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Climate For Health | Civic Europe
Environment and sustainability

Climate For Health

Change of citizens' attitudes for city environment, actions for climate policies,to seek public awareness through information and campaigns.


Who is behind this?

Nikolay Tanchev

Geya Foundation



Idea pitch

The project aims to create conditions for understanding the problems of the urban environment and climate change and to involve citizens in activities to stimulate public initiative, citizenship and strengthen attitudes for responsible action.
We expect to achieve lasting, sustainable results by helping people to be more active and start appreciating, preserving and maintaining more urban spaces, as well as for legal changes to their development and to limit climate change.

Where will your project idea take place?

Varna, Bourgas, Plovdiv, Sofia in Bulgaria

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

The project will work to raise public awareness of the health consequences of deteriorating urban environments and climate change. Also, many municipal officials and citizens do not know how to support the green environment by treating old trees, maintaining green areas, adapting plants, applying new landscaping techniques. We will seek to acquaint the public with the needs of green urban areas through information in electronic media, organizing public meetings with specialists (ecologists, botanists, arborists, etc.), cleaning and afforestation campaigns and more activities. We will share information on how important it is for everyone to reduce his own carbon footprint - by preserving the green urban system. Information materials and signs will share how the project is being implemented.

Who are you doing it for?

This project expresses the mission of our organization to protect the environment and the last authentic natural places in the city: parks and open urban spaces. We offer environmental solutions that help restore the balance of biosystems in the city. Nature through parks and other undeveloped spaces provides us with basic conditions for recreation. We are contemporaries of changes in the urban environment, losses of green areas, reduced air purity with increased morbidity and climate change.
The project activity will help the citizens of the big cities and the municipal employees to help for a better general environment and to limit the climate changes.

How do you plan to get there?

1.Project management and information campaign.
2.Advertisement and public events to present "Climate for Health and the planned activities.
3.Conducting 12 online meetings/webinars/videos to show and improve green urban areas in the cities, to acquaint citizens with the need for a green system and climate action. Volunteers for project initiatives will be involved in these meetings. As a result of the meetings, thousands citizens will be informed about the project and the planned activities.
4.Conducting 12 training meetings with ecologists, politicians, officials and botanists.Making documentary about good urban zones and practises.Our selected volunteers will take part in the training meetings, they will get acquainted with good practices for the protection of diseased urban plants and others. Carrying out 8 actions in protection of trees -chipko movement with marginalized citizens, 400+ Roma and performing 8 art installations, musical meetings and presenting the goals of the peaceful ecological activity to contribute our sustainable mission.
5.Varna Climate Festival In the implementation of this initiative, 1000+ citizens will have the opportunity to learn about actions to improve the state of the Green Urban System and to limit climate change. National and folk instrumental music will be presented to create a strong connection with the needs of people and the Earth.

What are the expected results?

The project will have a direct effect by improving urban areas, proposing legal changes for a healthier urban environment, helping green areas in cities and protecting measures to limit climate change.
It will also have a preventive effect in reducing pollution of common areas, air, water, preventing vandalism and raising awareness of climate change.
Our activity aims to integrate innovative actions for environmental protection in the city. Actions help us to be better informed about the needs of the Earth and people from the rich diversity of nature and its restoration and preservation.
Our environmental efforts are in conjunction with other NGOs, governmental and regulatory bodies and aim to support youth entrepreneurship by providing successful, long-lasting solutions for our city.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The project will work for a better urban environment where nature, administration and citizens can coexist harmoniously. We believe that this is achievable and that it must happen for a more sustainable future . We aim toinvolve 500+ people and politicians the need to preserve the authenticity of urban nature and its remarkable potential and to awaken personal responsibility and 4 local chains movements for actions to protect public health and climate, то seek institutional support for sustainable through civic activity, organizing open discussions, facebook live strem videos, subscriptions, proposals for the establishment of commissions and more. The project envisages a positive change in public attitudes, help propose new local measures and bills to protect sustainable urban governance.

Why is this idea important to you?

Our team of 3 environmentalists, 2 lawyers, 3 managers and 2 moderators will use the services of 500+ citizens incl. volunteers, politicians, journalists a.o. to present a campaign about the project and the planned activities and to involve the cities sociaty with our vision and mission, to advertise and inform the goals of the initiatives. Our cause and moodmotivate to participate in the actions and to share the project's topics. A positive and productive work will make an important contribution to the overall healthy and reliable urban environment. Our vision for successful development for quality of life in cities and actions to reduce of carbon emissions and climate change will provide an opportunity to take a stand on key issues and to achieve a comfortable and healthy environment.

€ 32700,-

Total budget

€ 24700,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Advertisement campaign by TV, radio and Facebook 2000 E
Design+ preparation of 8 art installations "we keep our neighborhood clean" 6000 E
Preparation, printing, distribution "Chipko For Climate" bulletin x1000numbers 1500 E
Web support, videos 2000 E
Documentary movie 30" "Climate for Health" 30000 E
Making Climate Festival - Tents, Musicians 2000 E
office expenses 1200 E
travel + accommodation costs 3000 E
consulting + expert fees 4000 E
our personnel costs 8000 E

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

Geya Foundation’s goal is to work on basic issues of our daily lives whit positive and productive contribution to the common healthy and urban environment. Оur mission is to protect the Earth, to present sustainable, successful development, climate policies, life quality and standarts in Bulgaria.


Idea created on April 21, 2021
Last edit on April 24, 2021

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