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Cinema and cultural place renovation | Civic Europe
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Cinema and cultural place renovation

Renovation of only cultural place in the village


Who is behind this?

Marko Hesky



Who is joining forces?

Association Relive



Idea pitch

Cinema Veli Lošinj it has existed since 1920, when it was purposely built for the needs of cinema screenings that were active until 1945. After the end of the Second World War, the building was converted into a social space for holding various events.
In 1987, a local enthusiast, teacher Đurić, restarted cinema screenings in this area and they were held until 1996. The unavailability of analog film copies within a reasonable period of time led to a reduced interest of the audience.

Where will your project idea take place?

Veli Lošinj, Croatia

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

After the launch and successful management of the Apox Film Festival - a cultural event that connects film with museum-gallery spaces, and through which 70 international film productions have passed so far, with over 45 hours of film at 3 locations on the island of Lošinj, the Cultural Association Relive as our main partner in the revitalization of China Veli Lošinj also launches a regular cinema program.Before the summer of 2020, the first phase of this program was launched, ie a cinema for children. Screenings of top and award-winning children's films, participants of all relevant world film festivals, were held throughout the summer, through excellent cooperation with leading domestic distributors dedicated to children's films.

Who are you doing it for?

The goal of the program is to restore the complete cinema screening functionality of Veli Veli Lošinj Cinema, which will be achieved by equipping the space with digital equipment. This will make this important facility the central center of cultural events in this part of the island, but also an important educational center for younger generations in terms of audiovisual culture. Given the period without cinema screening activities and the current period of reduced cinema screening activities, we consider it necessary to fully adapt the hall to modern requirements of cinema screening, and this program allows this, and after the investment and equipping the hall opens up great opportunities for new quality activities.

How do you plan to get there?

Therefore, although the program has been launched and will continue to be maintained, with the maximum engagement of the cinema management, on outdated equipment, given DCP technology as the dominant medium, so that cinema can survive and be a real film cultural center for locals, film repertoire. toar must be complete and presented with quality technical conditions. The local audience has already shown great interest in film screenings held in improvised conditions, but a complete renewal of technology is a necessary factor for the preservation and development of the audience, their return to the cinema and, most importantly, educating young audiences through regular visits

What are the expected results?

Cinema-programe 2020 was launched to see the interest of the audience and to start creating the preconditions for full digitalization in accordance with current standards. But although the current technical setting for cinema has extremely large limitations, an innovative approach in programming conception and marketing has created a good initial audience interest. From the program held during the past period, we especially want to single out well-attended screenings of valuable European productions (such as the Danish animated film "The Amazing Story of the Giant Pear" or the Swedish family film "Sune and Sune", both from the Berlinale selection). Despite all the above restrictions, the number of local visitors exceeded 500 in the summer alone.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

The program will make children aware of the possibilities that exist that they did not know about. We will provide education at higher levels, fit schools into our project and be sure that they will receive adequate and free education that otherwise a certain group of children does not have the opportunity to attend.

Why is this idea important to you?

Ensuring adequate education requires investment, skills and good relations with other associations and educational schools in the area. To ensure that the project is launched, we have experience working with various organizations, mostly related to film and film workshops. The goal is to expand skills and pass that knowledge on to young generations. With this project we want to ensure further growth and development of the organization

€ 30000,-

Total budget

€ 20000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Public relations 2000 EUR
Renovations 21 500 EUR
Volunteer accommodation 2000 EUR
Office expenses 1500 EUR (material printing)
Online social network advertising 3000 EUR

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

How we can upgrade our project, how we can manage for people to hear about us.



Idea created on April 19, 2021

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