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Connecting Roma – Communities for knowledge | Civic Europe
Community development

Connecting Roma – Communities for knowledge

Capacity building and participation for Roma councilors and Roma communities in Bela krajina


Who is behind this?

Zvonko Golobič

Zveza za razvoj romske skupnosti / Association for Roma Community Development


Who is joining forces?

Institute for Ethnic Studies (IES) Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja, Ljubljana, Slovenia



Idea pitch

Project is dedicated to promote participation of local Roma councillors in municipality councils in the region of Dolenjska and Bela krajina and integration process through activities for Roma youth with less opportunities living in high-risk environments (Roma settlements) in the region of Dolenjska and Bela krajina. The project proposal implements activities in Roma settlements based on the detected situation of ascending societal problems and provides positive longterm solutions.

Where will your project idea take place?

Bela krajina part of Dolenjska region in SE Slovenia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The project proposal is based on the detected situation of ascending different societal problems between young Roma. Roma people in Slovenia are still on the social bottom. The worst situation is in the region of Dolenjska and Bela krajina. Many young Roma people deal with lack of motivation or no real options at all for better life and no positive examples from the surrounding society, thus to often turning into illegal activities, drug abuse and social problems. Positive role models for Roma youth and children that can help with the orientation on the positive path of life coming from the Roma community are rare.
Project conducts activities for empowering participation of Roma councilors.

Who are you doing it for?

- Roma councilors in local municipality councils
Roma youth between 14 and 25 years of age living in rural Roma settlements in Bela krajina
-Roma children between 5 and 14 years of age living in rural Roma settlements in Bela krajina
-Roma individuals, families, communities/settlements and NGOs
-local, regional NGOs and activists
-Governmental institutions dealing with social vulnerable groups, discrimination and social inclusion and integration,
-Media ( LOCAL TV, Radio, Newspaper, National Roma and minorities related shows, National Youth related shows, National newspapers).

How do you plan to get there?

we will implement activities to reach
Promotion of cooperation and networking of Roma youth with different local NGOs with the aim of offering the Roma youth the opportunity to experience new environments, gain informal experiences (new knowledge, networking, volunteering, project involvement, socialization, integration) and personal motivation.

A2.1: English language learning course (90h) for young Roma in Bela krajina.
A2.2: Chess course (60h) for Roma children with English course – Learn through play
- A3 Training for political participation of Roma Councilors

What are the expected results?

The main result of the project is twofold to motivate Roma youth with fever opportunities for a more positive approach to life to avoid illegal activities (we intend to include app. 50 persons in our activities) and offer Roma youth new possibilities in integrating them in their local environment and to empower and improve participation of local Roma councillors

- INCLUSION: Promotion of cooperation and networking of Roma youth with different local NGOs. The results will be measured with the number of participating Roma youth and the number of participation local NGOs.
- KNOWLEDGE SHARING: will be implemented through training of Roma councilors, chess and the English language course (90h)
- TRAINING for ROMA COUNCILORS participation

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Local Roma councilors present an important link between Roma community and local or state government. By empowering Roma councilor with needed knowledge and information the communication between both sides should bring to improvement in integration and multiculturalism. Promotion of cooperation and networking of Roma youth with different local NGOs with the aim of offering the Roma youth the opportunity to experience new environments, gain informal experiences (new knowledge, networking, volunteering, project involvement, socialization, integration) and personal motivation we will encourage social dialogue and integration process

Why is this idea important to you?

As we are a Roma organization we do not have so much access to specific financial sources for implementation of such projects in the field of integration education, human rights and respect for diversity and multiculturalism. Co–funding from your side will help us secure the fundamental source of funding. Our organization is in a good and long-lasting developmental cycle and we are focused on broadening and developing our cooperation with other organizations, so your support will also help us spread our scope of partner organizations in the field of protection and raising standards of human rights in Slovenia.

€ 46500,-

Total budget

€ 46500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Person 1: Project manager: 15 months x 1000€ = 15000
Person 2: Project Coordinator/Administrator: 15 months x 800€ = 12000
Person 3: outworker: Roma councilors workshops 10 months x 500€ = 5000
Person 4: outworker:Youth workshops 10 months x 500€= 5000
Public relations and materials 15 months x 300€ = 4500
Office expenses: 15 months x 200€ = 3000€
Travel and accomodation: 2000€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Connect with different NGOs in international networks and new project collaborations.



Idea created on May 26, 2020

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