We want to set up a social forum of social activation. We focus on art & beauty understood as a tool for building relationships between people &man with nature. Practicing art & calligraphy, running community gardens, exploring the heritage &ecologically oriented activities - make people involved.
Youngs start feeling like part of the society, seniors stop being afraid of an exlusion and profesionally active adults become involved in matters contributing to personal and social development.
Radom , central Poland.
A forum of thoughts, ideas and networking, building relationships between generations and between neighbors, practising cultural and artistic education projects , as well as e.g. running community gardenswill enable the expansion of these relationships to other participants.
Initiating and participating in social actions make us aware that we can have an impact on the environment and sensitize to the needs of others.
They motivate to develop their own interests. They allow you to take your own initiatives and prepare you for the risk associated with action. They put emphasis on teamwork.
So we want our forum and the town be a place where people shape their identity, build relationships with themselves and the world.
Members of different non-govermental organizations,
Non formal groups; neigbours.
In fact: all people living or visiting our town eagle to act . learn, live actively.
- planning, organizing and running social gardens
- organizaing actions of planting trees in the town\
- worksjops ( arts, calligraphy, crafts
- conferences, courses, films, ( education
We hope to create the foundations for the establishment of a public benefit council, a social authority that will have an impact on the authorities and the city
We know, that people will got involved & active when having the space for it
lovers of local heritage,
tourist guides,
just neuigbours
Total budget
Funding requested from Civic Europe
I/ m deeply sorry to bo short of time right now
We have an estimate of costs in PLN
as above
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