's world.

Where will your project idea take place?

Our project idea will take place in Primorsko-goranska county located at the northwest part of Croat

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Our county is geographically very versatile. It has 3 „faces": islands, costal part and mountains. The small towns of coastal Rivieras and islands are popular tourist destination and the most populated area with harbour city Rijeka in its centar. The mountain area is populated mostly with ageing settlers and neglected settlements. In last 20 years old industries are vanished and tourism is the most prolific economy on which the county municipalities are putting their stakes. Old traditions of food and wine production are now used as tourist attractions and not considered as a possible career orientation among youth. Our county food supply now depends mostly on imports coming from other parts of Croatia or abroad. Profits and political interests are often more important then public opinions

Who are you doing it for?

Our main target group is youth (age 11-14). Children that go to elementary school and live in smaller municipalities of our county. They are the glue of those communities and the schools are institutions that gather all the children regardless of the social, religious or any group they or their families could be part of. Children and their wellbeing are the main focus of their parents and relatives and thus local authorities whose main interests is to keep the population in municipalities and raise the number of newborns offering and securing appealing perspectives.

How do you plan to get there?

We are planning 3 main activities to implement our project:
1. In selected elementary schools throughout the county we will perform „Forum theatre“ sessions with children of age 11-14. Main topic will be sustainable and resilient towns and villages of future affected by climate change and other adversities.
2. With representatives of local youth clubs and other members of local community groups and associations we will complete „Dragon dreaming“ workshop (project design method for personal growth, community building and service to the Earth).
3. In selected municipalities we will organize „Future search“ conference.
We are aiming to facilitate creation of new networks and local project ideas among municipalities from all 3 regions of the county.

What are the expected results?

With the implementation of our project we will facilitate the start of the communication between citizens and authorities and creation of network of stakeholders. The young residents will feel empowered and learn a fun method to express their point of view, thoughts and feelings as well as feel encourage to participate in democratic processes and future local development. Members of local civic societies, local community groups, expected new groups and authorities will learn new tools and methods and establish networks to improve in finding common solutions for local and regional problems in terms of balanced and sustainable development of county based on traditions and geographic advantages as well as its food sufficiency and resilience to climate, health, economic and social impacts.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our idea is to bring people together over envisioning common future for our county making sure that everyone has a place and time to contribute. Most of the citizens of our country feel discouraged or not competent to undertake any new initiative since the most decisions are brought at the political level where corruption is still present. New trends and practises in local and community development are emerging in the world that are offering sustainable solutions for resilient communities capable to meet challenges of our contemporary reality. With the implementation of our idea we will facilitate processes and provide tools for strengthening local communities and creation of new networks with youth in its centar.

Why is this idea important to you?

Most of the people in our county still feels discouraged to engage in any kind of initiatives for the betterment of their local communities. They feel hopeless and overwhelmed by local politicians and their practises. We are motivated to encourage people in our local communities to change the negative attitude that they can not do anything to positive one feeling that what they have to say matter and they can do something. By implementing our project all the participants will have the opportunity to connect, speak up and listen to each other and will receive tools and gain knowledge to facilitate change they envision together.

€ 5100,-

Total budget

€ 5100,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Administration cost (office expenses) 400 euros
Project management (personnel costs) 1200 euros
Public relations 600 euros
Travel and accommodation 2900 euros

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any kind of contributing feedback is welcome.



Idea created on May 27, 2020

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