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CLUB FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN up to 7 years | Civic Europe
Community development


Psychological consulting for families with children up to 7 years of age.


Who is behind this?

Ivelina Stefanova

Restart At Home



Idea pitch

Creation of a centre for independent psychological consulting is motivated by the benefits of the practice in the context of the Bulgarian family and childhood development. These issues are of crucial importance, especially in a crisis. Families will clarify their thinking and communicational styles; will understand the nature of the relationships and the manifestation in children's behaviour; will learn about the stages of child development and acquire useful parental skills.

Where will your project idea take place?

Varna Municipality: Varna, Zvezditsa, Topoli, Konstantinovo, Kazashko, Kamenar

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Many people from the inside parts of the country are moving here, because of better opportunities for work and development. A mixture of origins creates families. These young people are increasingly aware of the need for independence and stability and are willing to make own choices about raising the children. They find most of their parents' advice inapplicable, old-fashioned or inappropriate and embark on the pursuit of alternatives for modern, "cutting-edge" parenting.

Who are you doing it for?

Young families with children up to 7 years.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Creating "virtual office" and profiles on the social networks.
2. Activation of advertising and informative package.
3. Distributing the project message to target points (kindergartens, etc.)
4. Starting a survey among families.
5. Activating a targeted advertising campaign.
6. Providing a room for the physical office; equipment, furniture.
7. Celebrating the opening!
8. Working online and in vivo; achieving success! News is spreading among parents with a speed of light.
9. Inclusion of socially engaging provocations.
10. “The Club is available and you are welcome!” (during business hours, of course)
11. Data analyzing and searching for funding
12. New services are in process.
13. We have arrived! The first stage passed successfully. The Club continues to work and develop.

What are the expected results?

A social change in people's mentality, communication and attitudes; social enlightenment, personal growth and social development. Strengthened cultural values; positive turn from stereotypes towards healthier and more realistic thinking; modern and positive norms and rules of life that will remain sustainable and will multiply in future generations.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Getting parents involved in the process of changing dysfunctional stereotypes and beliefs is in fact getting started off along the path to building new attitudes of responsibility, commitment, cooperation, respect, understanding, and trust. Next comes a surge of social empathy; communication skills are developed and an atmosphere of security, respect, understanding and trust is created. Figuratively speaking, psychological consulting creates conditions for neutralizing the factors undermining democracy, and for fortifying and strengthening social optimism.

Why is this idea important to you?

I was brought up in love and respect for people and nature. For me, the family is sacred and fundamental to the development of personality. The birth and upbringing of a child/children are a source of the highest and sweetest experiences that bring also worries, but nourishing life in a unique way! When a child is born, the Universe entrusts a soul for the parents to take care of. But what is care? How does it manifest? Does it require gratitude? How can children teach us, the adults, and why don't they do what we tell them? !! These and many other issues come with parenting.
My mission is to promote love and care, to seek beauty and harmony and to provoke social engagement and responsibility through the topic of taking care. This will make the world a better place!

€ 50000,-

Total budget

€ 50000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

• Web and advertisement – 3 000 Euro
• Office – 13 800 Euro
• Furniture and equipment – 5 000 Euro
• Salaries – 28 200 Euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Any kind of comments would be appreciated.



Idea created on May 27, 2020
Last edit on May 27, 2020

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