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co-nsistent co-munnity | Civic Europe
Social inclusion, We involve communities from various social groups

co-nsistent co-munnity

for "Flying SPA", "Don't waste it" and "Telephone support line" - a multidimensional project


Who is behind this?

Kinga Jędrasik




Idea pitch

Our project assumes supporting to caregivers of disabled people by including them into a respite service network, providing fresh food and assuring mental support by helpline. At the same time, we rise awareness among local society about the need of families with disabilities, counter-measuring social exclusions and promoting social sustainability.
Building social network between people with disabilities and local communities by mutual operation aimed at help and education.

Where will your project idea take place?

We are small groups throughout Poland, targeted at activities in rural and suburban areas.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Throughout all the areas covered by our initiatives we see a strong need of raising people's awareness about families with disabled people and their inclusion to the community.
We observe disintegration of how do people see our proteges - only as caregivers, not people with normal human needs. Giving the opportunity to rest, providing fresh food or massage session, we are able to bring them back to social life at the same time encouraging local community to support them.

Who are you doing it for?

The first group of our proteges are caregivers of people with disabilities, who having no possibility to go out or take care of their needs, feel like imprisoned, not socially accepted and unable to be active community members.
The second group are local entrepreneurs, who by their involvement in the project (ex. Doing massages, spa etc.), play very important role in caregivers’ lives giving them ability to rest.
The next group involved are psychologists who take care of mental health of caregivers of disabled people.
The last group are local salesmen, among whom we spread the idea of limited food waste, giving them the opportunity to provide fresh fruits and vegetables which not rarely, if in excess are not used.

How do you plan to get there?

We plan to reach project's goals using methods we already know and tested – we work with physiotherapists who alert us about families that may need our support. We are also open for families that will reach us themselves via our website or facebook profile. We also use already existing families’ network as our proteges invite other families to join our project.
Food supply will be carried by volunteers after direct contact with local salesmen.

What are the expected results?

Thanks to our project we reach following goals:
-Raising people's awareness about the situation of people with disabilities and their caregivers
-building network that support participants and promote the idea of support to caregivers.
We strongly believe that such initiatives are “bricks” that play significant role in the process of building sustainable society, sensitive to other people's needs. 
-Improving the quality of life of people with disabilities (work on self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-acceptance as a unit in society and the feeling of being an important society member)
- counteracting social exclusion of caregivers of people with disabilities
- social activation by volunteering
-supporting micro-enterprises

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Our project directly affects social commitment. Local entrepreneurs, tradesmen and psychologists will directly participate in the process of social inclusion of families with disabled people. During these actions these groups together with volunteers will expand their knowledge and actively work together as a part or neighbor support network. Our goal is to create self-help groups where both sides will be equally involved.

Why is this idea important to you?

Because most of the problems that caregivers have to deal with each day are not the result of disability itself, but of a sense of loneliness, inability to rest,independently bear all responsibility, and not share it with others.
We believe that by supporting carers we care for disabled people and the whole society.
We want to:
-create a sustainable society with room for weakness and protection.
-give the world a clear message that carers are just normal people with ordinary needs,but in a unique,frustrating situation -with no place to rest
-give tools to support others who lead a more difficult life,teach them how to use them and make a difference
- support local micro-entrepreneurs and show them how they can get involved in otheractivities.

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Food transport costs – EUR 1200
Bookkeeping – EUR 3000
Service providers payment – EUR 27 000
Coordination – EUR 10 000
Psychologists – EUR 3600
Running website and social media – EUR 5000

We have some measures, but this is not enough for us to build networks with a small reach, and we want to act more and more widely.

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?




Idea created on May 26, 2020

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