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Preservation and presentation of cultural heritage | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Social inclusion

Preservation and presentation of cultural heritage

Preservation and presentation of cultural heritage, support for the tourism industry by: local government, local civil society, local business, politicians with local policies, other target groups.


Who is behind this?

Kiril Arnautski

Sozopol Foundation




Idea pitch

The specific challenge set in the project idea is to achieve agreement, unanimity and common policies of the local community on the ways, methods and technologies in the activities for preservation and presentation of cultural heritage. Involvement of the local community and target groups in the cause "Culture-Tourism-Development". Increasing the visibility, strengthening the sustainability of the activities of the vital cause for the municipality of Sozopol at national and international levels.

Where will your project idea take place?

Town of Sozopol, town of Chernomorets, eleven villages, South-Eastern planing region, Bulgaria.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Sozopol and the settlements attached to it, all with a total of over 16,000 inhabitants is engaged in activities related to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. The project starts a permanent dialogue on this topical issue for the local community and the region, where it seeks to deepen the cooperation between stakeholders, taking into account the differences in the views and practical activities of the target groups. At present, the commitment to cultural values is associated with absolutely mysterious and uncoordinated, independent actions of all target groups. This greatly hinders the development of cultural tourism and the local community. One of the goals of the project is this specific public challenge to unite the target groups.

Who are you doing it for?

The key target groups have been clearly identified over the years, with their actions and inactions: local government, local business, local civil society, politicians with local policies and other stakeholders. These target groups represent all residents of Sozopol and the settlements in the municipality, regardless of age, gender, and ethnicity. The project activities will involve leading figures, representatives of all target groups who have different and contradictory views, as well as those with pronounced disagreements, constantly arguing over the years. For many years, these disputes and differences have divided society and created an extremely unfavorable atmosphere for full and creative work. They interfere with and have a bad effect on normal relationships between people.

How do you plan to get there?

First step-open meetings and active talks with leading representatives of all target groups will be held throughout the project.
Second step-launching an information and training campaign during which the experts of the Sozopol Foundation, each in their field will present in open lessons and talks, the nature of the activities in accordance with world practice. Particular attention will be paid to the consistency and significance of the activities leading to the significant end result. Information and training materials will be distributed to participants and anyone interested. In this way, everyone will be able to get to know each other, to express their opinion calmly and to be heard. It will be possible to respond to all, and everyone will have the opportunity for practical observation on site in the complex "Southern Fortress Wall and Tower". Throughout the Campaign, this sequence of ways, methodologies, and technologies of action will be introduced to representatives of the local community, who have different and contradictory points of view, as well as those with pronounced disagreements.
Third step - towards the end of the project and after its completion, the open meetings with leading representatives of all target groups will take place in a correct dialogic form, but already using as a basis the information and knowledge received and received during the project.

What are the expected results?

In the final phase of the project, following an open and realistic action plan, implementing exactly the project activities, all set goals will be achieved. The information and educational campaign will involve all target groups of the local community that have differences and disagreements regarding the leading important topic in the region - ways to preserve and present the cultural heritage. It will help the local society to develop its knowledge, skills, values and motivation for active participation in public, social and civic life, all related to the basic livelihood in the region and normal human existence. The strengthening of civic activity at the local level, which has great potential for development, thanks to cultural values, will be achieved.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The activities are expected to be the basis for active involvement of the local community in solving social and political problems. The aim is to achieve collective action to unify the positions of the community, through dialogue in decision-making and their implementation and active participation in public, social and civic life, all related to the basic livelihood and improving the quality of life. Inclusion, civic cohesion, the fight against polarization, community-wide activities will be promoted. Representatives of: local authorities, local civil society organizations, local businesses, politicians with local policies, schools, community centers, etc. will take an active part. All will strive for collective action and the unification of the community to pursue common policies.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team involved in the development of the idea and its implementation is composed of leading experts, each in their field, who working over the years in the region are fully familiar with the nature of the important topic for the community. The realization of the idea is related to the good knowledge of the activities. The acquaintance of the community with the great importance of these activities is the duty of the team, as well as its good communication with the target groups. The motivation for the realization of the idea comes from the opportunity to realize the long-standing dream of a united community on the important topic concerning human relations and life of this local community. The foundation has embraced the idea as a mission, and a constant connection with the community.

€ 35000,-

Total budget

€ 35000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Office expenses-1200 EUR. Consumables during operation of Southern Fortress Wall and Tower ACH-3600 EUR. Protective equipment against COVID 19-1200 EUR. Travel and accommodation costs-3600 EUR. Promotion of the project, public relations-2600 EUR. Costs for the team of experts involved in the project:Archaeologist–4000 EUR; Аrchitecture–4000 EUR; Cultural tourism-4000 EUR; Finance, accounting–3600 EUR; Conservation, restoration, exhibition-3600 EUR; Social policy and technical activ. - 3 600EUR;

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

All advice, comments or feedback are important and useful for the current and future activities of the team of Sozopol Foundation. We would be grateful if experts of the Program, each registered partner and user, send us their opinion, opinion and recommendations on the idea we propose.


Sozopol Foundation



Idea created on April 12, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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