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Community builders | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, Youth participation and empowerment

Community builders

Building open dialogue in relevant regions to consolidate active citizenship and collaboration between generations.


Who is behind this?

Mihaela MARIS

Fundatia The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Romania


Who is joining forces?

Liceul Teoretic Miron Costin, Pascani


Asociatia “Un strop de fericire”, Ploiesti


Liceul Teoretic “Alexandru Papiu Ilarian”,Dej


Will have 15 partnerships,10 schools and organizations,1 group of initiative build by young people (Ambassadors),British Embassy and companies, from 8 different communities.


Idea pitch

Participating in the Award,young people develop social,emotional capabilities such as:confidence,manage feelings,communication,problem solving,resilience and determination,creativity and adaptability.Reaching more young people with diverse backgrounds,aged between 14-24,champion 10highschools,youth organizations and clubs from 8relevant regions of the country, each partnering with other key institutions will build a great dialogue at national level to consolidate active citizenship.

Where will your project idea take place?

Muntenia, Transylvania and Moldova regions

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

We chose mainly small communities with a lack of opportunities for youth.Existing associations which want to bring a contribution to their communities are facing lack of understanding of what they are doing from citizen’s point of view.Bringing a contribution to the community and having solutions for some issues without asking for a salary or reward is still incomprehensible.But having more people involved as volunteers and building dialogue in targeted communities would bring in front the opportunity to get involved,the idea that citizens can contribute to positive change and start to create or strengthen the civic infrastructure including public and private sectors:schools, NGOs,companies,youth centers,sportive clubs,mountain clubs,school inspectorat,British,Hungarian,Rroma communities.

Who are you doing it for?

In this project our community builders will be local schools and organizations from different communities from the country:
-Liceul Teoretic "Alexandru Papiu llarian",Dej
-Liceul Teoretic ”Miron Costin”, Pașcani
-Asociatia Un strop de fericire,Ploiesti
-Colegiul National “Calistrat Hogas” ,Piatra Neamt
-Mountain club Tanar si Liber,Piatra Neamt
-Asociația Mușatinii,Roman
-Unitarian Highschool Janos Szigmond,Cluj Napoca
-Asociația Studenților Psihologi și Pedagogi ,Iași
-Colegiul Național de Informatică Grigore Moisil ,Brașov
-Liceul Teoretic de Informatică „Grigore Moisil“ ,Iași.
All these 10 organizations will bring open dialogue aiming to find solutions for community issues,reaching 600 young people, 8 different communities and 60 adults.

How do you plan to get there?

6.Innovators for children - deadline 30th april for first submission of the accelerator, value Through “Community builders” project will offer access to the program to more young people,improve lives’participants and build dialogue in local communities to consolidate active citizenship and collaboration between local and national institutions.Community builders will undertake activities such as:
-Building dialogue and strategy for 8different communities,aiming to create strong collaborations and draw the line of action on long term-for the first time communities will experience to have their youth as the engine for putting at the same table city halls,companies, schools,environmental representatives to contribute to solutions for a major issue
-Organize and give training to adults involved(as Leaders/mentors,supervisors, managers)
-Train Ambassadors (Alumni will support other participants to do their programme and help growing the Award locally and regionally)
-Organizing 10 Residential projects aiming to cover the needs of local communities involved in the project.Youth will find the needs in targeted communities and,for the first time,with experts support,will create a project that will be delivered in 5 days called Residential Project,with different kind of volunteers involved
-Recognize the progress of participants in public ceremonies(at local level Bronze&Silver

What are the expected results?

At the end of the project we will have 600 active participants, supported in finalizing their programme,200 Award holders,four courses delivered for 60 adults trained as Leaders and experienced Leaders,supervisors and managers,one training for Ambassadors,residential projects implemented in 8 communities as a solution came from the dialogue between young people and adults involved, for the identified needs;10 strategies on long term for units involved in the project,Award ceremonies organized at regional level or one national ceremony,one video with the impact of the entire project.Champion such different communities,giving to young and adults people a voice they all will make a difference,offering access to the Award,reach more youth and will become positive examples for the others.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

A strong community is an educated community and the Award provides fully equipped young people which mean balanced,confident skilled adults who are ready to overcome their limits anytime in any context.One of our goals is to create dialogue between leaders,gold participants,Ambassadors and adults from different local and national institutions, aiming to draw the line of action on long term and give access to non formal education to more youth. Will be 10 strategies created together with 10 Residential projects aiming to cover the needs of communities involved in the project.
Communities of young people, supported by adults will bring in front of their communities solutions of issues found as a project and they will be the volunteers who will go through the entire implementation process.

Why is this idea important to you?

The team behind of the idea is the management team of the Award programme at national level,working on daily basis with a strong ground of schools,NGOs and young people for the last 8 years,in order to offer them a tool of development of youth and improve their communities.
Carmen Dragomir is the current national coordinator,with extensive experience in youth programs and responsible with the extension of the Award,quality,support and management.
Mihai Dragomir is the regional coordinator of the programme for North Transylvania, with extensive experience in marketing and youth programs.
Mihaela Maris has an experience of 11 years in non formal education,management of the programme,form and maintain new communities with different purposes,organizing events,now supporting fundraising area

€ 40000,-

Total budget

€ 30000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Manager of the project : 15 000 euros
Trainers: 10 000 euros (covered by the foundation)
Travel and accommodation: 2000 euros
Sustain 10 Residential projects to be implemented in all 8 communities: 3000 euros
Training costs for 60 adults: 4000 euros
Promotion, materials and video with impact of the project: 3000 euros
Public ceremonies of recognition the involvement of volunteers involved: 3000 euros

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

It would be helpful to know what is the main challenge that people are seeing in their communities, among young people and how open the community is to dialogue and taking action.


Mihaela M

Carmen Dragomir

Idea created on April 8, 2021
Last edit on April 21, 2021

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