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Costur'Art - Do It Yourself | Civic Europe
(Social) Entrepreneurship, Social inclusion

Costur'Art - Do It Yourself

Civic space open to the community to promote sharing and knowledge in the art of sewing, recycling, and reusing materials.


Who is behind this?

Cárita Mechas

AGIR XXI - Association for Social Inclusion


Who is joining forces?



Junta de Freguesia de Marvila


Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional - IEFP



Idea pitch

COSTUR ART is a creative space aimed at unemployed people from 18 to 65 years. It intends to insert people with an interest in sewing , recycling and use of materials that promote a more sustainable planet . The target population will benefit from training actions in digital literacy, entrepreneurship and business creation. The collaboration of reformed seamstresses is the bridge to promote intergenerational dialogue.

Where will your project idea take place?

Marvila - Portugal

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The challenge is to combat unemployment, break the stereotype and value the added value of the community and the parish. The unemployed population to acquire digital skills and be able to acquire autonomy for job search . The sharing of digital knowledge among the Senior population with the aim of combating loneliness and on the other hand, the Seniors / Seamstresses transmit their knowledge to the development of a brand services . By involving the community in the resolution of its challenges Marvila is projected for a better future.

Who are you doing it for?

- Young people (NEET) and long-term unemployed between 18 and 65.
The key figures will be identified in the group, It is intended that all activities are dynamic and participatory, promote an active citizenship and give voice to all who manage to overcome the stigma "Being Unemployed".
2- Combat the loneliness of the Seniors

How do you plan to get there?

Empower the unemployed to :
- Digital Literacy
- Develop Autonomy and Soft Skills
- Creation of Own Employment/ Social Business
- Creation of various models in the area of sewing and making
- Creation of a Brand
- Fighting the loneliness of the Senior Population

What are the expected results?

Contribute to the Integration of unemployed in Active Life, in a traditional and creative professional area such as Sewing. Create a Brand and or articles that can meet the expectations of the beneficiaries and the community.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

- The fact that the Atelier Costur Art is open to the community will allow a social and community response to develop, in addition, the fact that raw materials/fabrics from the different cultures resident in Marvila are used and are reused is in itself a social and professional integration in the Community.
The disclosure of the Project and the articles resulting from the Training actions will be presented in Job Fairs ( Virtual or Face) , and in the media.

Why is this idea important to you?

My commitment arises from the need to respond to the difficulties of integration into the labour market, both in the younger population and in the 55+ population. Low schooling, weak digital and professional skills lead me to create alternatives through practical skills and know-how.
This idea has as its mission the inclusion of disadvantaged public and combat the loneliness of Seniors , aims to promote a
active citizenship.

€ 31000,-

Total budget

€ 30000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

--Humans: 11.500,00EUR
-Tutoring/trainers: 2.500,00EUR
-Transport /Insurance: 2.500,00EUR
-Operating expenditure: 1.500,00EUR
Sewing Machine: 3.700,00EUR
- Disclosure 1.500,00EUR
Movements 3.000,00EUR
Team/Informatics: 1.800,00EUR
Sewing Kit: 2.000,00EUR
Our contribution: 1.00000EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

This project aims to innovate sewing in a conscious way and highlight its importance in sustainability by using sustainable materials, based on the culture of biodiversity and ecology.


Idea created on April 23, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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