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Disenchant the space | Civic Europe
Community development, Youth participation and empowerment

Disenchant the space

Many of these places,that support disadvantaged groups,are dirty gray rooms,and we want to disenchant them so that they better fulfill their therapeutic,educational&healing functions.


Who is behind this?

Monika Bocian

Stowarzyszenie LEVEL UP


Who is joining forces?

Fundacja EDUKABE



Idea pitch

Our project is a volcano of energy, which is to bring real change to beneficiaries in a given region. It is a volcano that is to erupt in a given area and stimulate young people and the local community to come out of their home after a pandemic and support those who need it.Behind our project there are young people who want a real change for years and the local community notices that social passivity inhibits the development of social data and deepens the marginalization of certain social groups

Where will your project idea take place?

Lodzkie Voivodeship, Central Poland

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

A social challenge that blocks social changes is the mentality of the local community that it is impossible they can use to support groups in need. Our goal is to disenchant the thinking of local residents as well as the institutions themselves, their interiors. It is known that gray, dirty walls are not conducive to any development and do not motivate to action. We want to show through the project that such institutions operate in a given community, to whom they help, what role they play and that they can continue to carry out their mission, but with the support of the local community. We want direct and indirect participants to see the scale of the changes and be proud of their actions

Who are you doing it for?

In our project, we want to support 7 institutions(public&NGO) that support disadvantaged groups: min. an orphanage, institutions supporting people with disabilities, the elderly, a social therapy club, children's hospital, single mother's home, community center. The direct recipients of the action will be people who use the rooms on a daily basis, learning, treating diseases, becoming independent, undergoing therapy or who live there, because life difficulties do not allow them to live independently. Among the recipients there will also be people working in a given institution, who change the fate of many people on a daily basis with their work.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Building relationships with 7 beneficiaries&companies,schools&communities.We want to establish cooperation with local governments through their departments for non-governmental organizations in each region.Spreading information about the project, mapping beneficiaries and their needs through meetings with groups of beneficiaries, discussion.Through the cooperation with local goverment&youth we will indentify the institutions/org.Preparation of a work schedule at each location. Recruitment of the local volunteers.
2. Preparation of projects of activities by volunteers from the local community
3. Activating meetings with groups of volunteers, discussions on projects, publication of graphic designs on social media in order to select the best (involvement of the local community). Develop a plan to implement activities with the different groups of young people.
Consultation with a professional graphic designer and technical specialist in order to choose the right tools.
4. Implementation of activities in individual regions.
5. Disseminating the results of our activities, promoting the activities of the local community. Publication of information in local media. Issue of thanks to the volunteers.
6. Evaluation of activities after each event (evaluation by volunteers and beneficiaries).

What are the expected results?

-return to stationary volunteering activities after the pandemic
-developing a sense of responsibility for the local environment in which we live
-recognizing the places that support marginalized groups by the local community (most of them have no idea about them)
-including these groups in activities for the benefit of the place that supports them
- counteracting isolation, encouraging people to be socially active
- the involvement of young people in the region in charity actions
- We will create a cooperation bridge between two worlds that are supposed to work together, and usually live side by side avoiding contact.
-7 instututions and their beneficiaries who will get a new place to develop, learn, heal themself

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project will engage the local community in specific remedial actions in their area and help them take support and take responsibility for repairing and changing the environment. It is also paying attention to disadvantaged groups, which often struggle not only with their own problems, but also encounter social barriers to overcome a difficult situation. The project encourages people to be an active volunteer, shows the strength of group work and a real change over the years. Time spent together during a given action means new friendships, new partnerships and bringing together groups that often do not see each other in society. It is also the inhabitants' motivation to act, and not the expectation that the local government will do something for them.

Why is this idea important to you?

The LEVEL UP NGO was established in 2019 on the initiative of young people who,through social projects,want to improve the quality of life of the local community.Mission of our non-profit organization is to infect people with good energy every day and encourage them to take social initiatives in their environment.Level up is a group of 55 people(members,volunteers) who come from different regions of Poland.The project is based on our pilot project we did in the region with sociotherapy community centers in 2021,despite the pandemic.We see great results and we want to continue to act by engaging, helping, changing.We're working in large aglomerations and small cities.Our strength and motivation is the development of ourselves and the space around us.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1000 EUR-office expenses
1000 EUR-accountancy costs
5000 EUR-personal administrative costs (coordinator,financial officer )
2000 EUR-PR costs
8000 EUR- personal project costs (coaches for the young groups,who will take up an action. Technical support, graphic designer who will help to implement the design,carers ppl below 18y.o)
13 000 EUR-paints, tools, protection tools, COVID protection
5000 EUR-insurance for volunteers, food, travel costs (according to the law we have to provide it

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Thank you for being part of the Civic community. If you like the project, please vote for us. We are also open to constructive criticism that will help us to better adapt ideas to social activities in our region.If you want to get to know our org, please visit


Level UP

Idea created on April 22, 2021
Last edit on April 24, 2021

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