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Dialogue Community | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability, Community development

Dialogue Community

Practicing social dialogue in finding solutions to community problems. Lack of transparency, openness, violence-based relationships, and, consequently, a lack of mutual trust creates a completely obst


Who is behind this?

Katarzyna Sochacka Sochacka

Association Green around


Who is joining forces?

Cultivator Foundation


Natural Forest Foundation


The Kultywator Foundation will include us in the field of artistic departments (happenings). The Natural Forest Foundation will give us substantive support in the field of forest protection.


Idea pitch

New social contexts require a new dialogue based on new tools. Staying with old methods (habits, procedures) we are doomed to failure. Practicing social dialogue in finding solutions to community problems. Lack of transparency, openness, violence-based relationships, and, consequently, a lack of mutual trust creates a completely obstructed system.

Where will your project idea take place?

Ełk - a city of 60,000 in the Masuria region(north-eastern Poland).The poorest region in the country

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The rich natural heritage of Masuria (lakes, forests, landform features-postglacial moraines) attracted tourists. This is the main income for residents next to agriculture. However, after the laws introduced:Lex Szyszko (Ministry of the Environment), the State Forests massively began deforestation. Despite civic outrage regarding deforestation - the Ełk Lakeland, Biebrzański Park, the government does not change politics. At the expense of nature, he plans modernist buildings:a cut of the Vistula Spit or a network of transit roads through the richest natural areas. Local governments are helpless against government ideas. Non-governmental organizations despite being associated in thematic networks- the network of forest defenders, lose motivation and enthusiasm to resist the government

Who are you doing it for?

The offer of activities is addressed to everyone who is not indifferent to the quality of life. By working with ngo we have access to active residents from young to seniors. Cooperating with schools, we have broad access to young people with whom we have prepared, for example, a climate strike. We want to give hope to those who have not become indifferent. Together, we want to join forces and prepare urban garden / pocket parks together with a garden cafe in various parts of the city, renew the stand, pay attention to the importance of biodiversity in the ecosystem (including the preservation of old stands and native species).

How do you plan to get there?

Green Forum, which will provide all interested parties with knowledge about proper tree care (a dose of knowledge and practical workshops for residents and representatives of the city and commune, housing cooperatives). Forest walks with experts will provide knowledge about protected species. Workshops on access to public information and monitoring of State Forests for volunteers who will want to get involved in the monitoring process. Preparation of municipal gardens - permaculture workshops, joint construction of installations in municipal gardens (composters, composting toilets, places of rest and relaxation taking into account the needs of the youngest, parents and seniors). Filling with artistic offer happenings, screenings of socially involved films in garden cafes, discussions.

What are the expected results?

Through actions, participants will gain a sense of identity with the region. They will not exploit the natural environment without reflection. In everyday existence, i.e. shopping, they will care about the ecological use of natural heritage assets. Through established relationships with experts, they will gain experience and a sense of care in the process of monitoring state institutions: State Forests. They will be encouraged to segregate garbage and optimize it. In the process of meetings, artistic happenings, discussions after the presentations of socially engaged films, relations between residents will be strengthened. The level of trust will increase. The level of openness to cultural otherness will increase. We will strengthen the sense that it is worth producing organic food.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We believe that only open, non-violent dialogue can encourage participation and give hope for change. A careful process with the principles of respect for dignity can become a platform for developing effective cooperation for the common good. The involvement of the whole activist community will help strengthen social impact, give a sense of sense and influence on change. Practical education in schools under the guidance of experts/practitioners will inspire and awaken passion.Cooperation with senior organizations-University of the 3rd century will increase the involvement of senior groups in the affairs of the city. Joint preparation of city gardens together with artistic happenings in different places of the city will strengthen the potential of local society at different levels.

Why is this idea important to you?

Creating a platform for dialogue with the principles of mutual respect regardless of age, religion or skin color will broaden horizons and open to otherness. Acceptance, openness and trust will help create a safe environment of cooperation in a spirit of tolerance and democracy. Mutual learning will help build social competences necessary for the development of dialogue. Learning to monitor will strengthen citizenship.

€ 55035,-

Total budget

€ 45000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Outdoor structures: yurt, sanitarion and inner materials: 16000€
Garden cafe tent: 585€
Energy autonomy system 1500€
Garden cafe equipment: 7850€
Garden cafe furnitures: 1500€
Seminars, lectures, document and film’s presentations: 7000€
Green forum organization 1000€
Forests walks 1800€
Meetings facilities: 9500€
3 Happenings: 6000€
Promotion and communication: 500€ materials
full time media asistant 800€
Accauntancy: 1000€



Idea created on May 27, 2020

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