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Social inclusion


Inclusion and integration of Refugee Children (second generation)


Who is behind this?




Who is joining forces?



PE.RI.PLO Percorsi di Pace





Idea pitch

We intend to stimulate the inclusion and integration in Bari and Apulia region, of migrant and refugee children of second generation, working on a child-centred approach, both at the educational and policy level, to understanding children's needs, their well-being and development. While raising awareness about their right to have a democratic voice,active citizenship,social recognition,we strive to build bridges towards the local community and foster a more democratic and active new generation.

Where will your project idea take place?

Bari and province, Apulia region, Italy

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

Ignorance, prejudice, discrimination and racism are only some of the many aspects challenging democracy and societal cohesion in Bari, all converging to marginalization and non-acceptance of refugees and asylum seekers.the migrant community coming out from the main Reception centre of the city, composed mainly of Nigerian families, African young children and west Europe men, were relegated to the outskirts of the city, in one of those neighbourhoods where already the local criminal population struggles to survive. The children who both arrived from Lybia or where born in the city are the silent victims of non-inclusive policies that contribute to their isolation. they are invisible, voiceless, left with no living or growing spaces, dreams, opportunities, rights as children, to be, to play

Who are you doing it for?

We identified a specific group of second generation refugee children, either living with their family of origin or unaccompanied, in a very segregated area in Bari.They are basically excluded from social life, the local community, isolated with their families who can't and won't interact linguistically or socially.those who attend school are caught in between the two realities, facing solitude, total lack of interaction with their peers, being denied their basic rights to be children. Invisible, unheard, they cannot participate in the cultural life of the city, cannot engage in recreational activities, access literacy, play,practice sport, enjoy equal opportunities as their is time to stop considering them as passive agents, but as active players,a valuable benefit to the society

How do you plan to get there?

The main objective is to create a centre that brings together local children with immigrant children currently present in our cities, offering them the opportunity to get to interact through play, at all levels, teaching discipline, cooperation, teamworking,.further, it can be an opportunity for all those children and their families who want to approach sport practice, in a socializing and learning context.

What are the expected results?

Everything will be different if children are granted their sacred right to be children and have access to play, to learn how to use their creativity and give their imagination the freedom they were denied. By supporting them with language teaching, homeworking, civic education, they will finally be aware of their potential as future active citizens of the new country they are now living in.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Refugee children and their families are in deer need of a shared social life in the city, where they are supposed to be active citizens of a democratic implies civic cooperation, participation, development and practising of those skills, actions, attitudes and learning, base to the human right’s acceptance.Active citizenship involves two elements to strengthen democracy, the “doing” and the “listening”, while informing and involving people to be the proactive participant of a democratic collaboration with the local community who helps them identifying problems and creating solutions.Valuing diversity as an inclusive element of cohesion, will support them in gaining critical life skills and engage in daily activities,thus granting their sacred right to be children.

Why is this idea important to you?

in 2010 we funded our organization MAMA AFRICA BARI because of the overwhelming wave of refugees arriving in Bari. most of them were unaccompanied underage children, mostly orphans. MAMA AFRICA became their family, their home, their new life. today, after 10 years, our children have got their permits of residence, their school diplomas, are enrolled at the University, are affiliated footballers, regular workers contributing to the welfare of the city. But especially they are the present and future citizens of our country, and the many pieces of our hearts.

€ 50,-

Total budget

€ 50,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

School bus to pick up children 5000
Staff 25000
School Material 4000
Sport material 3000
training courses for mothers/fathers 5000
promotional material 3000
administration costs 1500
others 3500

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

it would be great if the Civic Europe online team could guide and support the project through, with best practices to implement it also at a European level.



Idea created on May 27, 2020

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