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Arts and cultural activities, Social inclusion


Solidarity cultural & art bridges between local communities & migrants/refugees in rural village in the Municipality of Ioannina, region of Epirus, Greece


Who is behind this?




Who is joining forces?

Cultural Association «Platanos», Ioannina, Greece


“Open Window”, Personal For- profit Enterprise, Ioannina, Epirus



Idea pitch

In times of luck of democracy, civic illiteracy & racism, which is multiplied by the pandemic, the planned 31 cultural & art activities, in 4 languages, by 3 partners & many volunteers, addressed to children and elder, targeting both to local residences & migrants/refugees, will motivate all sides to participate in, cooperate between them & local entities & authorities & enjoy creatively, enhancing so their bonds, civility & social cohesion, transforming this area in a real cell of democracy.

Where will your project idea take place?

In the rural village of KATSIKA (where a camp exist), Ioannina, Epirus region, North-West Greece

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In the last 3 years the intervention area hosts, migrants, refugees & asylum seekers. A camp has been set up but it is characterized by unsatisfactory living, & cultural conditions. Τhe above groups face poverty, social and cultural exclusion, segregation & often racism, also due to pandemic, with children and women being more vulnerable & excluded of social activities
On the other hand, due to shortage of local interactive activities targeting both local residents & new comers, the cooperation between the two sides is insufficient & the interaction between them at a low level. It is obvious that the idea will have a recreational & cultivating impact, through strengthening active citizenship, beneficiaries’ empowerment, bridging of differences & enhancing democracy & diversity acceptance

Who are you doing it for?

The idea, with 31 different activities in 4 languages, is targeting local residents, migrants, refugees & asylum seekers living in the camp, children, youth, adults, seniors, people with different abilities/disabilities or cultural backgrounds, local Associations, NGOs & other entities.
The activities will be implemented by experts (animators, psychotherapists, etc) under the guidance of the Steering Committee, with interpreters’ help. All activities are designed according to human-centered approaches & will be participatory, so that better interaction will be achieved. In case of restrictions due to pandemic, we’ll utilise zoom platform.
Expert partners, we’ll engage municipalities, media & volunteers from the university & other entities, NGOs & women unions with different perspectives

How do you plan to get there?

The road to develop our cultural bridges will be as follows:

Creation of a Steering Committee (S.C) from Partners & cooperators to define the role of every entity
Organizing of a Workshop on building a common intervention aspect for staff, partners’ representatives, volunteers & media
Contacts & hints to local entities, residences & migrants to ask for volunteers & suggestions
Taking permission from the ministry to work in the camp
Implementation of the activities inside & outside camps in 4 languages
Tool kit- anthology guide creation & sharing
Evaluation process
Honoria to volunteers & NGOs
Contact & cooperation with the municipality & local representatives, to ensure their support
Participatory & interactive methods with experts will be utilized

What are the expected results?

After the project, active citizens from different backgrounds, are expected to be skilful & inspired on being engaged in open civic spaces to build strongholds against polarizations segregation and animosity, without political & cultural divisions &racism. They will be aware of acting &cooperating, in order to empower local civil cohesion & participation with equality & co-creating. So, a diverse & vibrant civil society will emerge, because of their participation in common & participatory social, art & culture activities. Through the strong developed bonds, they will have also increase their personal estimation, cultural background &skills to participate in social life for a better life, because, as Picasso says “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”. We hope to succeed

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our activities will strongly contribute to the bonding of different local groups (local residents &migrants /refugees) with active local entities and authorities &motivating all parts to take action in order to make all participants feel equal & active in societal & cultural activation & promote in this way democracy in local & community level. This will be achieved through:
a) The implementation of 11 sub-projects of cultural/art/ethnographic activities are expected to promote networking of all beneficiaries engaged, resulting in the promotion of entertainment, safety & freedom.
b) Improved co-operation & networking, based on equality & respect of diversity
c) Wider democratic procedures concerning the implementation & communication of the idea, that are expected to promote new ideas

Why is this idea important to you?

As SCCN with its 45 members, acts in the 3rd sector, has a vision to contribute to a society with equal opportunities for everybody & mainly for excluded people, where, civil literacy, solidarity & activation will be the rule. That’s why we offer voluntary training, consultancy, career guidance & mentoring in the fields of social economy, culture & equal opportunities to unemployed people, residents of rural areas, refugees & migrants. Our motivation is the unacceptable living conditions of refugees and migrants in the area & the inexistence of relations between them and the local residents. Investing in our experience &good relations with local entities, we hope that through art & cultural activities will improve both communities’ living conditions, but also built a resilient society

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

1. Personnel costs (for host organization & 2 partners) ( instructors, animators, trainers-actors, interpreters, administration, coordinators, secretary, evaluators): 34840
2. Travel and accommodation & petrol : 3290
3. Service providers (bus rental, microphone equipment rental): 5600
4. Workspops & event costs ( material, catering, miscellaneous):1670
5. Publicity (media/website, communication):1000
6. Meeting space and event rental: 2140
7. Public relations: 630
8. Honoria:830

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would appreciate if we take feedback & comments on our idea (activities, implementation procedures, targets) or any suggestions on improvements of all kind




Idea created on May 23, 2020

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