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Consent to Dissent | Civic Europe
Arts and cultural activities, Youth participation and empowerment

Consent to Dissent

Youth Centre C.M.A.K. Cerkno: Cross-Pollinating Youth Culture with Civic Education and Community Engagement


Who is behind this?

Sebastjan Razpet

Cerkljanski mladinski alternativni klub



Idea pitch

Nonprofit spaces are vital for young people who live in rural areas. The small town of Cerkno, Slovenia is fortunate to have a long history of self-organised youth work within the C.M.A.K. youth centre. Our project idea is simple: we want to take good care of the youth centre where the young (at heart) can meet, talk, learn, plan, create and organise. We want to develop new approaches to youth work at the intersections of youth culture, civic participation and community engagement.

Where will your project idea take place?

Cerkno, Goriška region, western Slovenia.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Research shows that the young (in Cerkno and nationally) are distrustful of the political system and that their participation in decision-making processes is low.
Our project idea addresses the precondition for civic engagement of local youth: the further development of the only youth space in Cerkno with quality youth work that refuses the binary “divide and conquer” rhetoric (“the young” vs. the “the old”, “the native” versus “the foreign” etc.).

Who are you doing it for?

Our main beneficiaries are young people from Cerkljanska region, aged 15-29 (ca. 800 people or 17% of the whole population). Since there are no high schools in Cerkno, young people aged 15 or more frequent high schools in other towns and return home only on weekends. That is why children and teenagers who frequent the primary school (about 350, aged 6-14) are an equally important beneficiary. However, we do not discriminate by age, and everyone is welcome.
We will include a variety of opinions and interests in our activities by paying attention to the needs of our beneficiaries as well as by sticking to the principle that complex, controversial issues need to be treated as such, while methodologically taking into account the specificity of different (age) groups.

How do you plan to get there?

To implement our idea, we have to: 1 secure co-funding to employ two people (method: public tender applications); 2 secure co-funding for future programs (see 1); 3 organise community-building events (public kitchen, seeds exchange, festivals - ecology, women’s rights, music; 4 organise culture & arts events (annual artisans fair, jam sessions, exhibitions w/ guided tours, concerts; 5 foster active citizenship (educational films, lectures, workshops, collective campaign planning, public assemblies); 6 participate in local decision-making processes and monitor their implementation (attendance at city meetings, written response to city plans and decisions, public statements) and; 7 increase our promotional activities (local media, our print and web media, word of mouth).

What are the expected results?

Considering our “impossible” goals, our expectations are humble yet our hopes are high. We expect that in one year’s time, C.M.A.K. is going to be financially stable and consequently, administered better. We expect to attract several non-organised young people to our activities, and encourage them to organize around the issues they care for. We hope to “youngen” and increase our formal membership and to “agree to disagree” without giving up on building a stronger youth culture. We hope that our participation in the shaping of municipal youth politics is going to open doors to truly participatory practices; that our monitoring of the city’s (non)implementation of youth policies is going to guarantee that its actions become transparent and truly in the interest of young people.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

In the absence of other autonomous nonprofit venues, the youth centre is vital for the strengthening of active citizenship of young people in Cerkno and the surrounding villages. The youth centre is going to continue to offer them the space, equipment, information and mentoring needed to support the realisation of their ideas and empower them in this collaborative, bottom-up process. We are going to continue to organise cultural and educational events in collaboration with local NGOs and public institutions in order to 1) foster social cohesion across the imposed division lines of age, class, citizenship, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion and political views, and 2) attract those young people who are still exploring their interests and developing their identity.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our project team consists of both experienced and fresh C.M.A.K. members and collaborators who have lived in Cerkno and the surrounding villages for most of their lives, therefore we are well acquainted with our “civic landscape”. To name some of them:
Sebastjan Razpet, current C.M.A.K. president, events organiser, eco farmer, former scout leader;
Matic Rijavec, former president, events organiser, youth centre coordinator, music lover;
Nina Domnik, journalist, C.M.A.K.’s public relations and promotion, former scout leader;
Janja Golob, photographer, designer, events organiser, dreamer;
Tea Hvala, sociologist, writer, educator, festival co-organiser (Wild Hags, City of Women);
Matjaž Peternelj, former president, activist and campaign organiser, photographer.

€ 30000,-

Total budget

€ 20000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Two part-time employments - 17000 EUR,
office supplies - 1300 EUR
rent for equipment - 1700 EUR
food and materials for workshops - 2000 EUR
promotional material - 3000 EUR
other costs - 5000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any feedback on our idea is welcome. However, we would also appreciate information on methods of civic education and community engagement, specifically devised for young people and rural contexts.



Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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