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Community Development Think Tank | Civic Europe
Community development, (Social) Entrepreneurship

Community Development Think Tank

Creating a think tank that will function as an accelerator for local development solutions that will bring together experts from project partners, members of civil society and public authorities


Who is behind this?

Cucos Florin

Institutul de Excelenta in Antreprenoriat


Who is joining forces?

Innovation Education Lab



Idea pitch

Creating a Think Tank in rural areas in 2 communes, Oituz and Vanatori in Bacau and Vrancea counties to bring together members of civil society, local public authorities who together identify community problems and use European solutions to the problems identified.
We aim to disseminate solutions such as social entrepreneurship, social dialogue and active citizenship, and to adapt the concepts to the local context.

Where will your project idea take place?

Vrancea, Vanatori and Bacau, Oituz regions Southeast and Northeast Romania

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The specific challenge of the area we want to address is poverty and social exclusion.
We strongly believe that for a long-term change the solution is education. Through this project we aim to provide citizens with the knowledge, skills and qualifications they will need in the future. Personality education can only be achieved in the context of the global reform of the economic system and through changes in the culture and practice of society. Education and skills are indispensable to achieve economic success, civic responsibility and social cohesion.

Who are you doing it for?

The target audience of our project will be citizens of the 2 communities selected in the project, belonging to the rural environment Vrancea county and Bacau county, especially young people who need to make a difference in the society they live, so we target at least 40 young people up to 30 years and 30 adults over 30 involved in the project and representatives of local public authorities, who will identify the society's problems together and along with the experts involved in the project will discuss European solutions to the problems identified.

How do you plan to get there?

The partner organization has experience in locally implemented projects, provides education and training to young people, knows the target group and is familiar with local development problems.
The leading organization has experience in attracting the target group and in marketing campaigns that can attract a significant number of participants.
The action plan will consist of 4 stages:
- Campaigns to promote the target group and the opening conference of the project that will last 2 months;
- 5 learning modules with the following curriculum: a.Critical Thinking & Problem Solving; b.Setting goals and intentions; c.Social Entrepreneurship; d. Active Citizenship; e.Social Dialogue- 4 months
-.Workshops for identifying local development issues-1 month;
- Workshops for formulating local development solutions - 2 months.
Depending on the epidemiological situation, conferences, workshops and courses will be organized online, offline or hybrid.

What are the expected results?

-40 young people under 30 and 30 adults over 30 who follow the learning modules of the project
- creating an online space in which participants support each other, exchange ideas and seek solutions even after the project closes
- 2 local public authorities involved in the project
-1 Report with European local development solutions made at the end of the project and submitted to the local public authorities.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

,,Community development Think Tank" assumes will be a coagulation factor of civil society and a starting point for its collaboration with public authorities, also through the project participants will acquire the principles and tools needed to implement local development solutions.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team behind the project has extensive experience in European impact projects:
Matei Dumitrescu (Project Manager) - is a mentor at Investment Ready Program-Vienna Austria, an important center of social entrepreneurship in Europe; founder of several business accelerators such as Commons Accel.
Diana Ciobanete (Community Manager) - is Progream Director of numerous entrepreneurship education programs, also Diana was an expert at Founder Institute, the largest entrepreneurship education program in the world.
Florin Cucos ( Social Impact Expert) - is a qualified social entrepreneur, founder of the social enterprise "Social Communication Center", participated in the implementation of several European projects of active citizenship as Financial Manager.

€ 34500,-

Total budget

€ 34500,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs (management, mentoring experts) -23,000 EUR
Conference hall rentals, catering-5,000 EUR
The cost of the promotion - 3,500 EUR
Accommodation and travel - 3,000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We want to receive any kind of feedback, positive or constructive, to help us improve our activity and create programs that really contribute to the development of society. We will take into account every feedback received and we will constantly improve our activity.


Innovation Edu Lab

Idea created on April 24, 2021
Last edit on April 24, 2021

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