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Ecological movement for the Young - Elin Pelin | Civic Europe
Community development, Environment and sustainability

Ecological movement for the Young - Elin Pelin

improving the knowledge and motivation of citizens for active participation in civic life.Revealing the importance of the Environment, local issues and ways of protecting it, among children and adults


Who is behind this?

Dragomir Nikolov

Association Civil Alternative - Elin Pelin



Idea pitch

In recent years, the chaotic construction of industrial warehouses and factories on farm land, individually and without a development plan of the municipality led to many environmental hotspots for the local residents. We’ll organize seminars and workshops, educating and informing the local community of their lawful rights and how to participate and be an active party in important municipal decisions. The focus will be on educational events, forest walks and cycling trips for the children.

Where will your project idea take place?

Elin Pelin municipality

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Building a system for the development of civic education for adults
The local community in the municipality must be aware of the civil rights and responsibilities granted to them, related to decision-making in public benefit, as we look for ways for realization in the long run.
We will organize meetings and discussions, with opportunities for civic education and development of competencies
Through our long-term partner Association "Program for access to public information" we will acquaint the local community in exercising the right of access to information on current issues and controversies related to access to information and their solution.

Who are you doing it for?

Engaging the Youth
Building a system for the development of civic education from an early age, with children from I to IV grade
1. Training of ecological culture in the urbanized territories for protection of the cleanliness in the settlements and acquaintance with the activities for waste processing
2. Training of ecological culture in non-urban areas. Getting acquainted with the forests, parks and rivers located on the territory of the municipality and near it
3. Analyzes of the youngest and proposals for improving and solving environmental problems and presenting them to local authorities in organized meetings with municipal councilors and the mayor, entitled "What we do not like in our town or village and proposals for solutions."

How do you plan to get there?

1. Training of ecological culture in the urbanized territories for protection of the cleanliness in the settlements and acquaintance with the activities for waste processing
2. Training of ecological culture in non-urban areas. Getting acquainted with the forests, parks and
3. Analyzes of the youngest and proposals for improving and solving environmental problems and presenting them to local authorities in organized meetings with municipal councilors and the mayor, entitled "What we do not like in our town or village and proposals for solutions."
4. Creating and maintaining an online platform with resources for civic education in Bulgarian, incl. for the purity of noise, air, soils and rivers in the municipality and signals for pollution and violation of the Laws
5. We will try to train the little ones in the form of games
6. The trainings will be held outdoors, combined with cycling and school bus travel

What are the expected results?

Our project proposal is aimed at the residents of the municipality of Elin Pelin to improve their knowledge, values and motivation for active participation in public, social and civic life, and is aimed at all ages.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

We will organize meetings and discussions for communication and relations between the “Association Civil Alternative” and the Municipal Councils and the Mayor to seek cooperation in implementing the laws, specifically for all cases that have not found a definite solution to the issues and problems in the implementation of local policies in the field of environment, structure and development of the territory of the municipality and the settlements in it, as well as adoption and implementation of the municipal budget and the management of public and private municipal property.

Why is this idea important to you?

The health of the environment should be important to everyone, since our health and well-being are directly dependent on its protection and perseveration.

€ 16000,-

Total budget

€ 16000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Organizing cycling tours and forest walks 2000 EUR
Hiring buses and other children specific expenses 4000 EUR
Engaging environmental professionals, scientists, lawyers for the different lectures and seminars 5000 EUR
Organizing repairing and constructions of eco, forest and bike paths 3000 EUR
Multimedia, websites and other expenses 2000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We would like to hear any ideas and/or contribution regarding organizing and thinking of different events and activates aimed at the environmental culture of children and adults



Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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