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Development through inclusion: dialogue as a tool | Civic Europe
Community development, Social inclusion

Development through inclusion: dialogue as a tool

Fostering community development building on inter-generational dialogue


Who is behind this?

Matteo Opizzi

Baa Ba Aps



Idea pitch

This project starts from one specific pain point: the inability to be inclusive and to foster the intergenerational dialogue is an obstacle for local development. For this reason, we aim to foster public debate on the topic. Specifically, we plan to involve political representatives at first in a workshop, and secondly in a seminar with experts in local development who will expose how inclusion can become a tool to positively impact the local area.

Where will your project idea take place?

Sarcidano - Sub-region of South Sardinia (IT)

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The social context lacks the ability to cooperate in a wider environment than the narrow area around them and lacks the awareness about diversity. Consequently, it is needed to stimulate the interchange with an external setting, fostering a discussion about the social inclusion of diversity building on the opportunity of becoming an inclusive destination. This project aims to tackle the societal challenge of creating a judge-free and inclusive environment, building on the assumption that it can become a pathway toward local development. Specifically, we aim to reach the awareness that being inclusive can become an opportunity to create economic development with a positive impact in terms of social well-being and cohesion.

Who are you doing it for?

The project’s target group is formed by representatives of local bodies from the sub-region of Sarcidano. Specifically, the involved municipalities will be Escolca, Genoni, Gergei, Isili, Laconi, Nuragus, Nurallao, Nurri, Orroli, Serri e Villanova Tulo. We aim to involve all the representatives of local bodies that can impact the civil sense of the entire communities, and that can contribute to the creation of an inclusive destination. Specifically, the categories that we aim to involve will be civil councillors, assessors, policymakers consultants and structures dedicated to promoting the local area to potential travellers.

How do you plan to get there?

The first part of the project will consist of a workshop and it will involve all the representatives interested in fostering intergenerational conversation for inclusion and social development. In this part, we aim to create the conditions for a debate between the participants. The purpose is that to understand how the topics are considered to be important, and how they are perceived: in this step, we aim to acquire a general framework of the opinions and ideas and to foster the dialogue between different people from different villages, united by the need to understand how to stop the haemorrhage of youth from their villages and how to transform the ageing of the population in an opportunity for social development through a dialogue between generations and with diversities.
In the second part will consist in a conference and it will involve non-profit organizations. Its specific purpose will be to create awareness about the opportunities related to foster inclusion and to build a bridge between different generations for generating social development. This step will involve the same representatives as the first part as auditors, and several non-profit organizations as speakers. Specifically, we aim to involve ProPositivo Aps (non-profit organization based in Macomer, Sardinia) to use its know-how to expose the topic of depopulation and to explain how this issue could be faced,

What are the expected results?

In relation to the first project’s phase, the main expected result is the availability of a general framework about the opinions of the topics (namely inclusion and transgenerational dialogue) and a better attitude towards the need to be inclusive and to foster inclusion.
The second step will generate a determinant result in terms of awareness on already existing phenomena and best practices, general and specific competencies on the topic, and a general attitude toward the topics of inclusion and transgenerational collaboration as tools to make a local area more economically and socially developed.
The third step’s result consists of improved awareness about the topics. Moreover, we expect to obtain a lesson-learned that will be useful for further develop the themes.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project is specifically targeted at local political representatives since it is coherent with a specific purpose: we plan to start the social dialogue and change starting from the deputed people to manage the municipalities part of the area. Political representatives are the drivers of decision-making at the local level, and it makes them the proper target for adopting a strategy towards change. Moreover, the second part of the project (consisting of seminars with experts) will be available directly on social networks. This choice has its roots in the idea that it is necessary to enlarge the participants' plethora to maximize the social change.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team is formed by high-standing people with coherent experience. Specifically, the organization's president has long-term experience in organizing events to foster inclusion and to contrast discrimination, specifically but not only for the LGBT+ community. Out vice-president can count on a wide network of people working in tourism and local events. Other staff members have experiences in communication and marketing, European project design and social research. All these experiences added to the apport of external partners will create the synergy needed to make the project winner.

€ 30000,-

Total budget

€ 30000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Communication campaign and print material: 10000 EUR
Events expenses in the local area: 7000 EUR
Travels: 2000 EUR
Project management and dissemination: 7000 EUR
General project expenses: 4000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

It would be interesting to obtain some advices about how the project could have been improved. It would be useful for us for future projects. It is true especially because we are much interested in opinions coming from other proposers, with similar priorities than us.



Idea created on April 23, 2021
Last edit on April 24, 2021

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