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Demarginalizing regions | Civic Europe
Community development

Demarginalizing regions

The future of poor and remote regions


Who is behind this?

Who is joining forces?

AME Foundation



Idea pitch

Our project, Demarginalisation of regions, aims to help the young people, the society at large and the existing minorities in the remote and poor regions of Bulgarian North-West to recognize and solve the problems they face on economic, social, public and psychological level. The project will provide them with the proper instruments, techniques and mentorship through a specially developed program for mentorship, networking and various training sessions and courses.

Where will your project idea take place?

Vidin, Bulgaria and the surrounding small settlements and villages

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

North-West Bulgaria is defined as the poorest region not only in Bulgaria, but in the European Union as well. The problems of the region are mainly economical and demographical. Most of the young people leave for the bigger cities to look for opportunities for education and work. Those who stay feel marginalized and away from the European reality of other regions. The project we propose will equip the participants to take a more active role in their own development and future.

Who are you doing it for?

The project is focused on young people with different backgrounds, from different minorities and with different level of education. However, we will invite their parents, relatives, neighbors, the whole society to take part. Our mission is to demarginalize those society strata that are most prone to it through dialogue, mentorship, and the creation of an office for consultations and advice. We will further raise the awareness of the society at large of the opportunities they have to develop their region and change their current circumstances.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Development of a special programme for mentorship and advice.
2. Campaigns for raising awareness of the need for offices for mentorship and advice. Organization of the work of two such offices.
3. Organization and creation of sustainable social, educational and professional networks.
4. Creation of database webpage for mentorship and networking.
5. Training sessions and courses

What are the expected results?

The main expected result is the creation of two offices for mentorship and advice that will work in the area. Some by-results will include setting base for volunteering services, creation of active and inclusive local civil society, empowerment of young people of all backgrounds and the creation of different networks – social, educational and professional.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Active citizenship and the democratic principles are usually what is missing in marginalized societies and regions. They need an active civil society and it best comes from young and active people. They need the push, the incentive and the knowledge how to become actively involved in their own area and in the region at large. Our experts will equip them with this knowledge paying special attention to the human rights, rule of law, the non-discriminative principles and, most of all, the idea that working together is what will set us apart and will create a better future for them and their families and friends.

Why is this idea important to you?

Both foundations and their founders are driven by the mission of creating more opportunities for the young people in Bulgaria and of protecting those vulnerable groups that are more and more marginalized in our society. It is our firm belief that this could happen via our children - by giving them all instruments needed for their future and creating a safe environment for them - at home, at school, in their region, city or village.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Administrative expenses (including project administration and rentals) - 11,000 EUR
Marketing and PR - 3,000 EUR
Operational costs (direct and indirect) - 36,000



Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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