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Digital Parcel | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Community development

Digital Parcel

Preventing digital exclusion of people living in difficult conditions from rural areas and promoting volunteering as a way to develop civic society


Who is behind this?

Dominika Langer-Gniłka

WIOSNA Association



Idea pitch

We develop the model of local support in which people help each other. We connect volunteers, people in need who are digitally excluded and donors. Volunteers meet with families and get to know them better and their situation which is why help they received is a response to their real needs and very effective. By providing material support, we want to give them an impulse to change their situation and change their mentality. We promote volunteering and social involvement through PR campaigns.

Where will your project idea take place?

Poland, rural areas in 16 voivodships located away from large urban centres

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Despite the very rapid technological development around the world, digital exclusion in many areas is still a problem. This also applies to Poland and rural areas, located away from large urban centres. This problem is particularly noticed among people living in very difficult financial conditions. They have to fulfil many urgent and necessary needs so they can’t even afford to buy a computer. Their access to better jobs offers, free on-line trainings, educational, cultural and social events is very limited. They are socially excluded, they do not see any chance to improve their life situation and do not actively participate in the local community’s life.
On the other hand, there are no social initiatives in rural areas that promote volunteers and would engage people to help others.

Who are you doing it for?

The project will have positive impact on 3 groups: volunteers, people digitally excluded, who are in a difficult life situation and donors.
Volunteers and donors are socially sensitive people who want to get involved in social activities and have impact on improving the situation of the local community.
Digitally excluded families are in a difficult life and financial situation because of:
- illness,disability
- single parenthood(raising a child up to 7 years old alone)
- large family (over 3 children)
- old age,loneliness
- other unfortunate accidents
The support system created by WIOSNA Association between these social groups ensure that the help is tailored to the real needs of the family and feedback about the quality of help is given to the donor from the family and volunteer

How do you plan to get there?

We plan to implement following steps:
1. PR Campaign to recruit volunteers
2. Training of volunteers (volunteers will have different tasks and responsibilities, their role is crucial and very demanding, so it is very important to prepare them properly for working with local institutions and families, as well as for challenges and difficult situations that may appear during the project)
3. Obtaining families’ addresses and meeting families
4. Preparation of the database of families
5. PR Campaign to attract donors (looking for donors who would like to provide material support to families)
6. Preparation and delivery of material support to families before Christmas time
7. Providing feedback to the donor from the family and volunteer
8. Project evaluation

What are the expected results?

We assume that the level of digital exclusion will decrease in the areas covered by the project.Material help provided to families will be an impulse for them to improve their situation.Local structures of volunteering will be stronger.Contacts established with local institutions will develop and form the basis for other social initiatives implemented locally in the future.We assume that volunteers and donors will inspire other people to create and develop other social initiatives and social involvement.Thanks to this, local communities will become more active and this will lead to the development of social capital and civic society.Thanks to the cooperation of 3 groups(volunteers,families in need and donors),people's openness to the needs of others and a sense of solidarity will increase.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our project strengthens social cohesion, social commitment to the local community and includes citizens in activities that developing social bonds and solidarity. We create conditions and structures which allow people to engage in activities for local communities. Project connects 3 different social groups which leads to create more open society and to social dialogue. Volunteers build network of social connection with local institutions which can be foundation to further social activities on local level. By taking part in the project volunteers can improve their social and management skills as well as social sensitivity and use them to create further social activities at local level. By gathering positive experience from the project, they can inspire other people to social engage.

Why is this idea important to you?

We believe that there is potential for change in every person.Sometimes it is deeply hidden and due to difficult external conditions not perceived. We want that our project can be an impulse to wake up that potential.Our help means not only material support, but an attempt to tell people in a difficult situation "you are important," and "you have the potential to change your life".We want to change the mentality of people living in difficult conditions and people from their close environment as well.We want to create a support system in which people can help each other. We have been supporting civic initiatives and the promotion of volunteering for many years.The project is consistent with the ideas and values on which WIOSNA Association is based: mutual love, independence and solidarity.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1. Volunteers PR campaign 8000 euro
2. Volunteers training (including materials, accommodations, catering, salary of trainers, transport, other) 8500 euro
3. Donors PR campaign 8000 euro
4. Database of families (IT costs) 11 000 euro
5. Evaluation 800 euro
6. Management staff cost 10 000 euro
7. Administration costs 3700 euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We will appreciate the opinion about our activities, especially from organizations dealing with digital exclusion and working with volunteers. We are constantly trying to be better and we are open to improving our work methods and we will be grateful for any feedback.


Stowarzyszenie WIOSNA


Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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