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DREAM | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development, Social Entrepreneurship: Provide youngsters and yo


Designing Responsible Entrepreneurial Actions with social Mindset


Who is behind this?

Oscar Argumosa Sainz

Permacultura Cantabria (PC)


Who is joining forces?

Local Partner: Agency for the promotion and development of the Pasiegan Valleys


Local Partner: UCEIF FOUNDATION composed by the University of Cantabria and Bank of Santander


Local Partner: Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria


Local: Agency for promotion & development of Ason Valley 12 European NGOs: Bigboss Project FR Active Women Association PL Pasos SP Orie IT Strive HR Be International CZ Explorator RO etc


Idea pitch

Youngsters & youth workers will be immersed in a social entrepreneurial path in which they will acquire a set of tools and skills provided by the Dragon Dreaming Methodology.
They will pass various phases with workshops, trainings, challenges, etc. in which the best social projects win:
1st place 500€ + 1 year of further support by PC
2nd 300€
3rd 100€
Participants will hold a conference to present their projects with relevant stakeholders for possible future collaborations and funding

Where will your project idea take place?

Pasiegan and Ason Valleys are 2 rural regions in Cantabria, which have 22 towns in total.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Cantabria is the 4th province in Spain with more youngsters unemployed.
The youth unemployment rate in Cantabria is alarming: 39% (National Statistics Institute).
The Pasiegan & Ason Valleys are located near/in the mountains of Cantabria.They were traditionally, dedicated to agriculture & livestock. Nowadays, these are economically depressed areas as these sectors went through a severe crisis in 2008. This has left societal challenges in youngsters:
Risk of exclusion due to high unemployment rates
Difficulty to access to high quality training
Access to precarious work
Economic difficulties
Lack of skills
Poor active citizenship
Close minded: need to develop their EU belonging and connect to urban areas
The situation will get worse due to the COVID-19 crisis Spain has gone through

Who are you doing it for?

Youngsters: In order to establish a connection between rural regions and the city (Santander), we will select 75% youngsters from rural areas and 25% from the city. However, all youngsters will belong to disadvantaged groups and face challenges like:
Economic obstacles
Cultural differences: Inmigrants, refugees, etc.
Educational difficulties
Health problems
Social obstacles

Youth workers: Ppl who work with youngsters to facilitate their social, personal, professional and educational development. It is important to include them in the project as they will play a multiplier role. They will transfer the Dragon Dreaming to other youngsters from their communities and reach their full potential in social entrepreneurship.

Gender balance is important in the selection

How do you plan to get there?

We will develop a program to foster social entrepreneurship:
We will carry out 3 trainings with 4 workshops; 1 in each region:
-Pasiegan Valleys
-Towns around Santander
20 Youngsters and youth workers will participate in each training (60 in total).
They will learn Dragon Dreaming.
We will select 7 people per region (21 total) with the best ideas/potential to develop their idea in the whole Dragon Dreaming Process.
*P2 PLANNING: The 21 people selected and other youth workers from the European NGOs will participate in a 10-days Advanced and Intensive Training to design the idea.
*P3 DOING: 6 months of supporting & mentoring for the development of the participants’ projects. Competition
*P4 CELEBRATING 1 Conference for the projects presentation

What are the expected results?

Acquire all the skills & tools provided by the Dragon Dreaming
Be able to create and manage sustainable projects for their communities
Become social entrepreneurs
Foster their active citizenship. More projects for the society will be developed
Improve their communication skills, including English
Increase their capacity of team democracy management: collective intelligence, participative leadership, group/creative processes, etc.
Will broaden their EU vision
Acquire European values
Establish strong networks with urban and European organisations

Reactivate the rural depression that these populations are experiencing
Empower the future of youth
Care for the environmental heritage
Strengthen connections between the countryside & the city

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Participants will increase their active citizenship and social responsibility in 3 levels:
-Local/community: Will acquire skills and develop social projects for the sustainable development of their regions, considering the society and environment welfare.
-Regional: Will create new bridges, as participants from rural and urban areas will work collaboratively in their ideas.
-European: Will make strong connections with EU NGOs to discover their best practices and to work together in future projects.

They will learn that democracy is not only “stand and vote”. Democracy and equal participation should be implemented everywhere, especially in social entrepreneurship. Participants will learn and apply democracy management tools to foster and perpetuate a democratic culture.

Why is this idea important to you?

Behind this project is a motivated team who want to be drivers of change in our societies. Learning Dragon Dreaming will allow them to design and carry out socially, economically viable and environmentally sustainable projects that will motivate youth workers and youngsters.
COVID will cause one of the greatest depressions for the next years, especially in rural areas, making youngsters vulnerable. We need to tackle the situation, providing tools and opportunities for youth, which improve their education, independence, welfare and participation, in the “new normality”.
PC would like to continue transmitting their collective and inclusive culture, based on 3 components every project should have:
Environmental sustainability
For/with the Society
Social inclusion & active participation

€ 73326,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Phase (P)1
1 training (4 workshops/training) in 3 regions: Total 3 trainings, 12 workshops

10-day Training
Accommodation & meals in Ason Valley
Travel, accommodation and course for EU NGOs: 22426€ Co-financed by Erasmus

Supporting & Mentoring 6 months, 21 participants 16610€

Catering 60 ppl
Short Film
Awards: 900€ Co-financed by PC

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to know if connecting and stimulating local people with other European NGOs is a good idea for Civic Europe.

Any new ideas or proposals for our project are welcome :)


Permacultura Cantabria

Daniela M

Idea created on May 20, 2020
Last edit on May 20, 2020

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