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Democracy and European Citizenship | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Migration and Integration

Democracy and European Citizenship

Strengthening the participation civic of European citizens


Who is behind this?

Djarga Seidi

Associação BALODIREN


Who is joining forces?

Câmara Municipal de Sintra


Junta de Freguesia de Agualvamirasintra


With these two institutions we have been collaborating through partnership agreements for 13 years with concrete actions.


Idea pitch

General objectives of the project:
. Promote democracy and European citizenship
. Promote the active and civic participation of citizens for a strong and united European union
. Strengthen civic cohesion and active citizenship
. Promote open and participatory debates on the themes of democracy and citizenship
. Mobilize, inform, and raise awareness throughout society

Specific objectives:
. Promote equality between men and women

Where will your project idea take place?

Sintra region with a cohesive and diverse culture

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Sintra is a multiculral region with several different nationalities as an example it has the largest number of migrants in Portugal of different nationalities, that's why we want through this project to reinforce democracy, tolerance, peaceful and harmonious coexistence, thus diversifying our rich cultures

Who are you doing it for?

Target Group:
. Civil society organizations
. Workers' unions
. Women's Associations
. Young Girls and Boys Associations
. Universities
. Municipalities

How do you plan to get there?

Planned Activities:
. Activity planning
. Production of awareness material
. Distribution of awareness material
. Community outreach awareness
. Organization of 2 thematic seminars
. 6 workshops
. Realization of 1 Conference
. Project activity evaluation
a) indicators: Number of participants / action; Number of actions carried out; Attendance list; Quantity of awareness-raising documents produced.
. Preparation of the activity and financial report
We point out that this project will work in a participatory way in the community

What are the expected results?

First of all, we can say that this project will have a very important impact because the community is interested in the activities that we are going to carry out.
Expected results :
. Democracy is strengthened between citizens
. Culture is diverse
. Harmony between citizens is reinforced
. Internal and civic cohesion is strengthened
. 2 seminars organized
. 6 workshops carried out
. 1 conference carried out
. Proximity awareness are carried out
. Awareness material is produced
. Awareness material is distributed
. The various participants in the activities are satisfied

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

we aim to promote the active participation of communities and citizens in making decisions that concern their lives, thus reinforcing their civic rights

Why is this idea important to you?

This project is very important because it is about citizenship and democracy, two themes that I consider essential in the world in which we live

€ 22,-

Total budget

€ 22,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project staff: 17,490
Equipment: 1500
Operating expenses:: 3,639.9
Total: 22.629,9

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to receive good news about partnerships and development. As advice, we suggest that your institution does its best to contribute to more democracy and increasingly active and participatory citizenship.


Associação BALODIREN

Idea created on May 8, 2020

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