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Covid-19 Response Integrated Support (CRIS) | Civic Europe
Community development

Covid-19 Response Integrated Support (CRIS)

Development of the health civic cooperation for remote communities


Who is behind this?

Malgorzata Ornoch Tabedzka

Fundacja Przestrzeń Aktywności Rozwoju i Kreatywności



Idea pitch

In the frame of the CRIS project we shall enhance of the system of decentralized bottom-up and civic support for health services addressing COVID-19 pandemic. CRIS project capitalizes on the proven expertise and volunteer support for over 695 health centres and hospitals in Poland which are being assisted through coordinated civic support mobilization. We will build capacity for scaling up that success by engaging migrants living in Poland to work together in rolling out this initiative.

Where will your project idea take place?

50 Remote Small Towns in entire Poland where health Centers are located.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

CRIS project is based on the ongoing efforts addressing COVID-19 pandemic. It focus especially on remote places. At the moment, we have in our system 695 hospitals from all over Poland, 358 local coordinators, who provide information about needs and provide assistance, as well as over 200 companies and private persons who supply hospitals in accordance with these needs.
For our small Foundation located in rural areas it’s been a huge challenge, which was possible to implement only through cooperation with partners from universities and IT companies.
The system is working but needs help in development by engaging new target groups and stakeholders as for example migrants and youth.

Who are you doing it for?

We, as a group, built a nationwide help system in supplying medical facilities with missing equipment, protection products, food and other necessary materials. We were able to build an effective platform, which register the hospital's needs all over Poland. We are planning to enhance the functionalities by integrating the platform focused on Youth and Migrants to engage them in the system both as civic coordinators and leaders of COVID-19 coordinated response on rural areas. Project CRIS will target especially 50 them as they may become local leaders of civic engagement and role models.
The group of engineers and IT volunteers with the help of innovative information technology, will also extend the base of hospital requirements in remote and small towns.

How do you plan to get there?

We will implement CRIS project is 3 steps steps:
A) individual
A1) Recruit 50 Youth and migrant civic volunteers interested to work with hospitals and health centers in remote areas and small towns.
A2) Provide intensive on line and off line training supporting their societal skills

B) Hospital and health centers
B1) nominate 50 hospitals i registered in the system to assist them
B2) organize on line workshops facilitating methods of working with health centers
B3) We will assist health centers by on line individual and group assistance and help provided by trained civic coordinators.

C) System
C1) create an English and Ukrainian version of the platform presenting it to the migrants
C2) create Social media presence in English and Ukrainian versions to integrate migrants

What are the expected results?

Results (R)
R1) Recruited and trained 50 Youth and migrant civic volunteers engaged in civic support for hospitals and health centers in remote areas and small towns.
R2) Provided intensive coordinated civic support for 50 health centres and hospitals in the remote areas and small towns.
R3) English and Ukrainian version of the platform presented to migrants in Poland.
R4) English and Ukrainian presence in the social media reaching out for at least 30 000 persons.
R5) Disseminated results Nationally
In the results of the CRIS project there will be significant increase of the acceptance of migrants as fellow citizens increased in the areas where they will be engaged as civic coordinators of the assistance.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

With the ongoing disruption from COVID-19 pandemic, health system needs external assistance and help. In Poland it is provided up to high extend by supported of civic initiatives. In those efforts they are constrained by the lack of information about the exact needs and coordination of those efforts. So for example one day several providers supports the hospital and the next day none. It calls to action and coordinated civic efforts to address this challenge.
Mobilization of the new stakeholders will help to scale up our initiative and reach out to new target groups. We plan to reach out especially to Youth and migrants. Their engagement and participation integrates and unities local communities and build social capital and trust. It also becomes a benchmark of civic values.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our ambition is to look forward not only to the current flow of pandemic but expected return of the pandemic later this Fall and Winter. Our ambition is to build ICT based bottom up system of social response and civic assistance to health system as a whole. It requires close cooperation of various stakeholders and building systematic support for our efforts. It requires resources but also trained staff, engaged and motivated volunteers and working ICT system which saves time and energy in managing of the whole system.

€ 55500,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Project Management and Administration - 5500 EUR
Training for Civic coordinators - 5 x 2000 = 10 000 EUR
Workshops and building cooperation with hospital -5 x 2 000 EUR = 10 000 EUR
Monitoring and Evaluation of external consultant - 5000 EUR
Translation costs (EN, UA) - 2 x 3500 = 7 000 EUR
Local Travel and Accommodation - 7 000 EUR
It works and update - 6 months x 500 EUR = 3 000 EUR
Social Media presence (EN, UA) - 6 months x 500 EUR = 3000 EUR
Final Conference - 5 000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We are anxious to learn your opinion, suggestions and ideas of working either in Poland and in European scale. We are open to work together and we gladly share our experiences. Especially we would be grateful for requests concerning development of the CRIS in remote places.





Idea created on May 26, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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