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CoDeBYE | Civic Europe
Community development, Relationships between labour market tendencies, ne


Co-creating Debate Building with Youth of rural and peri-urban areas across Europe, through Civic Cohesion and Cultural Diversity-focused events, and raising awareness about labour and Heritage policy


Who is behind this?

Who is joining forces?

Department of Humanities - University of Palermo


Association WalkTogether


Partner Organisation #3: Asociacija Tavo Europa, Lithuania Website:; Partner Organisation #4: Dione Youth Organization, Cyprus Website:


Idea pitch

Many initiatives across Eu Countries allowed Youth to be more engaged and aware about the relevance of debate as for both individual daily life-styles and complex evolution of globalizing economies.
CoDeBYE aims to foster Young people of rural and peri-urban areas in building capacity about opportunities that debating on what “social objects and places” such as Civic Cohesion, Cultural Diversity, labour, Heritage and Environment really can offer towards new personal job/professionalism paths.

Where will your project idea take place?

Southern Italy,
Bulgaria: Sevlievo,
Lithuania: Trakai, Spartai, Dalgedai,
Cyprus: Tamasos

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Rural areas in:
- Sicily and inner Campania, in Southern Italy, have issue of awareness about Cultural Diversity in Youth, NEET, newly arrived people;
- Sevlievo are facing socio-cultural and ethnic prejudices, language barrier and exclusion, limiting Youth and NEET in growing democratical mindset towards Civic Cohesion;
- Vilnius, Trakai, Spartai, Dalgedai, with very low density of population, have a rural development not reaching the whole population, thus not actively involved in political life and often feeling its opinion/vote doesn’t matter;
- Tamasos area of Nicosia District has a lot of Youth also at the poverty line edge, believing unchangeable their disadvantaged status and experiencing no mobility, part time work, social isolation/exclusion, a meaningless sense of democracy.

Who are you doing it for?

CoDeBYE aims to involve different social groups, particularly Young people, NEET and drop-out concerned by difficulties of active “onlife” social participation, and School and University Students, Teachers and Professors, experts and researchers, and Civic Society Organizations.
Youth and their Families are expected to be directly involved by CoDeBYE with different positive impact in terms of exploitation of Cultural Diversity for new participatory social process and activities, events, social project ideas, through which all opinions and “cultural configurations” emerging during the CoDeBYE debating sessions, could be suitably collected, heard and shared also by means of a web-platform and social media, to support dialogue between various “Communities of knowledge and interpretation”.

How do you plan to get there?

CoDeBYE shall recur to the well-known socio-educational paradigm of the debate and to the following activities between partners, Young beneficiaries, supporters, stakeholders, both online and onlife:
- debate sessions between Young people and experts of the same Country,
- debate sessions between Young people and experts from all CoDeBYE partners,
- following thematic webinars,
- 2 transnational events involving Citizenry, public institutions, stakeholders,
- thematic online reports on topics discussed and perspectives prompted by debating sessions and public events, also to disseminate how beneficiaries will have been opportunely prepared by each partner to express and act their role of social actors concerned by all CoDeBYE themes and testimonials of the Civic Europe-funded project.

What are the expected results?

CoDeBYE shall prompt some important changes in mindset of all beneficiary Young and adults people, their Families, elders, and in general of the Citizenry and social actors, about the Cultural Diversity and Civic Cohesion socio-cultural and socio-economic roles and values also for rural areas development.
The most valuable impacts are expected on Youth, NEET and drop-out with minor opportunities of cultural exchanges and socio-cultural growth, and in capacity building in dealing with cultural differences as Immaterial Heritage, exploiting them rather than criticise them without a critical thinking approach, and transforming such Heritage in new job/professionalism opportunities.
All this should result in new raising-awareness of the whole local Communities about those primary topics.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

CoDeBYE aims to foster democracy and active citizenship capacity of Young people, NEET and other Young and adult participants by:
- debating on their own “cultural configurations”, socio-cultural characters, scenarios of Cultural Diversity,
- comparing them for a a mutual understanding,
- addressing specific prejudices,
- enhancing democratic and Community sense by using debates as a lifestyle “must”,
- developing dynamic interpretation of society and local Communities issues/potential,
- interacting with more social groups both in local Communities and through a cross-border dimension.
Thus, CoDeBYE aims to support:
- Youth in dialoguing with people with variety of socio-cultural backgrounds,
- local Communities to develop skills to acknowledge, support and integrate each other.

Why is this idea important to you?

Many reasons and perspectives of concrete actions, both local and joint ones, underlie the CoDeBYE project and refer mainly to:
- improve soft skills, key competences, capacity building in people living in focused rural areas, by stimulating social innovation in most important aspects of daily life: social relations and debate on issues, ideas, opinions, for suitable shared solutions;
- foster scope of action-research projects aiming to mitigate lack of information literacy and sense of Cultural Diversity as common Heritage;
- mitigate people’s isolation, poverty and exclusion;
- support Civic Cohesion processes;
- enhance opportunities for NEET facing with less opportunities;
- address non-formal educational and Youth employability needs, by exploiting efficiently local Heritage.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

The overall partnership foresees to cover following expenses in EUR:

Overall/applicant and local/partners Project management: 7.500;
Experts, educators, facilitators, social workers: 12.000;
Translations English/National mother tongue/s: 6.000;
Bursary for beneficiaries with less opportunities: 5.000;
Dissemination: 8.500;
Travels, transports, accommodations: 7.500;
Technical stuff (hardware, software): 3.500.

The overall funds will be divide in equal parts of 10.000 EUR per partner.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Feedback CoDeBYE partners would really appreciate from others on the Civic Europe web platform, could refer to:
- similarity between CoDeBYE case study and other Eu contexts and local Communities,
- possible interest in being involved in the CoDeBYE project,
- willingness to support the project.



Idea created on May 25, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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