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Citizenship begins from the Childhood | Civic Europe
Youth participation and empowerment

Citizenship begins from the Childhood

Creation and testing of models of student self-governing


Who is behind this?

Tanya Zhelyazkova-Teya

“Institute of Informal Innovation” Foundation (III)


Who is joining forces?

22 "Georgi Stoykov Rakovski" Secondary Language School


148 Primary school “Prof. Dr. Lubomir Miletic ”


50 Primary school "Vasil Levski"



Idea pitch

The children are born and begin to develop as a citizen from the first years of their life. The school teaches subjects with components of social and civic knowledge and skills. The philosophical basis of our idea is the transformation of the fundamental essence of the school from an institution FOR students (everything is done in their name, but entirely by adults) to an institution FOR students (everything is done with their participation) through student self-governing.

Where will your project idea take place?

The project will be implemented in three different municipalities of Sofia, Bulgaria.

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

In today's world, in the course of intensive development of technologies and information, students' interest is shifting to audiovisual and computer technologies and social media. At the same time morals and the formation of competent personalities by students are devalued. Therefore, purposeful work on these problems is needed at an early age - the sensitive period, to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes, included in civic competencies - necessary for a responsible life in a free society, through informal education (learning by doing and experience) in the spirit of understanding, peace and tolerance, gender equality and friendship between all peoples. The suggested models of Students self-governing the schools will enhance the acquisition and increasing of civil competences.

Who are you doing it for?

The project aims the modeling and testing of Student self-governing at three schools in three different municipalities – model of former village, of small town and of big city. We plan to test the models of Student self-governing in 98 classes at these 3 schools. The student self-governing will be successful if all co-participants are included in it: 1. The students; 2. The teachers (class teachers, pedagogical advisers, Pedagogical councils); 3. The directors; 4. The parents; 5. Local institutions, public figures, media; 6. The business; 7. The structures of the civil society. In this way, the efforts of the entire local community will be united around a common goal - the formation of civic competencies of the young generation since childhood. We will show this with our project.

How do you plan to get there?

1.Development of methodological guidelines for inclusion of all participants in student self-governing: A) Students. B) Teachers (Class Teachers, Pedagogical Advisors, Pedagogical Councils). C) Directors. D) Parents. E) Municipalities, Public figures, Media. F) Business. G) Civil society structures.
2. Preparation of sample rules for selection of Student Councils at all levels in school.
3. Compilation of sample documents accompanying the processes of Student self-governing.
4. Synchronization of electronic platforms for training and publicity of project activities.
5. Organizing the trainings for students and adults.
6. Holding elections for Student Councils at all levels at the beginning of the 2021/2022 school year.
7. Publishing of school e-newspapers “Student self-governing in action”.
8. Coverage of the current results of the project every three months in national media and on the websites of the partners and the monitoring institutions.
9. Self-assessment of the project results by all participants in the Student self-governing. Preparation of external evaluations of the project results by the monitoring institutions and organizations.
10. Preparation of Analytical Report for the implementation of the project with recommendations for its multiplication at national and at international level.

What are the expected results?

In short term expected results are: ensuring knowledge and skills of students from early age to put in the practice Student self-governing, testing the applicability of suggested models, increasing civil competencies of students at the schools, strengthen the interest of all со-participants in students self-governing.
In long term suggested models will implement as procedure and process for student self-governing at the schools in Bulgaria. By the success in Bulgaria, it could be used in other countries in EU for implementation.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The democracy law and the decision making requires from early age the students at the schools to receive knowledge and skills and put in the practice them by governing age-appropriate processes in the school community. It will permit in the future they to work with collaboration with government - local and central - and make their collaboration by exercising their civil rights.
Self-governing students in schools build knowledge, skills and more civic competencies to: build a self-developing student community; developing skills for non-violent communication, conflict resolution and negotiation; teamwork; development of skills for advocacy and affirmation of student self-governing as a right of the individual and an environment for practicing civic behavior.

Why is this idea important to you?

Tanya Zhelyazkova-Teya. Doctor of Theory of Knowledge
Kamelia Assenova. Associate professor in Finance
Samuil Benatov. Doctor of Geology
Silvia Boyanova. PhD student in Engineering
All members of the team live in different municipalities of Sofia with different social status of population there.
Though the student self-governing, young people from early age will prepare to work as team and in community. They will return it to the society though their adulthood.
The preparation of children and students for worthy and responsiblecitizens with developed civil competencies is our personal and public mission.
We would like to support the process of transformation on child / students from objects to subjects of school community.

€ 33220,-

Total budget

€ 33220,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Personnel costs (for 14 months) – 9900 Euro
Preparing of the models of Students self-governing from early age – 2300 Euro
Publishes the Students self governing active citizenship manual on platform - 500 Euro
Training for the teachers and governance body at the schools, for the parents - 6000 Euro
Organizing internal monitoring (experts) - 1500 Euro
Materials, services, IT equipment - 6000 Euro
Community activities - 5100 Euro
PR (incl. online & offline materials) - 1900 Euro

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

The suggested models in this project develops and builds completed model of student self-governing.
The cooperation by extension of activities of this project is possible in our region of Central and Eastern Europe. We are open for the cooperation with the colleagues from other countries.


Tanya Zhelyazkova-Teya


Idea created on April 25, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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