This is an archived version of
chameleON/OFFdigital | Civic Europe
Education and research, Youth participation and empowerment


Reducing the digital overload of children and young people; motivating and involving in activities for full communication, personal development and improving the quality of life in the community


Who is behind this?

Diana Nasteva

No impossible things, NGO



Idea pitch

We plan collective actions in the direction of involving young people and children in activities to meet people of different ages, with peers, to do interesting and useful things together, to act individually and in a team, to be close to nature, to play sports, to discover their possibilities, to express themselves, to create, to set goals and to realize them. To become ON (included) in the community life.

Where will your project idea take place?

Varna City, Bulgaria; villages around Varna

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?


Who are you doing it for?


How do you plan to get there?

- Awareness of the community about the problem that will be solved with the project activities
- Holding meetings with potential participants in the project
- Formation and Identification of the target group
- Introducing the young people to the upcoming activities and the project team
- Implementation of a set of activities to increase the involvement of the target group in project activities
- Games for getting to know the participants in the project
- Generating ideas to solve a problem posed by the mentor
-Finding a way to solve a formulated problem
-Development of a business plan in order to further develop the business idea in order to promote the entrepreneurial spirit of the young person
-building and forming a team, distribution of roles and tasks in order to develop a business plan
- Implementation of the ideas developed in the business plan
Improving the quality of life in the community
- Challenge "I ride a bike" - for a certain time to cross the bike lane from point A to point B, performing various activities. Involvement of local business, community centers, representatives of local authorities to participate in the activities in order on the one hand to support young people and on the other hand to promote local activities among them.
- Challenge "From seed to table" - a visit to farmers from nearby villages to introduce young people

What are the expected results?

1. Reducing the number of hours a young person spends in front of a digital device.
2. Accustoming the young person to motor culture and physical activity
3. Connecting the young person with the experience of the older generation
4. Supporting the full personal development of the young person
5. Improving the communicative skills of the young person, to support his successful realization.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Сuccessful and happy young people will improve the quality of life in the community

Why is this idea important to you?

youth workers, trainers, couches, a lot of volunteers, followers

€ 30500,-

Total budget

€ 27000,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses


What do you need from the Civic Europe community?




Idea created on April 26, 2021
Last edit on April 26, 2021

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