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BeFogadó - InnClusive | Civic Europe
Community development, Social inclusion

BeFogadó - InnClusive

Inclusive community space/café for improving local quality of life, social openness, understanding each other. Let disabled people and able bodied live with each other, not just side by side!


Who is behind this?

Veronika Pataki

People First Association - Pécs


Who is joining forces?

Municipality of Pécs


Power of Humanity Foundation


House of Civil Communities


Pécs Community Foundation: involves donators in community fundraising, supports community participatory projects. Committed to improving local good causes.


Idea pitch

There's a gap between disabled people and able bodied: that they don't know each other! Our community space gives both sides an opportunity to solve this problem. Imagine not only a pleasant physical space where you will find inclusive trainings, clubs, workshops, information and advice, but also an intellectual community space in the city, with active sensitization activities and co-partners. Our target group is EVERYONE, for whom accessibility in physical and in thinking is also important.

Where will your project idea take place?

Pécs, South Hungary

What is the specific societal challenge faced by this region?

88% of residents like to live here, still a lot of people have discomfort here. One of the reasons is that the social dialogue is currently not active enough. In this way, no one is given adequate, complex information: residents do not understand why accessibility is needed? How to help, and how not to help a person with disabilities, why does an able bodied person automatically help you? How should groups of equal interest but currently not know each other come together: disabled, strollers, elderly, temporary injured? Not only wheelchair users, but also people wearing glasses, elderly with hearing problems, and suitcase pullers can benefit from the cooperation. Such a dialogue on social inclusion does not exist at local or national level. We want to make our city a good practice.

Who are you doing it for?

We have two basic large target groups: 1. people with disabilities of any kind. However, this may also mean the elderly (hearing and visual impairment, movement problems, deterioration of partial skills), families with young children (accessible needs with prams and young children), the temporarily injured (with sticks, plaster on the legs, after surgery), those with partial capacity disorders. 2. The able bodied society. The aim is to approach, understand and thus accept and help the two large groups. The able bodied society is happy to help, but it doesn't know how, it doesn't know the problems, the needs. People with disabilities also often react badly to assistance because they do not know its attitudes.

How do you plan to get there?

1. Design of community space: contracting, accessibility, equipment. Set up staff (consultants, trainers) to provide employment for disabled. Public opening, launching an intensive communication/marketing campaign.
2. Compiling a calendar of events (events, trainings, clubs, workshops, local exhibitions).Targeting: reaching the broad target group. Widening of the network of partners (associations for young children and elderly). Collect feedback from event attendees. Start events.
3. Counselling-plan: peer-to-peer and information provision. Update-training for our qualified peer consultants, training for new entrants (Peer-AcT project Moodle course online or face to face). Involvement of legal aid and self-advocacy organisations. Start counseling.
4. Integration into city-marketing in cooperation with the City Development Department. Sensitization with various city actions. Connection to urban events (Tourism Roundtable, MICE). Establishment of the Disability Roundtable.
5. Reviews: monthly team evaluations. Milestones: 2nd month, testing of interest, changing marketing directions if necessary. 6nd month, evaluate feedbacks, make changes, confirmations if necessary, press release, activate the target groups. Pre-evaluation in the 10th month, active search for continue, partners, financiers. Evaluation and press conference after the project closes.

What are the expected results?

An intensive local social dialogue about inclusion (not only of disabled but general social inclusion) will be launched. Inclusive clubs will reach min.200 people during the project: mother club (with disabled or in any way troubled children), exploring accessible hiking trails, film club, language club. As a permanent exhibition space, we will present min.5 local disabled artists. Trainings for min. 60 people: CV/job search, motivational, self-advocacy, communication. We can help at least 500 people with peer counselling. Clubs and events will also give disabled people the opportunity as a date location (great gap locally). Social acceptance is integrated into local thinking, and press. Disabled in all levels become part of the cityscape. Pécs will be a best practice.

How does your idea strengthen active citizenship at a local and community level?

Community inclusive thinking helps people with different life situations to accept each other. At the moment they're afraid of the unknown and dismissive. Through communication, trainings and events we reach out to those who live differently to be accepted. However, we need not only acceptance, but also inclusion. On the other hand, people with disabilities should not be silent victims of exclusion. They should actively take their opinions, assert their interests, and we teach and support them in this with representation, publicity, participation in decision-making. Development of events, trainings, counselling topics always based on the needs of the target groups (questionnaires, partners): what would you like to hear, what's important to you?

Why is this idea important to you?

We are working on this, and have achieved a lot, we want to use it now to change the mindset of the local society, making our city a best practice.
The close team: Veronika Pataki, president, social politician and journalist, with active contacts in local civil life, press,projects. She is committed to the local implementation of social inclusion. Roland Balogh, vice-president. peer-rehabilitation mentor. Disabled since the age of 20, therefore an authentic coordinator between the two groups. Gergő Berkes, secretary, university student in tourism major, para-athlete in the national team, experiences in communication between disabled and able bodied. Hildegárd Kerekes, as a health care professional and affected person important to her the inclusion, accessibility and self-advocacy.

€ 33000,-

Total budget

€ 31800,-

Funding requested from Civic Europe

Major expenses

Community space office related costs (rent, equipment, accessibility): 4800€
Marketing (sensitivity, publicity, visibility): 2000€
Catering (clubs, workshops, conference): 2000€
Project staff (trainers, club moderators, consultants, project manager): 23000€

What do you need from the Civic Europe community?

We're happy to get ideas from you for long-term sustainability. We also welcome local inclusive community building ideas to help people with disabilities and able bodied get to know each other through joint programs.


People First HU


Hilda Kerekes


Idea created on April 12, 2021
Last edit on May 20, 2021

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